Saturday, August 7, 2010


I haven't talked about this much, mainly because I feel it each day and it brings me down. I guess you could say I am a little broken hearted over it. Our Skye is a loner. She is not a cuddle up in your lap dog. I am going to say "not yet" because I am hopeful. She is a very headstrong fearless dog who loves to explore the world, or her world in the backyard. On the rare occasion she will lay by me on the sofa in my office. A very rare occasion! I can get kisses anytime I want but lay in my lap and let me pet her just isn't going to happen. Some days it eats at me and I actually cry.

Skye is actually the first dog that we bought just for us. Our other wonderful dogs were raised with kids in the house. She is my dog, mine to love in our empty nest. (well it was empty, remember) Now she does visit me in my office, brings a toy to me so we can play catch or stops in to chew on a bone while I'm watching TV. The other day she laid by my feet while I was sitting at the computer, this was rare and meant the world to me. The one time when she does curl up is next to my husband for the night. I move around too much for her taste!

Do you remember when I was all concerned about my daughter moving in because Skye loves her so much? She hangs with them often but mainly because of Charlie and when they have food. Funny but when they are out Charlie hangs with me and Skye will be off in another room sleeping. I love Charlie but I desire my Skye. I do leave her alone and I'm not going to force her to hang with me. She is still young so I am hopeful. She doesn't really hang with anyone in the house, but she is full of love and entertains herself with her toys. She has the greatest imagination for playing. She is my joy even if it's from afar.

Most days when I am in my office and my husband is watching TV in the family room she will be off laying in the dining room. Most mornings after my husband leaves for work she will curl up in her bed in the family room and nap for a few hours. That's when I think to myself "why doesn't she want to curl up with me in bed or on the sofa?" So I am asking for little prayers, little prayers asking God to change my little girl into a lap dog who wants to be Velcroed to me! She is 19 months old today. She actually curled up again by my feet, the second time in one week. : ) my face!

P.S. I know that this is nothing in comparison to the horrific things that are happening in the world around me and to the people that I follow with all my heart. Please know that I just wanted to share this with you and let you know something that is on my heart. I know that I shouldn't sweat the small stuff, which this is, and I am thankful for all the wonderful things that God has given to me.


Eve said...

What a darling! I bet she'll turn into a lap dog eventually. Just keep letting her know that she's welcome to cuddle. She's just busy being a puppy right now. :)

Little Penpen said...

Awww... so sweet. All my dogs love my lap, so I cannot relate. But I would imagine how heart broken I would be if they didn't want to cuddle. So I hope Skye changes her mind and learns to love to cuddle. My shitzhu mix doesn't really like to cuddle, but follows me everywhere I go, and lays at my feet. You'll win... just keep loving on her! :o)

Lori R. said...

Awww... I know it is probably hard when you want to have Skye to cuddle with, but maybe it is because she is still so young. Is that actually a characteristic of those kinds of dogs? I have an animal who jumps up on you the second you sit down (a velcro kitty). There are times I wish he wouldn't, he is smothering. Good luck with your little pal. Maybe in time, things will change...

Anonymous said...

I do not have dogs but I have a 10 year old cat, who refuses to sit on our laps, he's the cat that loves his head scratched, belly rubbed, ears scratched and all that, as long as he's an arm away. He's the best cat in the world and I always wish he would just lay on my lap, never has. He is now getting old, and acting differently. He's been lying down on the couch next to my husband every night. I hope your cutie changes and turns into a lap dog:)

Mary said...

My schnauzer is the same way, but my Jack Russell mix is the complete opposite. It's very rare when my schnauzer wants to cuddle; she's content to lay in her bed and be by herself.

Amy said...

I can't get my Timmy to cuddle with me either. He is just not that kind of dog. I know he loves me though..

Have a great weekend.

I have something for me on my blog..

The Urban Cowboy said...

Maybe in time she will become more of a lap dog. Lap dog or not, she still loves you the same.

Mommy, I'm Home said...

As she gets older, I bet she wants to cuddle with you more. Chica was the same way when she was younger. Now she follows me around like I have a steak hanging off my backside.

nancygrayce said...

We have one lap dog and one who is NOT.....the younger, more active baby boy is slowly trying to be in my lap more....he's almost 4 years old, so there is hope!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

It is important and don't minimize your feelings becuase of the shape the world is are a loving and giving heart and you will enjoy her free ,independant spirit for who and what she is..a little sweetie heart! Lulu was the smae way but the older she gets, teh more "loving" she becomes..Braxton is the opposite..almost to a fault! Each one just like each child, has their own uniquiness..

Janean said...

everyone longs for their *furry babies* to snuggle, especially when they're as FAB as Skye!

Debby, you ever watch "It's me or the Dog" and "Dog Whisperer?" they have the most wonderful ideas to encourage the behavior we desire while staying true to their *doggy-ness.* :)

keep the faith!

Kristin - The Goat said...

Ya know I've spent a lot of time wishing that my cat liked to be held. 14 years now and she she still wails like I'm pulling off one of her legs if I pick her up.

We love our animals for who they are though and you wouldn't want to change to her. She may hang out with you more, but it sounds like she's just not a cuddler. She loves you though. She loves you and that isn't going to change :)

Our lives are the most important things. Just because there are worse things out in the world does not diminish how we feel about things closest to us. It's OK to talk about what is pressing on your heart. No need to apologize for that.

jayayceeblog said...

