Monday, June 29, 2009


I was going to wait to post pictures of Skye on her six month birthday but I just couldn't wait. She is such a joy in my life, just what the doctor ordered. She will be six months old 7/7/09. I am sure I may find another photo to post on that day. This is what she looks like when she is really, really tired after a long weekend being out in the yard with daddy. That is when the tongue appears!

This photo which was taken on Thursday is Skye with my daughters West Highland Terrier Charlie. He is my grandpuppy. They just adore each other and have some non stop fun when they are together. It's a miracle they actually took time out to sit for this photo.

Skye starts her intermediate class at PetSmart tomorrow night. Even though the car ride isn't allot of fun, she will love it when we get there and she gets to play for 15 minutes with all her new buddies. Just to update, she is actually starting to become that lap dog I've been wanting. I guess that comes with age. She will actually lay next to you now on the couch. She is growing up and calming down. Right now she is curled up on my robe on the sofa in my office. I just love those moments and she was with us again in bed last night. She's a keeper!

P.S. See how Charlie is looking over at his mom, he adores her. See how Skye is looking right into the camera. I am training her for photos, dreaming she can be a model someday. Yes, I am her mommy and I think she is adorable!

Also, husband saw a picture of dogs in the paper this weekend and told me that I should go and post the picture of Skye and Charlie. So like the good wife that I am, I followed his instructions. Got an email today and they want to put the picture to print at the end of July. Yeah !


KBeau said...

So cute. Thanks for sharing.

Mara said...

Why are you posting photos of your stuffed animals?
No, I know they are not, but they are so adorable and look like they could be! If I weren't a cat person (and my cats wouldn't be cat-cats) I wouldn't mind giving one of those (type of) dogs a home.

Stephanie said...

Oh no you are right. She truly is adorable. You have a right to be a proud mama!

Bex said...

what gorgeous babies! a tired dog is a happy dog.

SouthernDogwoods said...


Together We Save said...

Oh I have a Charlie at my house too. They are so cute.

Ashlee said...

No one can deny that those are two VERY adorable doggies! I hope she has a great time making new friends and learning new things in her class! Happy "almost" 6 months old, Skye!! Hi, Charlie!!

Together We Save said...

Thanks for following. :-)

Anonymous said...


Jenn said...

Such cute pups! I can see why you love them so much!!!!

kyooty said...

oh boy! post us a picture/link for the newpaper! famous dogs! :) they are cute dogs, and it seems they act like cats curling up on robes.

musingwoman said...

When I get too tired I drool when I sleep. The tongue thing is so much cuter!

Trish said...

Skye is sooo adorable! And that photo of she and deserves to be published!!! I miss having a dog, we lost our Gracie (chocolate lab), just before Christmas. After having dogs for over 30 years, this place seems lonely at times. But my husband, is not ready for a new dog. Maybe someday...but until then I will enjoy watching your puppy grow!

Sarah said...

What cute babies! :)
Let us know when they are in the paper so we can look for them!

Brandy@YDK said...

oh she's so cute. she could toatlly be a model

xinex said...

Skye is so cute. She has very expressive eyes, definitely a keeper!...Christine.

Holly said...

Moon sand is like sand almost. I don't know exactly what it is. Maybe it really is sand. lol But it comes in cool colors and some with glitter. It's pretty moldable.

kado! said...

OMGoodness...they are too cute! Love that second photo!!

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