Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Something you've waited for recently?
Most recently is for some nausea to go away. I was given a new medication to take and it made me nauseous. I am typing this on Tuesday afternoon and it's been almost 24 hours since the nausea started. I even took a Covid test but it was negative. 

2. What's something you loved to do as a child?

My  dad's parents had a summer home in Union Pier, MI and it was fun going there and spending time with them.  We would walk to town and go to the bowling alley for an ice cream cone.

3. Something you learned from a grandparent? 

My one grandmother was an excellent cook for meals and desserts. I can't say that I learned cooking from her but she did inspire me to cook. 

4. The most visited cities in the world last year (according to this site) were-Bangkok, Paris, London, Dubai, and Singapore. Have you been to any of the cities mentioned? Which would you most like to see? How do you feel about international travel in general these days? 

I was in Paris and London in 2011. I would love to go back to both of them. Most air travel can be a pain in the neck. It was also a very long flight. I need to renew my passport. 

5. February is the perfect month to work on purging things.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We have had a lot of rain and thankfully we have been good in our house. So many areas have so much flooding in California. It's so sad. We are on a hilltop but it is also solid rock under us. Also in the backyard they put in drainage to the front street


Joyce said...

The California rain sounds like it's been crazy. I saw where Bel Air had a foot! I hope things settle with the new meds and you can tolerate them. It doesn't take much to give me a queasy stomach and that's so miserable. Sometimes ginger helps, maybe try some ginger tea. Take care and have a nice day.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

California is such a mess right now for millions of folks. I'm relieved to hear that you're okay. I pray that others will be safe, too.
Blessings, Debby!

Mevely317 said...

I'm sorry your stomach's on the fritz from the new meds! Darn!
We've been watching the news coverage from California and thinking about our friends in the nature's path.
There's no way I'm willing to fly overseas again, but I'd love to book a transAtlantic cruise ... just one more time.

Susan said...

I am happy for the rain because we need it. Sorry about your stomach. I am antibiotics for my ear, and they said it could cause stomach problems. I would like to see the Santa Ana river right now. Good that they repaired the Prado Dam a few years ago!

photowannabe said...

First thought to the question of waiting is for our power to be restored. It was our for a total of 24 hours..not fun, but we are safe and no damage to our property...just soggy...
As a child I loved to ride my bike the store, park and just around our block. I realize that I haven't been on a bike in years..wonder if I could still do it?
I really never learned from my Grandparents because I only saw them a few times. they lived too far and passed away long ago.
I only visited the London airport on my way to Kenya. I do love to travel but don't think that will happen to go international in what's left of my lifetime. One more cruise would be wonderful though.
As I'm typing this that wet stuff in the sky is dribbling down again.
Sure not a pretty day.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I spend so much time waiting for people to do stuff for me and as a child my Nana taught me to take care of my skin so I don't look old and wrinkled before my time. Sadly I have not visited any of those places but would have loved to be able to do so.

Anne in the kitchen said...

Nausea is no fun. I hope by the time you see this comment it is just a memory.
Also very glad the rains are not impacting you too badly.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry about the nausea, but I'm glad you're safe from the rains and mudslides!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! I hope the nausea has ceased by now. Stay safe from the rain, and have a cozy afternoon.

ellen b. said...

It's good your house is built on rock. Your time with grandparents sounded like good childhood fun. sorry about that nausea. This whole week has gotten away from me and I'm late visiting Hodgepodgers! Happy Thursday to you.

MadSnapper said...

I visited Paris but only by google maps and driving it up and down the streets, London to, just wandering past all the icons of both places. no way would i go over there, beside i don't fly or float. happy to hear the purging goes on, and on and on. ha ha... i don't remember learning anything from my grandmothers, either one.

Chatty Crone said...

What meds are making you nauseous? I am so sorry.
I have been to Paris and London - I didn't appreciate it then - as I would now. Still I don't think it's safe right.
Glad you are safe in LA - my sister is too - that is a heck of a lot of rain - what is going on?
I am glad your grandma inspired you to cook!

Ann said...

The only time I have ever been out of the U.S. was when I went to Mexico with my parents. I was only around 8. I think I could appreciate it much more now. I would love to go back.

R's Rue said...

Hope you’re doing better.

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