That would just kill me. My two dogs fight over my lap and I am always pushing them off because I'm hot. Cuddling with Louie is like laying next to a barbeque. I think you should bribe her. Lay on the floor next to her and give her cheese or let her lick peanut butter off your finger. And become the dog massager. Our Miles was a little standoffish. He was older when we got him and it took him about 2 years to really warm up to full cuddliness. Now I can't keep him off of me. Will send lovin' dog vibes your way immediately!!!


Awww, that must really hurt. I'm so sorry. It reminds me of the longing God placed in a woman's heart for her husband. A longing for something she will never quite grab onto because men aren't wired that way. They will never meet all our needs. But it still hurts when we have that need for connection, affection, and love ... from our hubbies or our puppies. :)

CB said...

Awwww yes it is hard. Some dogs are just not cuddlers. I think that she shows her love when she is close to you, like when she lays by your feet.
She sure is a cutie!

Brandy@YDK said...

I understand! you just want her to be your snugglebug

Rose said...

give Skye sometime before she decides to go to your lap. Each day you might want to take a total of an hour and play ball, or any activity she see sees you in this role. some dogs just take it slow, doesn't meam any dislike or interest.

Terra said...

She is such a cute dog that I can see why you would want her to be a lap dog always cuddling with you. Only time will tell.

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

First of all, she is adorable! I am sure the more you interact with her, the more she will come around. I totally get it because I had a dog that wanted nothing to do with cuddling and that was the reason I longed for a dog!

trennia said...

She sure is a cutie!
Our (my) Maggie is a cuddler with me,and Samuel only!
She follows me everywhere even in the restroom!

Caroline said...

Skye is so beautiful. Maybe in time she will be a lap dog , I hope.


CiCi said...

I say don't make comparisons. Your feelings are real and they matter. You would like your sweet dog to be more huggable. The fact that you are aware of her wonderful traits and you take time when she will allow it is a great beginning. She is still young. I hope she warms up to the place you have ready for her in your heart.

cathysrunning said...

Skye looks like a beautiful dog. 2 times curled up by your feet in one week - sounds like she's making slow progress. Give her time, and I'll keep you in my prayers - hey, prayers are good for the "little things" also!

Mara said...

Have you tried bribing her? Give her a sweet every time she sits on your lap?

Sheri said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed. Perhaps someday Skye will come around. Maybe it will just take time.

Tonja said...

I'm going to echo what so many have said...give her a little more time. I really do think as she ages, she will become more sedentary and will love haaving a soft welcoming lap to lie in.

Tonja said...

I'm going to echo what so many have said...give her a little more time. I really do think as she ages, she will become more sedentary and will love haaving a soft welcoming lap to lie in.

Laura said...

Such a cutie!!!!!!!! Curling up at your feet is a good start!

Technodoll said...

Many working dog breeds are quite independent that way, they love and respect you but "in their own way".

She might soften up as she gets older, you never know!

Belly rubs to the cutie patootie, and if you want lap cuddles you could get a chicken... LOL!

Sweet Tea said...

Skye sounds like a teenager - she loves you from afar. We want/need to see the affection but they just don't have it to give at the moment...I bet time will help Skye slow down a bit. Doncha think?

j said...

Debby, God wants us to take ALL of our burdens to him in prayer, ALL of our desires, ALL of our concerns. You don't have to feel like this isn't worthy of prayer because it touches your heart and that makes it important!

I pray that God will meet your need.

Ann in the UP said...

Skye looks very sweet, and I agree that her snuggling your feet shows progress. I know you are thankful for her, period, and agree with others who think little prayers are okay, too. Why not?

When my kids were little they were incensed when someone told them there wouldn't be dogs in heaven. Why would anyone want to go, then? They were pretty central to life at our house.

Together We Save said...

She is such a cutie and now that I have a lap dog... I know just what everyone means by saying they want one. Hopefully Skye will figure out just what mommy needs as she grows up.

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

She's such a sweetie! It's no wonder you want her to be more of a lap dog. I don't blame you! I would spend all day cuddling with her, and never get anything done. LOL :-)

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

PS: Hope you are having a WONDERFUL time on vacation!!

Dena E's Blog said...

Ohhhhh my Sweet Friend of course I and many others will for sure Pray for you...You should have sent me an email Girlfriend,,,,I am sad you dioddn't.... I woukld be honored to pray for you and your sweet Skye,,,I totally GET your tears over it and She is soooo a treasure of yours ...I will go to the LORD abouyt it right now,,,sending prayers up just for you Sweetie... And some Hugggggggs too!!! You need to also remember,,,how powerful PRAYERS are OK...
Oh thanks for the note,,,BTW
Sissi is saying HI too,, in her Chihuahua way,,,and to Skye too.
She is a cutie Girlfriend

Dapoppins said...

oh, you are so sweet to post this. I know I would feel the same way!

countrynmore said...

The dog we called Nickey (before Max) didn't cuddle up to us either. Nickey was a dog that we adopted from the shelter. She had an anxiety problem and didn't want to be by herself, so the previous adopters returned Nickey to the shelter. It took a while but Nickey got over her anxiety problem, but still didn't want to cuddle. Now, Max is the opposite. He likes to put his head on our feet, and even our office chairs. I wouldn't worry about Sky not cuddling. Some dogs are like that. I know that it is hard when they don't want to cuddle.

Holly said...

Our dog Coalee is very much a loner dog. Just his personality I guess! I hope Skye learns that her mommy loves her cuddles and decides to share some with her. :)

Alexis AKA MOM said...

It is something important to you and that is all that matters, we pray for the others and you too. There is always more room for prayers.

I know how it is to have a companion that is for you. It's the love we need :).

HUGS sweetie!

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