Sunday, August 19, 2012


frus·tra·tion    [fruh-strey-shuhn]
1. act of frustrating; state of being frustrated: the frustration of the president's efforts.
2. an instance of being frustrated: to experience a series of frustrations before completing a project.
3. something that frustrates, as an unresolved problem.
4. a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems.

This is how I am feeling right now. I just feel anger running through my veins and I am working hard at putting a smile on my face. I am trying to choose happy!!!!

Do you ever feel like you have been around your family forever yet they don't know a thing about you. Don't we foresee all their needs? Who foresees ours? Why should I have to come home to a totally empty refrigerator. They know I like Unsweetened Almond Milk, Lemons, Romaine Lettuce and Fage 0% Yogurt so you would think that someone could have had some supplies for me when I got home.

There is absolutely no dish soap. My husband added some water to the bottle to get the most out of what was there. Now they all know perfectly well that I use Seventh Generation or Mrs. Meyers which are both available at Target.  There were also no spoons in the drawer because no one ran the dishwasher in the 16 days either while I was gone! The dogs water bowl in the kitchen was also kinda yellow on the bottom. (its not their main bowls, they each have their own in other areas in the house but never the less!)

To top that off I left a simple note with a few things on it. You know my thriving poinsettia from Christmas. The note said give it a 1/4 cup of water twice a week. Well it was swimming in water and apparently it was forgotten about so it was soaked to save its drooping life. There is one pink leaf hanging on for dear life and the green leaves are drooped and lacking in all strength. It made me cry.

And wouldn't it have been nice if someone could have vacuumed before I came home, maybe washed the floors. Also our shower was set up to be cleaned by Amber and it was never done. See I have a hard time with upper body things and cleaners when it comes to my lungs. Even though I feel well I still have many restrictions. There are also some others things I can't list but am extremely upset about.

So I am on strike, let's see if they notice!

I am also a bit down about my weight loss too. I walked a lot, I exercised in the pool almost daily and never once cheated on my diet yet I weigh the same thing I weighed when I left. Here I am on another plateau and I am bummed about it. I just a mess right now :(

Okay on another note there has been a unanimous decision made by the administration of my blog....ME! After going through all the posts in my reader and bringing it down to my most favorite people I have 400+ posts to read. A decision has been reviewed and it may be too difficult of a task for me right now. I do plan on looking at each one but I may not comment on each one. Still wallowing in my self-pity from  the above frustration so please bear with me if you will. I'm thinking I may need to go away again where I am appreciated for the person that I am!

Update: I did my shower on Thursday with the mixture that they talk about on Pinterest and it was amazing. You use equal parts of vinegar and dawn dish detergent. Heat the vinegar in the microwave and mix with the dawn in a spray bottle, shake. I sprayed my shower and left it on for 4 hours but you can leave it on overnight if your want. I think it is excellent.



Mara said...

I can totally understand your frustration. I hope they will feel thoroughly ashamed of themselves and make it up to you asap.

Joyce said...

Hugs to you Debbie. It does hurt when we feel like our family doesn't notice us.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm so sorry - I hope people start being more thoughtful!!

nancygrayce said...

I am sorry too!!! And they are probably all puzzled at your frustration/hurt! People who are very thoughtful are always frustrated when others aren't. I have experienced that many times....mostly with my children.

I'll certainly understand if you can't comment for a while. I will miss you but i know when people need a rest!

I'll be interested to hear if anyone notices you're on strike! I doubt anyone would notice at my house :)

Did you just wash the shower down after leaving the mixture on? I need something like that for mine.

Rest! Love to you!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

awww Debby...I can totally relate to days like you described. But the yuck days will pass and the good will come back. Praying today is one of those amazing days for you. And sending you a ton of hugs.

betty said...

That would frustrate me too, Debby. I totally agree with you about the strike; heck I'm still on strike here (though I don't think anyone notices it, but at least I'm not stressing myself out about it like I did before). Sorry about the lack of weight loss; that is frustrating too especially when you exercised and ate healthy; hoping the plateau budges soon and you see downward progress again.

hang in there and really, mark all read for posts and start fresh; it is hard to play catch up


Cyndy Bush said...

