Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. What's a talent you wish you had? 

I'm going to say to play the piano. I took organ lessons when I was young but the teacher ended up dropping me. 

My brother Raymond got all the talent in the family. He could play the organ, he was is plays and later in life became a director and was well known in Milwaukee. He was also a great artist. 

2. In one word, what's your state of mind right now? 

I'm typing this on Tuesday and this is the day I have to pack my bag for Montana. Today I have bowling and will do one more load of clothes today when I get home. I hate packing! Let's just say I'm a hot mess. 

I go way overboard, especially when it comes to having double of all the medications I need to take. I can't help myself. If you remember, when we went to Houston in January a year ago there were car issues and we had to stay another week. Adam actually had to come to our house and mail Mark his pills. I always plan ahead or for the worse case scenario. 

3. What's the next major purchase you need to make? Will it happen this month? This year? 

Right now we do not have one and I hope it stays that way. We could use a new garbage disposal but that's not a major purchase. 

4. Tuesday (April 2nd) was National PB and J Day...did you celebrate? Is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich something you eat weekly or more? What's your favorite kind of jelly? 

I did not celebrate but I do like peanut butter. I usually mix it into my yogurt. 

5. Are you easily intimidated? Who or what intimidates you? 

I'm going to say yes and lately most everything intimidates me! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We woke up to a rainbow on Easter morning.
We had a lovely Easter Sunday except for the fact that is rained all day. Adam and Gabby made an amazing brunch. They had an amazing egg souffle casserole and a French toast casserole that was delicious along with bagels and other things. 


MadSnapper said...

#1 talent I wish for is the ability to draw and a close 2nd is play the piano.

one word for my life now is "chaotic"

I love PB&J sandwiches and have all my life.

Have a great trip to montana and it is a good idea to take extras pills

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Love that rainbow, Debby! They always remind me of God's covenant with Noah.
Blessings and safe travels!

Mevely317 said...

I'm right there with you on 'just in case' packing!
... being intimidated, too -- particularly interstate driving. It probably comes with age but sharing the road with 18-wheelers at 70mph+ makes me white-knuckle the steering wheel.
Safe travels!

Debby said...

Your patio and view is always beautiful - even in the rain.

Allstarme79 said...

Lovely photo and sounds like a great Easter meal!

photowannabe said...

I wish I could play the piano by would be wonderful to just sit down and play the day away...
Worried but trying to trust the Lord due to our financial situation.
We need a car...enough said...
Love PB+J always have I do love orange marmalade and berry jam.
I can be intimidated by people that seem to know how to do things that I fail at.
All that being said..I woke up this morning, had food to eat, can play on my computer, my Honey is by my side and I just saw my first hummingbird in such a long time.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my, I love that you had a rainbow sighting on Easter morning. The meal sounds wonderful.
I think it is wise you pack for the worse case scenario, especially medications.

Chatty Crone said...

I love the rainbow! I think it is WISE to pack heavy - especially when you have the car. Have a great time in Montana. Love, sandie

Ann said...

I think painting is the talent I wish I had. I'm hoping I don't need to make any major purchases other than the car repair I need. I'm a huge fan of peanut butter and jelly.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

What's a talent you wish you had?

I wish I was able to bake, but not something I could ever get the hang of

In one word, what's your state of mind right now?


What's the next major purchase you need to make? Will it happen this month? This year?

It will most likely be a new TV, having a few issues with the one we have, when sometime in the next few months

Tuesday (April 2nd) was National PB and J Day...did you celebrate? Is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich something you eat weekly or more? What's your favorite kind of jelly?

Really not something we eat down under

Are you easily intimidated? Who or what intimidates you?
I can be, what intimidates me, a lot of bloody things.

Insert your own random thought here.

Remember when having a disagreement, that the other person, like you can only say one word at a time if they say two, they will choke.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

It appears your Easter Sunday began with a sign of God's amazing grace and ended with the joy of being with family. It is hard to improve on that. Hope you have a great trip to Montana and back.

CheerfulMonk said...

I hate to pack too! I used to have nightmares that I had to catch a plane for a business trip and was frantically packing. Yes, definitely nightmare material. I hope you enjoy your trip. ❤️

Kym said...

How have I never tried PB in my yogurt before? What a great idea - thanks for sharing! Glad you got to see such a beautiful rainbow on Easter morning! Have a great week!

Joyce said...

A rainbow on Easter day feels so special. I hope you have a good trip Debby. I have started traveling with a spare set of glasses. After breaking mine in the fall I had in California while traveling I realized a backup made a lot of sense. Enjoy your time with Amber!

Kirstin said...

Lots of people, including me, said piano. Love that last photo.

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