Tuesday, December 1, 2009


That is my new favorite saying! I never got around to listing the things I am thankful for and as I was reading everyone's posts during the week of Thanksgiving I thought I should try it. So many of you had posts full of wonderful blessings and hope. I've been going over my blessings and decided that I would work on one too. Here is my list which is more of a lifetime of thankfulness:

  1. I am thankful for being born to two of the kindest people I have ever know.
  2. I am thankful that my parents were amazing Christians.
  3. I am thankful that my father loved my mother unconditionally.
  4. I am thankful to have an older brother and sister whom I love.
  5. I am thankful for my grandparents who spoiled me and for all the members of my family.
  6. I am thankful to have been my fathers "peanut" and that he still calls me that.
  7. I am thankful that I never had to be without food or shelter.
  8. I am thankful that my parents went above & beyond at Christmas giving me a deep love for it.
  9. I am thankful that I got to experience a summer home and they joys of being there with family.
  10. I am thankful for my teachers who really had to have patience with me.
  11. I am thankful for having lots of friends and never being teased in school.
  12. I am thankful for having the experience of losing a dear friend as a child because even though I didn't fully understand it then I do understand now the deep loss his mother felt and the gift that God had given to her when he left the house that day saying to his mother for the first time "I love you mom."
  13. I am thankful for the teenage accidents/happenings where God had kept me safe.
  14. I am thankful for falling in love with my high school sweetheart, marrying him, having a sweet wedding and the town home we were able to buy.
  15. I am thankful for having two beautiful healthy children, the seven years we enjoyed together before having them and the beautiful home we were able to buy before they were born.
  16. I am thankful that my husband has provided everything we needed to live comfortably always.
  17. I am thankful that when my mother passed away I knew that she would be whole again and happy in heaven.
  18. I am thankful that I have been strong enough not to follow in the family history of alcoholism.
  19. I am thankful that I learned a huge lesson when my husband walked out on me, making me the person I am today.
  20. I am thankful that I was able to experience being a single mother giving me a greater appreciation for the strength within a woman.
  21. I am thankful for the jobs I had that gave me great confidence in myself and the day care centers that watched my children, loving them as if they were their own.
  22. I am thankful that my children had the opportunity to enjoy a summer cottage during their youth giving them wonderful family memories.
  23. I am thankful to have my high school sweetheart back in my life for the last 20 years.
  24. I am thankful that when the wheel was repaired incorrectly on my sons car that the tire flew off the car very late at night on an empty side street and he was safe.
  25. I am thankful that my son got caught the night he lied to us about staying at a friends house when they went to one of those midnight illegal races. Thankful that he was safe and that appearing in front of a judge taught him a lesson.
  26. I am thankful that when my daughter fell asleep on her way home from LAX, dropping off her marine boyfriend, that the tire rode up the divider bringing her back down to safety.
  27. I am thankful the morning my daughter came home safe after we tried to reach her all night when she wasn't answering her phone.
  28. I am thankful that all the horrible fears that have run through my mind when it comes to the safety of my children have all been blessings from God and pray that His protection will always surround my children keeping evil out of their way.
  29. I am thankful to God for His protection at all times and especially during the scary times.
  30. I am thankful for the day when the results were negative, the day I couldn't even speak, nothing would come out of my mouth as the tears flowed down my face. Happiness at its fullest.
  31. I am thankful that my children have experienced more good than bad and that they were able to move forward after the storms.
  32. I am thankful for the love of all our dogs who loved us unconditionally and taught me just how short life can be giving me the understanding of making sure we love to the fullest each day.
  33. I am thankful that we were able to put our son through college and that he graduated with honor from U.C. Santa Cruz and that he has been blessed with wonderful jobs.
  34. I am thankful that we were able to give our daughter a wedding at the beautiful Mission Inn in Riverside, CA.
  35. I am thankful for our son-in-law whom we love deeply.
  36. I am thankful that our son-in-law came home safe from the war in Iraq. We are extremely proud of him and his service to our country.
  37. I am thankful that our son-in-law loves our daughter through thick and thin.
  38. I am thankful that our son has the most wonderful girl to share his life with.
  39. I am thankful for all the company we had this summer, even though I stressed, it turned out better than I could ever have imagined and taught me a lesson that all that matters is that we have each other to love.
  40. I am thankful for all the family and friends we have living near and far.
  41. I am thankful that my father is 86 and still doing well on his own.
  42. I am thankful for an aunt and uncle who left their life savings to my father, brother, sister and I.
  43. I am thankful to have had the experience of being a mother because I saw an emptiness in my aunts heart because she was never able to have them.
  44. I am thankful for the experiences in my life that have given me compassion and understanding.
  45. I am thankful that I am able to give donations to those in need and the feeling it gives within my heart to help where I can.
  46. I am thankful that even though I can no longer do things that I use to be able to do (because of my asthma) that I am still here on earth.
  47. I am thankful for the movies that bring me joy and take me away from real life. (that goes for books too)
  48. I am thankful for my computer and what I have experienced here in the blog world for the last 8 months. Especially all the friends I have made, the women who have touched my heart and the hearts I have touched because of God hands in my life.
  49. I am thankful for all the wonderful meals we have been blessed to receive.
  50. I am thankful for my husband who continues to love me through it all, for our puppy Skye who brings me joy, the happiness of our children, the beautiful house we live in and the life that God has so graciously given to me.


