Sunday, March 29, 2015


This is kind of long and you don't have to read it unless you want to. I wanted to have this down for my own records because otherwise I probably won't remember the "when did I have that done?"

2014 TESTS
Drug Induced Stress Test x 2
Echo cardiogram
Angiogram (October)
CT Scan (December)
Paps Test (November)
Mammogram (November)

2015 TESTS
Colonoscopy (February)

I had a Pneumonia shot last Fall and just had the shot for Shingles on the 20th of this month. 


I know that my Cardiologist said I didn't need to see him anymore. That was at the end of last year. I saw him for about a year and a half ever since I had the Acute Paricarditis (inflammation around the sac surrounding the heart) back in May of 2013.

He said they can't find anything wrong with my heart and we know that the reason I ended up in the hospital last September was not heart pressure but lung pressure. 

Of course I told him I wasn't ready to let go yet so he put me down for an appointment later this year. So that on one hand is very good news. I do have high blood pressure but my heart is functioning fine with no sign of blockages.

I had put off having a few of my lady tests done. I know that the pap smear test was probably 8 years and the mammogram was just a year late. They both came back with no issues so that was a sigh of relief. 

I put off having a colonoscopy for basically the last 13 years. I had a fear of being put out for the procedure since I've had asthma attacks in the past that put me into ICU like when Adam was born by c-section. 

I was also a hospitalized when I had a D&C for heavy bleeding. It was supposed to be an out patient procedure. So since then I haven't wanted to be put out for anything. I actually had all four wisdom teeth pulled with Novocaine back in my 30's to avoid an asthma attack. 

I finally bit the bullet and went in February at age 63. I can honestly say the worst part was the prep work. I did of course go over my fears at the meeting before it was scheduled and they assured me that I would be okay. Great news is that all is well. I had one very small polyp that was nothing. No pre cancer cells. 

I started seeing a Pulmonary Specialist after my hospital visit last Fall. I like him a lot. Here is something kinda funny. My pulmonary physician is Doctor Hong, my gastroenterologist is Doctor Hung! They actually have offices kiddie corner from each other in Upland but I happen to see the pulmonary doctor in his other office in Pomona. That's some trivia you will never make use of! 

So we still do not know what happen the evening I woke up with intense chest pressure. I do however have one thing to share with you. My lungs are in the 50% (medium range) for functioning. You know about 25 years ago I had a pulmonary specialist tell me I had the lungs of an 80 years old. My oxygen level is usually around 89.  Normal is 90 to 95 so I am close and I hope it stays that way. 

My CT Scan did show one very tiny nodule at the bottom of my right lung. The doctor told me several times that I have absolutely nothing to worry about. I have no reason to believe it is cancer. I have not been going crazy with worry either. I did some research and feel hopeful in what he said. The spot is so tiny that it would never show up on a chest x-ray so it is very possible that it has been there for a long time. 

What they do is follow with a CT scan in 3 months. If it hasn't changed in size they will do another CT Scan in six months and then one a year later if it hasn't changed in size. They watch it for two years and after that they let it be. He said most likely it was caused by a fungus. It can happen with lung infections or pneumonia. I have had probably 18+ lung infections over the last 40 years and had pneumonia once that we know of. 

My next CT scan should be in June and we will move forward from there. I have to say that I feel pretty normal for me when it comes to my breathing. Not quite as good as I did before last September but getting closer and definitely better than I did years ago. He said with my moderate lung function that my best course of action for exercise is walking on a flat surface and anything else will wind me which I am very aware of. 

I think the only disappointment I have with my health, beside not being able to exercise like I would like to, is that I am on 9 prescriptions each day! They are however what is keeping me going so I best not complain.....


TexWisGirl said...

you make me grateful for the things i take for granted - breathing, exercising. i whine about allergies. whatever! so glad your tests have been good results and that your breathing functions are hanging in there, too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good idea to put it here, i have no clue when i had anything done .. even last year.. it sounds like most of your problems are lung related.. and i complain about me on 3 and bob on 3 prescriptions. now i know we are in good shape.

Love Of Quilts said...

Sounds like you are in tip top shape, a blessing for sure.

betty said...

Good to keep this as a record, Debby. Seems like you got some good doctors too that are following you. Any change you'll be able to get off any of those meds with time?


kc bob said...

Thanks for sharing Debby. I can relate to having issues around drugs and meds.

Chatty Crone said...

Well it sounds like you got a great bill of health - a couple little things, but we are getting older. Rick had a nodule on his lung and they are doing the same thing for him. I know it is okay for both of you!

Mary said...

There were 2 pediatricians where we lived in Ga.: Dr. White (who is black) & Dr. Black (who is white)! Their offices were in houses next to each other. Our Dr. (Dr. White) said that people got them mixed up all the time!
You're smart to put all of that down somewhere for future reference. My dr. asked me if I wanted a colonoscopy or a screening (since I'm low-risk). Duh! No brainer! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't blame you for being fearful with your asthma. My late mom had asthma and was severely allergic to many drugs.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Wow, that is a lot of meds but it's wonderful that they are doing their job and you are feeling good. Have a great week!

Nel said...

Glad your heart functioning is better and maybe your lungs will improve also. Will be praying for you. I consider myself lucky I am only on one prescription and foam for my psoriasis. I have high blood pressure since I have had my pacemaker. Electric short I was born with. Thanks so much for the Tupperware Order! That was sweet and greatly appreciated it. My daughter has just started selling but is doing quite well. There are so many new items, absolutely love my can opener and she demonstrated an eggmaker. Can't wait to get it. Thanks again... until next time...nel

Hilary said...

as long as they are working the number needed doesn't matter

Little Penpen said...

It's great that you are keeping good records of your health. I hate taking meds, too, but hey, we do what we have to do, right? I hope you are feeling great today!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sorry that you have to take so many medications, but glad that your tests have been good.

Montanagirl said...

Taking a lot of medications isn't much fun. Glad you're percolating along okay! I have to take 3 Rx's, and I balk at that.

Anonymous said...

Well, 2014 was a busy year for you, healthwise. I'm glad things are doing good, and hope the nodule turns out to be nothing.
I feel your pain with the prescription meds. I take five prescription meds, along with five different supplements. It's a lot of pills to swallow :( but it keeps me feeling my best, which is better than the alternative!

Sharon said...

Debby, what a health journey you've been on. I am grateful for the things that have turned out to be *nothings* - and I pray that any other things hanging over your head will be resolved. I think it's a good idea to keep records of our health journeys. So often, when we have to see someone new they want the whole story. I find that typing up a summary of visits, treatments, and medications really helps me and any new doctors.


Stephanie said...

I too have to take a lot of prescriptions in a day and I know it can be frustrating. If I may, three cheers for you, for taking good care of yourself, and a hug, because this stuff can be overwhelming xo

Mara said...

Well, let's just hope that Drs Hung and Hong can keep you healthy for a long time yet. Even if it does include 9 prescriptions a day. And of course you look after yourself as well!!

Claudya Martinez said...

You know, I'm glad you posted this because it is a reminder to me that I really need to get on the ball. I switched insurance providers last year and I still don't even have a primary care doctor and I need to schedule a mammogram.

Unknown said...

I feel your worry and pain! I hate the waiting! I pray that God would give you and me peace throughout it all. I highly encourage you to juice for lung health there are so many benefits!!! Keeping you in prayer!

Secret Agent Woman said...

That's a lot of testing and a lot of medication. And waiting on results is just the worst.

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