Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. It's National Splurge Day...what's something you might splurge on today? What have you splurged on recently? 

Honestly I can not think of anything I have splurged on recently or will splurge on today. However, we haven't turned our air conditioners on yet and after 18 years in the house we keep waiting for them to not work. So we might have to splurge on that. 

2. Do you have a beach bag? What's in it? Is a trip to the beach on your summer bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list? 

I can't say that I have a beach bag. We don't go to the beach very often but we do go to the ocean and walk around but we don't actually go down to the sand. We are not planning any trips to the beach. 

Well Adam, Gabby and James are going on a cruise this week and around the 26th we will be going to their house to watch the dogs. The dogs will be staying with others before we watch them. Then in July we will be watching James and the dogs while Adam and Gabby go away for a long weekend to celebrate their anniversary. That's not a bucket list but it will be happening this summer. 

At the end of July we are driving to Montana to visit with Amber and Dylan again. We will be going to the Great Falls Fair and we will be seeing a Rodeo. I guess that could be our bucket list. 

3. What's a song that makes you think of a summer past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? 

I can't think of anything the stirs up memories. However, I do love DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince "Summertime" song a lot. 

4. Sushi-yay or nay? Have you actually tried it? If you love it what's your go-to order? 

Nay on the sushi. I have tried it and I'm not a fan. 

5. I own a ridiculous amount of __Christmas ornaments. It is well over 1,000_. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Adam, James and Mark. 
We celebrated Father's Day on Saturday evening.

A bumblebee James made and gave to me to take home. 


MadSnapper said...

cute little Bumble bee and super shot of your 3 boys.. I own a ridiculous amount of nothing. I don't even hoard TP anymore. ha ha.
I splurged when I go the iPad as a gift and bought 2 digital pens to use to draw with and paid 12 dollars for procreate app... 62 dollars is splurging for me. I am not a splurger.
splurge is spending dollars on something you don't need. AC is a necessary evil. we never turn our AC on until July, we use it day time only as needed and turn it off at night, during April/may/June. this year it has been on since the first week of April and we got the highest every JUNE bill in 40 years

CheerfulMonk said...

I love those Father’s Day pictures! ❤️

Joyce said...

A Montana rodeo sounds like a lot of fun! Such sweet Father's Day pictures. I hope you don't have to replace the a.c....that's not a fun splurge. Enjoy your day Debby!

Maria Rineer said...

I like the song, Summertime, as well and reminds me of when I was much younger!! Do you have more than one Christmas tree for all of those ornaments? Great Father´s Day pics!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! Lovely pictures and the cutest little bumblebee I ever did see!

ellen b. said...

That bumble bee is so cute. Very nice photos of the dads with James! I think you probably do a lot of splurging on James...! Your trip back to Montana sounds like fun. Have a great day.

Mevely317 said...

I totally get your wondering about the 18-y/o air conditioner. Ours isn't 8 yet, but the way things are manufactured anymore? I've another blog friend whose 3 y/o unit recently quit. She writes, "Thanks to our Government there's now a built-in problem (capacitor) w/ all A/C's and they will fail sooner rather than later." Oh vey!

Love James' bumblebee ... that's a keeper!

Lisa Laree said...

Oooo! Christmas ornaments! That's what we get as souveniers when we travel. At this point in life I have more ornaments than I have tree space, lol. Hubs has been getting Snoopy ornaments every Christmas since before we were married; we broke down last year and bought a small pencil tree for the foyer to put all the Snoopy/ other Peanuts ornaments on. And I still had more ornaments than I could fit on the big tree. They do accumulate over the years...I don't think I have the intestinal fortitude to count them, lol.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I don't think I have too much of anything unless I count my books on the shelves. Loved your photos today, too, Debby. Looks like all the dads had a wonderful Father's Day.

Allstarme79 said...

LOL I used to really like that song too!

photowannabe said...

Awww...that bumble bee is precious. I just love when the kiddos make us "Treasures".
Can't really splurge on anything but we do eat out on occasion which is always a winning thing to do.
Dave and I aren't beach people. We would rather be in the mountains among the big trees.
Sushi isn't bad but its not my go to meal by any means.
I just have a ridiculous amount of "Stuff". Trying to purge and sell on eBay..Gotta get it out of the house before it buries us..haha..

Ann said...

What a sweet bumble bee that is. A real treasure.
I wound never even be willing to try Sushi. It just sounds disgusting to me.

Chatty Crone said...

A thousand Christmas ornaments - love it!
It is nice that the kids can go on trips and have you and hub help out with dogs and James.
Visiting the kids - going to the fair and a rodeo sounds like fun even tho it is not a beach.
You have a nice summer planned there.
Again, James is adorable. - Love his bee cup.

Susan said...

Hi Debby, I forgot my ornaments and I know I have a lot, mostly Disney and Nativity. That doesn't count the ones I have given my kids. We are going on a cruise in January. That is a great picture of your guys. James is so cute and I like his bee!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Nice photos and good answers

Splurge Day, never heard of it and I don’t splurge on anything which is kinda boring and sad, such is my life.

I used to have a beach/pool bag for those trips to the beach or pool with my girls but no more those days are long gone.

No song comes to mind, maybe my brain is feeling the cold and doesn’t want to work.

Sushi----Nay, nar, no bloody way, I do not like seafood

I own a ridiculous amount of stationary stuff, pads and pens and other stuff I don’t need.

Why is the sun not warm, I was sitting in a nice sunny spot with Sam this morning waiting for her transport and the sun didn’t feel warm at all.

Cindy said...

Over 1000 Christmas ornaments?! That sounds amazing! I told my girls last year, at my age I don't NEED anything. So if we decide to buy Christmas gifts, just get me Christmas ornaments. Ornaments that represent memories we made throughout the year. Honestly I don't think you can ever have too many! Foe me, it's photographs. I have waaaay too many.

Sparky said...

No real splurging here either. It's all: gas, medicine, and food. That's it.
The Father's Day photo is great! And I like the bumble bee. I might try my hand at one of those. That's so cute. 💙

Simone said...

Debby, I'm so glad to be back to reading your blog! It's been awhile but I hope to get back to blogging more regularly.
Yay on sushi! I won't do raw though.
Collections of Christmas ornaments, not really but snowmen, yes! I just bought another one this weekend.

What a cutie and the bumblebee is awesome!

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