Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sorry, this is a long one!

I have a wonderful relationship with God. I know that people hear Him speak to them but for me it has always been with signs or what I call Godincidences. An example would be when I happened to have a few handkerchiefs in my trunk (this was before my For Your Tears Ministry), they were embroidered flower ones that I use to pick up at Penney's.

One day a woman came into the Hallmark store I was working at and I could see she was hurting. I have never been afraid to go up to someone and ask them what happened. She was buying a frame to put a picture in of her child and a child who had just passed away, wanting to give it to the child's mother. I ran out to my car to get her a handkerchief and told her that it was for her tears. I normally didn't have them in my car but hadn't taken them out when I had purchased them. See to me that is a sign that God knew before I did!

So on Tuesday after bowling my daughter and I went out to run some errands. She needed to pick up her tax form at Hallmark where she worked for six weeks as Christmas help and I needed to get some Valentines Day cards. (as a side note someone just left the store and she has now been hired as a regular employee, she starts on the 6th) So when we were there I found a couple of Willow Tree pieces that I wanted to buy and I had $20.00 in Hallmark money that they had sent to me. One of the pieces was something that I wouldn't normally buy for myself but I thought I would get it and give it to my husband to give to me for Valentines Day. The piece is called Je T'aime which is French for I Love You.

So later that evening my husband came into my office and sat down next to me on the sofa. He had something to tell me. He just found out on that day that he is going to the UK for 20 days in June. Around the 20th he is flying to Paris and he invited me to go with him. OMG! I could go with him for the whole trip but it won't be until Paris that he would actually have time to spend with me. Then it hit me, how did I happen to buy this Willow Tree piece today with the French wording on it for him to give to me on the same day he was told he was going to Paris! Was this a sign? I believe it is. Our anniversary is the 24th of June which means we would be in Paris to celebrate it. "Joyeux anniversaire"

Well that is not the end of the story. See I am not crazy about flying, how do I handle a long flight like that all by myself. (I am not afraid to die but I am afraid to die in a plane crash) I have a trip to Florida on the 16th of February and I have had sleepless night ever since the trip was booked. I do know that my trip to Florida is important. I will be able to see my brother for 5 full days and my dad will have the opportunity to have all three of his children together in one place at the same time. I would have to say that this hasn't happened in probably 18 years! I am staying for an additional 12 days after my brother goes back to Milwaukee, WI. My husband is coming for last three days before I leave so he can spend some time with my dad too. (my sister and her family are there too)

So what do I do? I was in shock when he asked me, I didn't know what to say, I was overwhelmed with fear. Not only flying but being in a place where I do not know the language. That was before I realized the connection and the sign from God. I am feeling a little less overwhelmed but I haven't made my mind up yet.

This is where the Social Security card and Birth Certificate come in to play. I am going to need a passport! So I ordered my Birth Certificate and it arrived on Friday. I am going to the Social Security office on Tuesday to get the replacement card so when I get home from Florida I can get going on my passport. That doesn't mean I am going but at least I will have the passport ready if I decide to go. Isn't it amazing that at 59 I haven't needed these forms of identification? I had even worked in the school district about 20 years ago, you would think they would have wanted to see my Social Security card!

So do you think this was a sign from God?

Do you think I should bite the bullet and go?

Speaking of biting the bullet I had to get a mouth guard to use during the day because I am clenching my teeth, I guess that is how my stress is coming out. I was clenching my teeth before my Chicago trip too! I do enjoy flying and love when I get to my destination! It's the time before I leave and actually board the plane that I stress about it.


KnottedFingers said...

I do believe in signs and I definitely think you should go!!

Sometimes God urges to do things in odd ways. Would you like to know what happened to me when I listened to these types of signs? For a little back story i'm a fan of a tv showed called Supernatural and an actor I really liked was in it. Last October I went to a convention where I met a girl named Jenna who works out of a Radio station in Kansas City. Well come to find out she had interviewed the actor I liked a lot. So in November early in the month on a Thursday she goes 'Melissa, what are you doing this weekend?' I told her nothing and she told me she was going to come get me and we were going to Milwaukee.

