Thursday, December 23, 2010


Well here they are as promised. Enjoy!
(click to enlarge them if you want)

Hutch in dining room

My little Lodge & cabins
A mixture of things, including my snowman toes! (Eww, toes!)
Hallmark singing snowmen plus the little ornaments they made of some of them.
I did a little tablescape for fun!
A few of my Nativities
My snow globe collection
A few special plates
My Jim Shore collection

Snowman trees in dining room

Some close up pictures

My tree 2010

Different lighting

A few close up pictures

A few more views

Black and White ~ I love it!

My miniature ornament tree

Merry Christmas!

Now if you want to know who I am in awe of you have to go over and visit with Laurie at Bargain Hunting (and chatting) with Laurie, she has the most wonderful decorating skills. Her collection is almost all vintage and I love it! There isn't an inch of her house that isn't decorated. Please go over and visit, you will not be disappointed.


Sarita Boyette said...

This is all so beautiful! I love it all, but the Snowbaby holding a puppy like yours caught my eye! Yaaayyyy for snowman toes!!!!!

Mara said...

I've got one little angel up! And of course my Christmas cards, but that's it! I didn't feel like a tree this year, since I am hardly here.

Yours looks spectacular though.

Mary said...

I'm going to have to show FES the picture of your tree: when we got about half of the ornaments on the tree, he said he didn't think there was room for any more!
Everything looks so beautiful, even your snowman toes! :D

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Beautiful...and your tree is amazing! Hope you have a wonderful, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Love to you...

LynnMarie said...

WOW! that is a huge undertaking!!I am so impressed Thank you for sharing with all of us. How long will you leave you it all up? Hope you have a blessed Christmas!

Laura said...

WOW! Everything looks great! I especially love those snowman toes! (I may have to go get a pedi!)

purejoy said...

wow. you're like the true christmas lady! i've never seen anything or anyone quite like you. everything is LOVELY and i'm amazed.
the snowmen toes… my personal favorite. sooooo dang cute!

kimert said...

It is beautiful....all of it! Now, how long does it take to set it all up? DOes it come down and if so, how long does that take? :)
Merry Christmas!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I am squealing cuz it is so cute!
Oh my goodness.
The tree is stunning.
I think I am in love with your snow globe collection!Thanks so much for sharing your sweet decorations.

Thanks for being a great friend.

Anonymous said...

Everything is beautiful including your snowman toes:) Hope you and your family have a happy holiday Debby! Going to visit Laurie:)

Michelle said...

WOW!! Merry Christmas!

I love your Christmas-y pillows and your snowman toes!

You have quite a snow globe collection.
I love watching snow globes.

Looks like your all set for Christmas.
Thanks for sharing with us!

Merry Christmas!

Karen Mortensen said...

Very nice. I love your hutch. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Wow and wow!

Merry Merry Christmas! May your stocking be filled with blessings!

Hugs, Carrie

Together We Save said...

Your Christmas tree is amazing!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Debby I want to come to your house!!! I so needed a dash of Christmas Spirit and you just did it for me!!! I've been told that my homemade gifts aren't good enough for a family member I should use the money they sent for the boys to buy them a gift in return. Who the heck says stuff like that .... UGH ok sorry had to vent lol.

LOVE LOVE your santa toes!!! I'm so going to see if I can paint my toes like that! I wonder if I can find someone open tomorrow?

You're Christmas everything just makes me smile and brings a huge warm over my soul!

Sonya said...

It looks great! I just love your tree!

xinex said...

I love all your christmas decor, Debby, Your tree and ornaments are so pretty. Your tablescape is awesome, you should post for Tablescape Thursdays. The little chairs are so cute and you used them so creatively. Merry Christmas and blessings for the coming New Year!...Christine

heavenisabookstore said...

Wow it is so pretty. Your tree is awesome! But do you have room to live for the holidays or do you have to not use certain tables until after?

Technodoll said...

First, I can't believe you even decorated your TOES - Debby that's so over the top that I love you for it :-D

Second, your snowglobe collection is to die for. LOVE it.

Third... uh... I don't have any words for your trees and ornament collections, my jaw hit the floor and is quite bruised.

Holy! Mother! Of! Jesus!

(and that's a compliment)

Wishing you and yours the very sweetest Christmas, may love, health, peace and happiness wrap you up in a big ol'hug!

ps: may you get lots of fun gifts toooo!

betty said...

All beautiful Debby! So much work indeed to get it all up! But I'm sure in person it is absolutely breath taking!!

Merry Christmas!


Just Be Real said...

Oh my goodness Debby. Those pictures are so inviting! Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

♥♥♥Merry Christmas♥♥♥

Amy said...

Debby all of that work you did was amazing.. Sorry I am a day late.. Have a great day... Way to go.. I am so proud of you..

Kristie said...

I LOVE all your decorations!!! And I LOVE the way your camera takes pictures!! Beautiful!! :-)

jayayceeblog said...

Your Christmas displays are absolutely breathtaking. It truly is a wonderland! Thanks for sharing with all of us out here in Bloggyland and hope you have a perfectly marvelous Christmas with your loved ones!!!

Sonya said...

wow your decorations are amazing!!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Wow! What a task it must be putting all those ornaments on the tree and all those decorations out. But it sure looks like it's worth it ... and I imagine it's even more beautiful in real life.

Wishing you and yours a very blessed Christmas!


You really have the most lovely tree I've ever seen. It's kind of sad when it's all put away, isn't it, even though I usually can't wait to get my house back in order!

Little Penpen said...

I just found this post... no wonder you hated to take your tree down. It is beautiful... jam packed with all kinds of goodies. That's the old fashioned look that I love.... these people who change their trees every year with a different "theme" just don't have the memories like we do!!!

Dena E's Blog said...


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