And some pictures of Skye who really didn't want to have her picture taken. You might notice the looks I got ~ "Leave me alone I am sleeping"...... (yes I bundled her up but she didn't like it)

Skye has just been so funny lately. She's not real sure about the rain anymore and if she really wants to play in it. She is now trying all day long to take me over to her treat drawer for a chew but I'm not giving in. I was sitting on the floor in my office leaning against the couch playing ball with her and watching something I had taped. She brought the ball back and dropped it, picking up the remote control. I swear she had a smirk on her face. She immediately dropped it and it was just so funny. If only I had my camera!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Did you enjoy the Super Bowl?
Those clouds are just amazing in the photos you took!!!! And little Skye, well, she's always adorable!
Those are beautiful photos! Love them! Skye has such a favorite thing about dogs!!
Animals always know when to do the funniest things when you don't have a camera at the ready!
Yet we still love them...
ooh that night picture is pretty ---Skye is adorable!
Beautiful pictures. I love "Sky" pictures. I also love your furry friend and what a beautiful name..Skye!
We are still blanketed with snow and expecting more, tomorrow! Wow..what a winter.
Thanks for sharing pictures from California sky's. I have never been there and I love seeing new places.
Blessings, andrea
that's a lot of cloud activity! the picutres are beautiful though.
Such a beautiful sky! And, such a beaautiful Skye!
I love to look at pictures of the sky because it changes so often. What you see, you may never see again!
Great pics!
I love the one with the night sky.
And, of course, the pictures the Skye are adorable.
Your view is just so beautiful! I love it when you share pictures! :-)
Sky is adorable and the actions you describe are so cute! :-)
Just love those sky views -- both the sky and Skye!
I love your pictures of both "Skies".... my poor little baby does not like snow, which we seen to have had more of this year than in such a long time. He just hops around. It is really quite funny.
way cute!
i love all the pics.. especially the ones of skye... and animals are def waaaaaay smarter than some give them credit for!!!
stopping by from SITS and wishing you a great week!!!
Such beautiful sky photos... love the blue shot... it is so vivid.
Plus you know that I adore the photos of Skye, she is adorable and does things like Nano does. Everytime I open my pantry door, he thinks he is going to get a treat. :-)
I had a super bowl of cheese fondue... :-D
Your skies are incredible, I love your photos... and you capture missy's mood quite well, too! he he. And some people say dogs have no emotions.. pffftt!
Those pics are gorgeous. Where was that shot taken top right?
i am a cloud person. i love dark dreary(spelling is probably wrong)
days. i adore all of the sky and skye photos!
great pictures
we have snow
crazy weather everywhere
my little maddie needs your prayers
thought we were going to have to put her down today
Beautiful photos! Lovely blog, too! {grin}
Debby, Love all the photos. What a wonderful life Skye has:) She is adorable.
Thank You for your prayers. Have a great day. Much Love,
Loooove that little Miss Skye!
Thanks for the So Cal views. Sometimes I miss it!
There is that cute and lovable pooch of yours. It has been a while since you posted updates of her = )
I love the sky but I really love little Skye..and I think she wanted to trade the remote for a treat..that's one smart little love :-)
Beautiful pictures, Debby! I like the night pic and the rainbow the best. Skye looks so cute and cozy...Christine
Wow I just love the view from your house. Skye you're always so cute!!
LOL boys watched it I finally took a nap!
Love the pictures of the sky and skye. :)
I just love pictures of a beautiful sky - Skye is pretty darn cute herself and I think dogs sometimes do smirk at their owners - ha ha.
Oh those sky pictures are beautiful and Skye is beautiful. Greetings from South Africa.
Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?
From one Southern Californian to another, we do have a lot of rain these days. I love your pictures, and thanks for stopping by my blog.
you guys and your rain and all the snow on the east coast. for once, i'm glad i'm in the middle experiencing pretty normal winter weather.
i love you pictures of the skies. beautiful.
I like both of your sky(e)s. :) Didn't watch the super bowl at all!
Hey! You got the pretty angle of the rainbow! all I got was a side! lol but the rain was lovely =D I am looking forward to the mid 70s!
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