I very much understand that frustration! We spoil the people we love and it would be nice if they would do SOMETHING for us in return....

trennia said...

That is sad, I am sorry but it ticks me to the bones!You do so much and you are so right Go On Strike!Don't clean the shower again...well desinate one to Only yourself and keep it clean but don't Dare clean the other let them wash in their OWN germs!Don't shop for them and HIDE your soap so that Only You can Use It!Do you need me to fly out there!?...Lol
I love you my friend<3 and you do so much...but you have to draw the line somewhere!
and I don't blame you for not responding to every comment you are a busy you get a ton of comments<3
If my kids think they will treat me or my husband like that when they grow up....we will say shape up or ship out immediately...Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!Sorry....I may sound mean but hey my house my rules...I was not put on this earth to serve my children all their lives!Love you<3

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, me! so sorry and do hope things get better very soon!

Claudya Martinez said...

Oh Debby, I totally understand. I feel the same frustrations. Honestly, you would think I'm the only one in my house who ever uses the toilet because I am the only one that ever cleans it. said...

You have every right to scream, yell, cry and vent. I hope that after all was said and done, they realized just how much was left undone and they will try much harder the next time around. Hang in there! The pinterest cleaner sounds great!

Little Penpen said...

Aw, Debby, I can truly feel your pain. We are such kindred spirits, because I have felt like this SO MANY TIMES!! We take such good care of them....and who will take care of us??? Anyway, God will reward us for it one day...He says so!! (hugs)

Empty Nester said...

Oh yes. I think I know just what you mean. It's one of the reasons I never went anywhere- I never wanted to deal with what would be waiting for me upon my return. And yes, we always take care of their needs and that does, indeed, include foresight. I am definitely going to try that shower cleaner thing. Right now!

Chatty Crone said...

Man Debby - you are not singing to the choir here - lol - I TOTALLY understand. They just don't get it - and there is no way for you to teach it to them either. Sorry - learned this a long time ago.

And thanks for the recipe for cleaner - does it take off soap scum?

I am sorry, but I hope things get better soon.

And don't worry about the blogs!

Love, sandie

Deb said...

I know where your coming from...that happens here too...I think I've spoiled everyone for too long...then I get frustrated that no one pitches in....hope you feel better soon...I think a strike is well deserved...

Hilary said...

as I read, all I could think was I hope you go on strike... I am glad to know we think alike....

You have every right to be frustrated, but while it is hard, try and not let it get the better of you, as you will only hurt yourself...

xinex said...

I can understand your frustraion, Debby. Sorry for you to come home to that. I have been away pretty much the whole month of July and I haven't been visiting much so I must have missed it. Where did you go?..Christine

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Sorry the homecoming wasnst what you deserved! I can't imagine how difficult it must be to do things that most of us take for granted.

Thanks for the cleaning idea. I'll try that.

Laura said...

Ugh!!! That is so frustrating! My mom goes through this sometimes (as do I). I hope that your strike is working and they get it. It's sad that we have to leave a list for them to do this (and when they do ~like with the plant~ it doesn't always go well). I'm hoping that today is better... If nothing else, at least Pinterest will be fun right??? ;-)
(don't worry about all that blog reading/writing back comments~ you great and no one will get mad if you don't... especially me!) <3
Hugs~ L

Mom of 12 said...

I hear ya! And no one in this house can put a new roll of toilet paper on the holder but me either...

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I can't believe it ... the things you asked them to do wouldn't have taken that much time or effort. Let us now how your strike turns out.

Ginny Marie said...

No one ran the dishwasher for 16 days? That really is too much! I think you should go away a month next time!

P.S. I need to try that shower tip!

Just Be Real said...

Debby dear, so very sorry for your frustrations. I love how you spelled it. Hugs to you dear one.

Katherines Corner said...

Debby I only have one thing to say( write) here's a HUG! xo P.S. we use vinegar for cleaning A LOT!

kyooty said...

So many hugs for you today! I feel like a Dweeb for not coming back sooner to read your posts. I'm so sorry that your family takes all you do for granted. It's a hard thing to watch everyone slack off while we the Moms bust our butts.

I hope that your strike helps. hugs!

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