I want you to know that without God forming me in the womb and knowing me before I was born that none of this would have been possible. Also that many of the above mentioned situations were extremely painful for me and it is only through the years of time that I am now able to be thankful for them.


~*Michelle*~ said...

Oh Debby..what a beautiful list of thanks! I read every.single.one.

So part of me was thinking that *I* too am thankful for many things that you listed (even the family history of alcoholism)....and then part of me was praying that someday *my* daughter (and sons) would be able to write the same things on your list.

You are truly blessed, my friend. And I am THANKFUL to have you in my life too!

Kristie said...

What a wonderful list of things to be thankful for! :-)

Mara said...

What a beautiful list of thank yous! And thank you for sharing them with us!

Theta Mom said...

What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing that! I feel somewhat out of the loop since my move to WP. Hope some of you find me again! ;)

Little Penpen said...

Yes, we have so much to be thankful for... you put together a wonderful list!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That was beautiful. It allowed me to get to know you better. You are amazing and I loved the things you were thankful for, it made me think.

Michele said...

This is a wonderful post that gave me an opportunity to sit here and make my own list. You remind us to be thankful of everything in our lives. Thank you.

CB said...

I also feel like I know you better from reading this list.
You have so much to be thankful for - God is good :D
Have a Happy day!

Silver said...

That is a wonderful list of gratefulness there..;)

Hope you had the best Thanksgiving ever.


Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

And I am thankful to know YOU! Happy Holiday Season to you!!

Anonymous said...

Our Lord is awesome and so are you

Randi Troxell said...

wonderful and beautiful list... it makes me sit back and take inventory too!!

Holly said...

I think it's great to make a list of all you are thankful for. It allows you to see the many blessings in your life.

Nancy said...

What a beautiful list! I was especially touched by your last comment that many of the situations were painful, but you are thankful for them. God is good. Blessings to you, my friend.

Tonja said...

God is good...all the time. So often we don't even know what he has prevented or changed in our lives to protect and keep us safe.

Everyone goes through hardships and trying times...but I think that those who learn from them and in turn help others in the same situation, are most pleasing to God.

Thanks for sharing!

Liz Mays said...

How incredibly honest and from the heart this is. You shared so much of yourself here. I can see how thankful you are for having made it through the scary parts. You truly are blessed. Thank the Lord. :)

Technodoll said...

Wow, what a list my dear!

It reflects many of my blessings, too - thanks for putting it down into words that make people think :)

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

What a beautiful list of thanks. There were so many in it that I am thankful for as well. Bless you.

Nikia, May and da kids said...

What a great list of things to be thankful for! I would be even more grateful if my family would move back to Los Angeles where we are originally from. Luckily, I love my family enough to tolerate living in Minnesota for now = )


kyooty said...

what a wonderful list of thanks! Thank you for posting

j said...

You truly have SO much to be thankful for. What a lovely post!

Kristin - The Goat said...

What a wonderful list. What a blessing to be able to put your family in so many of those thanksgivings :)

Anonymous said...

i love your list! i too was born to the most amazing parents and was raised in a wonderful christian home, where we learned to love God. i think that is what is missing from homes today. anyway i love how grateful you are even for things we don't normally say thank you for. tell your son in law thanks for his service to my country!

Trish said...

You are blessed...So much to be thankful for Debby. I too had wonderful parents who loved me unconditionally and taught me to serve the lord. No better heritage could they leave us!

Trish said...

You are blessed...So much to be thankful for Debby. I too had wonderful parents who loved me unconditionally and taught me to serve the lord. No better heritage could they leave us!

Laufa said...

I am thankful for being able to know you. Wish I knew you in real life too.
That is a wonderful list. So many thing to be thankful for.

Heather said...

What a wonderful list. We should all be reminded that there is always something to be thankful for even on the worst of days.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Just beautiful Debby! You're one amazing lady and are so appreciate of all and I'm lucky for to have a wonderful person like you to share the time with.

Amazing my dear!

Katt said...

What a beautiful heart felt post! Loved it!

kado! said...

You have MUCH to be thakful for! how blessed you are to have such loving parents! That is something to be truly thankful for! I hope my boys will say that of me when they are older!!!

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I LOVE the new Winter back-ground...it makes me want to make some hot-cocoa!!! I think I will!!!

I can't find my blog said...

This is a great post! Being thankful for the good and the bad is so important!

I'm thankful for 10 years of friendship with you!

Unknown said...

Great list! :)

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