She was driving here to Indiana and at 2 am called me and goes 'Did you know that Richard Speight Jr (My favorite actor) is filming a faith based movie in Lee's Summit MO right now?' Well long story short based on these little signs we decided to skip Milwaukee and go to Kansas.

All weekend we had odd little coincidences happen and then on Monday her and the guy from the radio station AND I were invited onto the set of this Faith Based Family Friendly movie! I met some AMAZING people, most of them who I am still friends with today. But the most amazing thing was, as the day was winding to a close I said a prayer and asked 'Dear God PLEASE give us a little more interaction here, we don't want this day to end'

After 12 hours on set the cast and crew were leaving and my friend and I decided we were starving. I pointed to a sign for a waffle house and we drove off the exit. Couldn't find the waffle house so we stopped at the Outback Steakhouse. WHO should be sitting there but the majority of the cast AND they invited us to eat dinner with them also. And I got to sit next to my favorite actor.

It was an AMAZING weekend that we wouldn't have had if we hadn't listened to our 'guts' and those little signs that say 'Do this!!' I am still friends with numerous of the actors.

So please don't second guess yourself. Go!


Yes. Go! Paris is amazing.

At the very least pray about it.

I think you'll find God wants you there :)

Mara said...

Well, there is a chance I will be in London around that time, so what are you saying about not going??

Laura said...

Absolutely go!!!!! I feel the same way about flying- but just think about how lovely it will be when you get there- and it's like that willow tree sign- giving you an extra little nudge that it will be ok!
I don't think I have need my actual social security card- though I know they used my number (and fingerprints) to do background checks and such... now I'm curious if I needed it or not... I've been teaching for 13 years.
Hoping to see an updated post soon that says yOU'RE GOING!!!
Also loved how 'for your tears' started. You are such a kind soul- God will surely take care of you!

Joyce said...

Absolutely you should go. Paris est tres magnifique! I understand the anxiety associated with flying.

So many things in life are out of our control...yes we can say no to a trip but in a way we are then saying no to living life. I have had to learn this lesson too.

Go to Paris. Celebrate your anniversary in a beautiful city. And don't worry too much about the language...its part of the fun!

Hilary said...

I believe in signs.... And YES, you should definitely go... This is a once in a lifetime trip. You will have a blast..... Also, you really need to stop with the teeth clenching. I am reformed clencher (although I do relapse). I ended up cracking a tooth by doing it and needed root canal.

Mary said...

GO! Definitely go! I definitely believe in signs, and it looks like God has had his hand in everything you wrote about! How romantic...spending your anniversary in France!

Anonymous said...

yes, yes, yes! go, go, go! i do believe in signs, i don't like to fly either but i think this is a wonderful experiance and i think you would regret it if you didn't go!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

I think you should go!!! I think you will love it.
I would be nervous too. I have never flown.
God is sending you a sign to go. I believe in signs. I think if you don't go it will be something that your will always regret.

Kristin - The Goat said...

Go Go Go Go Go! It's the trip of a lifetime and one that you will never ever forget. Oh Debby, you can do the flight. It's mind over matter and Paris over your every day life! Oh, pick Paris :)

trennia said...

God is so awesome, sometimes when I sit and think about stuff He has done for me I cry!
You should go, takes lots of pictures and amke beautiful memories!

Empty Nester said...

I believe that, if God tells you No, then there will be obstacles probably means a green light. Probably wouldn't hurt to pray about your fear? I don't know--I'm the same way about flying.

Karen Mortensen said...

I believe. Go to Paris. Don't let fear stand in your way. But I feel the same way about flying.

CB said...

GO GO GO x a million!!!
Paris is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I have been many places in the world but Paris is my favorite city!
I have been there twice - both for anniversaries and it is very very romantic, it is beautiful, the food is divine, it has so much to see. I could go on for days!!!

The flight is really not that bad. I always have a little jet lag when I get there so I plan on sleeping for a few hours and then I am good to go.

Debby don't miss this opportunity to go to the most romantic city in the world with your husband! I promise you will not regret it!!!

