Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. What do you think has remained the same about you your whole life? How has your perception of yourself changed over time? 

I've never had confidence in myself. Well at some point you have to let that go, especially when you are 72.

2. What was the first thing you learned how to cook? Do you prefer to cook or bake? 

Honestly I don't remember. I don't prefer to cook much anymore but I probably would choose baking. 

3. What are some of your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate. 

Family - My Health

Look at this cutie pie. He is on a beach in St. Thomas!

4. How much time do you spend on your hair each day or, put another way, what's your hair care routine? Do you get it cut regularly or just whenever the mood strikes? Do you go to the same stylist every time? Do you tell your stylist everything? Any other beauty treatments you indulge in throughout the year? 

That depends if I am leaving the house. If I am going out I would say that my hair takes about a 20 minutes to a half hour to fix. Yes, I do get regular haircuts. 

Yes I go to the same stylist. The woman I see is someone Gabby referred me to. Actually when I went for my haircut 2 weeks ago Gabby was in her chair. My regular guy moved out of town a few years ago. I tried a few other places but didn't like them at all. I guess I do tell her things. 

I get a pedicure about every six weeks or so. 

5. What is the most awe-inspiring place you've visited? 

There are several places I have been that were awe-inspiring. Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier National Park, the Tetons, Custer State Park, and the Grand Canyon. However, my favorite awe-inspiring place was our trip to Europe. 

6. Insert your own random thought here

We celebrated our anniversary on June 24th. This first photo is from our engagement in 1971.

Married in 1972
Me and my dad. My dad's birthday was on June 25th. He passed away in 2020 right after the pandemic started. He was a few months shy of his 97th birthday. 

For those of you that don't know this, we were divorced for 6 years when the kids were pretty young. We got remarried in Vega. 

Sorry about the long post. I know I should have done a separate post for our anniversary but I just wasn't up to it. 


MadSnapper said...

I liked see all the photos of your wedding, both of you look so very young to be getting married. the kids now a days weight until their 30's.. we got married to young to know what we were doing. James looks so happy in the beautiful water.
Happy belated anniversary... our next one will be 40 years, if still married to my first it would be 62 years in Sept. wow I have been here 40 years this past May and Oct 1 will be bob's 88th birthday and we had our first kiss on that day, which means 40 years, the wedding 40 is Feb 8

Susan said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! Cute picture of James. We are going to be married 50 years in August. We were all so young when we got married!

Mevely317 said...

Happy Anniversary! Oh girl, I've struggled with self-confidence all my life. I finally 'got over' myself when someone advised me, "This is Hollywood. Act 'as if.'"

James looks so happy there in the water. St. Thomas is one of my all-time favorite places. Most awe-inspiring? Probably Vatican City or the Grand Canyon.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I love your wedding photos, Debby, and it's great that you got remarried to the same original spouse later. How many folks out there can claim that status, I wonder?
Happy Anniversary, and give James an extra hug from me!

Allstarme79 said...

Happy anniversary! We are about to head out west and I know scenery is going to be so pretty.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Debby - I too have struggled with self confidence. I also am in the health years - lol.
James is adorable.
My hair is so thick I need a whole hour to get ready - a long time to dry.
I tell my haircut lady things too.
Love your wedding pics - you look like Marsha on the Brady Bunch. Pretty.
Were your groomsmen in brown - so were mine. My girls in pink!

photowannabe said...

I agree with Sandy..You look like Marsha Brady in your wedding photos.
I love that you were remarried and are celebrating an anniversary.
I do think I am more confident now than I was when I was young.. I said "I doubt it" a whole lot. Of course being 80 has something to do with just plugging along into those Winter years.
Not wild about cooking or baking but I do what needs to be done. Love having company so am "forced" to be creative..haha.
Priorities are my family and making these Golden Years for Dave and I as good as possible.
Don't spend a lot of time on my hair. I have resorted to cutting my own do to financial situations and haven't had a perm in almost 2 years..It sure could use a bit of "fluffing" Have had the same gal doing my hair for years I actually don't know if she is still in business now.
Many places are awe inspiring for different reasons.
Kenya will forever be in my heart..the people and the safari animals.
Yosemite...God's grandure...
Our trip across Canada in a mini motor home with our 2 boys. what an amazing world we live in.
I guess I could go on and on but its all good.

Maria Rineer said...

Great pictures! You look a bit like Marcia from the Brady Bunch and also a little like one of my daughters (who I also thinks looks a little bit like Marcia). You have been to some amazing places. I would like to go to all of them!

Ann said...

Happy Anniversary. So which date do you celebrate or do you celebrate both of them?

Joyce said...

Such fabulous pictures!! Definitely giving those 70's vibes : ) Enjoy your day Debby and happy anniversary!

Debby said...

I graduated high school in 1972. You looked absolutely stunning on your wedding day, radiating joy and youth. Even on your second wedding day, you looked just as lovely. It's quite fascinating that you and your husband ended up remarrying. I'm delighted that both of you chose to reconcile and make it work. It's a true testament to the success of your marriage!

Pamela said...

Great post! I love your wedding pictures and I can't wait to check out your Europe posts.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you for all the pictures! I love them. ❤️

ellen b. said...

Awe Debby! How sweet all those photos are from your beginnings as a married couple. Congratulations on so many years together! Your engagement photo is so cute!! Hope June ends well for you!

Lisa said...

I love the pictures in your post today! happy anniversary!! I know one other couple who divorced and remarried. I think that is pretty amazing!

Kym said...

Happy Anniversary!! I enjoyed all the photos, and I think it's great that you were able to get back together happily even after being divorced. Hope you're having a great week!

Carla from The River said...

Happy Anniversary... and I do think it is special that you were able to get back together after your divorce. I know of one other couple that did just this.

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