I'm already excited for you!!!!! :-D

Carol said...

Yes! Yes, I believe in signs. I know they are there to guide us if we only listen. You HAVE to go! If you don't you will regret it later. So, please go!

Carol-the gardener

Deb said...

you should go Debby...what an opportunity...if it's not meant to be then things won't work out...but it sounds like all is working in your favor to go....

I can't find my blog said...

Do it! There are a thousand things I could say but it all boils down to what Nike would say: Just Do It! What a fantastic chance to see an amazing city, and to do it with Mark? Awesome. Can't wait to see you on Tuesday so we can talk about it.

Oh, and guess what? HD may make it to Africa before HG does. How's that for crazy? I'll tell you all about it on Tues. Maybe we need to have a quick lunch before your errands? Sounds like we have a lot to talk about !

Technodoll said...

Life is clearly showing you the path you need to take!

Most people would give their right arm for such a lovely vacation - ah, Paris! They speak English there too, don't worry ;-)

I hope you do go.

And that you enjoy the journey as well as the trip!


Trisha Larson said...

I TOTALLY believe in GODincidences and I just read a book on that this past year. It was great!

I have so much that I want to tell you about this subject ( I just experienced a great one of these last night) but I will just say that after Nate died I had extreme anxiety about going to church. Partly because our church family didn't respond the way that we wanted but mostly because I felt very vulnerable there. Anyway, I forced myself to go. It was hard. There were tears. But after a while (a long while) I became comfortable again. Bottom line is that there were blessings at church that God wanted to share with me. I was the one that had to take that step of faith by entering the door. Even if it meant that I had to endure dozens of anxiety attacks over a period of many months. I'm over it now and I am open to receive everything that He wants to give me. But if I didn't endure the discomfort, I would have missed out.

I KNOW that you will make the right decision.


Ginny Marie said...

I get anxious before I fly, too! I haven't flown in a long time, though. I definitely think you should go! Maybe you'll even get to met Mara in person, you lucky lady! :)

Together We Save said...

I totally believe in signs and I am sure this is a sign to go. Have a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

I belive in signs, you should go you might regret not going

Dena E's Blog said...

Trust GOD and GO SIS, GO~GO~GO!!! and maybe take some dramimine ya know...LOVE the post and the french lesson too, I'm going to write Je T'aime on my Super~Hubb's Anni card on Feb 14th,, cool...
Blessings on your new week~~~hugs Dena

Anonymous said...

Go! You must go!
Its a once in a chance lifetime!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I think God wants you to be with your husband in a wonderful place for your anniversary.
I also think God will help you feel piece about traveling and doing all you need to do to be able to go.

j said...

Oh go! YES YES YES! You are blessed Debby, not only that you have the opportunity but that after many years of married, he wants you with him! There have been times that I KNOW my husband was glad to get away for a break. Your husband wants you there with him!


And yes, I absolutely think God was sending you an affirmation.

j said...

ha - that would be marriage but I KNOW you knew what I meant. Hugs Debby!

jayayceeblog said...

Oh yes, you should go! Just think about all the wonderful things you can share with us on your blog from your trip. I am so jealous! And I love your word Godincidences ... I believe!!!

xinex said...

Yes, that was definitely a sign and you should really go. How exciting! I can't believe you are still trying to decide and it looks like we have a similar fate. I am going to FL next month for my grandson's bday too but I will be back home on the
13th. Too bad, we could have arranged to meet otherwise but I wanted to be with John on Valentine's day. And we are also planning a trip to Paris and London soon....Christine

Tonja said...

If God brings you TO it.......

He will bring you THROUGH it!

Katherine said...

Yes, I most definitely think you should go to Paris. All indications are that you are suppose to go on this trip.

I stress about flying, too, but I'll think you'll regret not going.

Adoption of Jane said...

I definitely believe in signs from God. My dad has a fear of flying too. He says its from all the small plane flying he did when he was in the Peace Corps. My mom just went to Peru and left him with all of us to stop by and check on him. After the fifth or six "Hi dad/grandpa how are you, do you have a couple bucks" from all the kids and grand kids he said he may re-think flying its probably safer and cheaper than being left with all of us, lol!

Congrats on the Anniversary... and you better go to Paris!! How exciting. I don't like flying either, I always have a few cocktails and usually end up at my destination feeling groovy!

Brandy@YDK said...

i think you should go. is there any "tricks" you can do for your mind for when you start stressing?

LynnMarie said...

Yes I believe in signs and Yes you should go. Pack a kindle or iPad and read a book or watch a movie on the plane, that works for me.

Amy said...

I think you should go for it Debby that is amazing and I think you should do it. You will have fun and the fly is not that bad. They have movies and food and it is fun.. I know you can do it. If you did not go I think you would miss out. I would love to go.. I know you will have fun.. Have a great day..

Lynn said...

You will always regret it if you don't, and you know it!
You will LOVE Paris!
I have been there twice!
I am a nervous flier too. My dr. gave me a little white pill for long flights. I take it and sleep the whole way.
I can't wait to hear all about your trip! Just think of the bloggy fodder you'll have!

Deborah Ann said...

I LOVE flying, so it's easy for me to say this should go! Even without the sign you should go. Bring some fun puzzles and devotional books for the plane ride, and an i-pod so you can listen to worship music as you gaze at all the puffy clouds. God's peace will go with you.

I can't wait to hear the details and see the go girl!

nancygrayce said...

GO! If my husband wanted me to go to Paris I would fall down and faint first, then go straight to my family doctor and get some XANAX and go. I hate flying too and I get literally sick. But with a little xanax on board (pun intended) isn't so bad. I'm 58 and have never been out of the country! go.go.go

Katherine said...

Yes, yes a million times yes, yes to signs, Yes to your daughters new job and yes, yes to Paris. I lived there for a few years when i was young and I still remember it all like it was yesterday. I understand about the flying ( I have to take Valium) I have flown long distance alone and with a one year old. No fun. But Books, chatting and meditation always help. Smooches, Katherine
P.S. I added your button to my favorites page today. :-)

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

It is a sign, to go! And after the flight, you might feel a little better about flying in the future. Although, I still get butterflies in my stomach when I fly, every.single.time.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you. And really, who would pass up the chance to go to Paris? You do not want to regret it, what a romantic way to celebrate your anniversary.

Get that passport soon, just to make sure you have it in time. And make sure the name on the passport matches the name on your flight...have fun!

Claudya Martinez said...

I think you should go. I very much doubt that you will ever regret going. I do think you would regret not going. Life (God) is presenting you with a gift, an opportunity, it would be unkind to give that gift back.

Liz Mays said...

YES!!!! You HAVE to go. Can you imagine how much you'd regret it if you didn't?

Anonymous said...

Wow how amazing. You definitely need to go. I have never really flown besides from FL to NY one time. I then hopped on a plane in my younger years and went to England. It was amazing and although I was scared to death of flying especially that long 7.5 hour trip. I think it is definitely a sign and you will not regret it.

Kristie said...

I'm sorry that the thought of flying is so stressful for you. :-/ If only the focus could stay on the destination after the flight and how much fun it will be. (Don't worry about the language-I'm sure everyone speaks English-at least the majority did in Germany.) I hope you decide to go!! I imagine it's beautiful and romantic over your anniversary falls in the same time!!! TOO NEAT!!! :-)

Kerri said...

yes i believe in signs
and u should go!! once in a lifetime chance!! i hate flying but love going places ..i always get sick on planes :( except for this last time but i was close! lol

if u dont go give me ur ticket lol u have to go!

secret agent woman said...

I don't know about signs, but I sure wouldn't want to miss going!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Oh Debby you know how I believe in signs also. It is the way I know what is meant for me. I say you put the answer out there and he will show you what he has planned for you. Don't let fear let you pass up this special gift. God has a plan for us and there is something special that you need to do there :). You will find plenty of people who will speak English to you and you may even pick up on some french. This will be a time you will never forget and the plan is set :)

Holly said...

That's so awesome you will be going to France! I def believe in God-winks!

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