If you saw my post it notes on Tuesday I mentioned that we went to Carlsbad, CA on Sunday to see the flowers - Not! Now we have seen these fields before in the past but I wasn't a blogger then and I never took any pictures! The information that we had said that the fields are in bloom from March 1st to May 8th. Well we were told that due to the cold Winter things are behind by a few weeks. My guess is that it will be another couple of weeks before they are in bloom. Of course while writing this post on Thursday it was 94 degrees outside so maybe they will be blooming soon. So the first three pictures is what we should have been seeing when we were there.

Well I am currently in love with a new flower. I was able to buy a bunch when we were there and I don't know why I haven't seen this flower before. They are called Ranunculus and are just so pretty. Look at them, they are so full with so many petals. I have had these for almost a week now and they are holding up really well and more buds are still opening. Their name just makes me laugh, it reminds me of something that Sydney Fife (Jason Segel) says in the movie "I Love You, Man" which is "redonkulous!" So Mark informed me that he sees these all the time at the nursery so we will definitely be putting some in the yard.

As we were heading over to the walkway along the ocean we had passed a few houses along the way and I noticed the flagpole between two of the beach houses. I thought I got a pretty good shot of the flag. I am surprised that I actually got the birds in that first picture. Since they don't put view finders in the newer point and shoot cameras you are kind of shooting blind outside! There is a kite flying and also a sail boat in the distance. (you can click on the pictures to enlarge them)

This is one of our favorites when we go to Carlsbad. Looking at the meals that people order I know that they serve delicious food there but when I find something I like I seldom change my ways so I always get the pepperoni bread. It is actually an appetizer but I have it for my meal with a salad. I had to take the picture of the leftovers at home since I forgot to take one when we were there. I was to excited to eat!

Here are a few other things we saw that I decided to take pictures of. I have seen them all before but since you haven't I decided to share them with you. Often around the beach areas you will see squirrels perched up on something. Isn't he/she cute? I have passed that gate dozens of times but have never taken a picture of it. I just love it, it's like a woven basket. I thought you would also enjoy looking at some of the flowers/plants.

Now this last one is definitely blurry!!! I understand the dangers in stopping along the road, but I really wanted to, but Mark wouldn't have it. So even though I had my camera on action you just can't get a still picture at 75 miles an hour. I was lucky enough that he actually went into the last lane for me to capture these as we were speeding by. So this is what you see along the highways in Southern California in the Springtime. It's very colorful!
There is a new post over at Debby's Tree today. I appreciate everyone who visits there, it is one of my greatest pleasures.
P.S. Google, as of Thursday, was still giving me issues. I know I am not alone with this issue. As I worked on this post and was almost done I lost everything I had written. Thankfully the pictures had stayed on. I was ready to cry. So this post has really been a labor of love.
I love colour in any landscape. Whenever I travelled to Ireland I was sure to see colour: yellow in spring and late summer, orange in summer, purple in spring, red throughout and so many different colours green. And then I had to travel to Germany where they only seem to have one colour: green! Soooo boring...
Those are beautiful...they look a little bit like a peony which is my favorite. Enjoy your weekend! 94 degrees..oh how nice. I know its hot but we had snow yesterday so hot sounds good right about now : )
Wow Debby. Is that postcard photo really how it looks from aerial view? Absolutely breathtaking. Looks like a wonderful place to visit. One day I'll head to Cali. Hope you have a great weekend, I'm jealous of 94, sitting here with snow still:(:(:(
Wow! What absolutely GORGEOUS photos! Thanks for sharing them with us.
How did you get all those little photos "bundled" together?
Have a blessed weekend!
Debby I have never seen that type of flower, but it is gorgeous. So pretty. Your photos are wonderful. Thank your for sharing them with us. I always love looking at them.
Hi Debby, Even though I grew up and lived almost all of my life in northern Ca., it wasn't until 5 yrs ago that I finally got to Carlsbad-and the flowers were in bloom-so breathtaking. I've been back once and love it; your post makes me want to go back again.
Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
Looks like such a wonderful day! Your Ranunculus are truly gorgeous and you got some amazing pictures of the ocean. It's been far too long since I've been anywhere to dig my toes into sand and look out over the water. I had to laugh at the thought of you trying to snap pics at 75 mph. Sounds familiar! There is nothing more frustrating than working on a post and having it disappear -- thanks for hanging in there!
WOW! I've never even heard of your new flower. It is truly beautiful!
Thanks for taking us along on your trip:)
Those Ranunculus look a bit like my favorite flower, which is a cabbage rose.
BEAUTIFUL! I hope you get to see them!
I love ranunculus. I had them at my last house. I had forgotten how pretty they are! I must plant them here!
Your labor of love is appreciated, Debby! Ah, I almost feel like I'm on vacation in California when reading this... :-)
Everything is brown, gray, slushy and dirty here. Snow still on the ground, bare trees, green buds not quite daring to make an appearance.
I really don't know why we live here sometimes.
I would love to go to Carlsbad, CA.! Those flowers must be awesome! I have seen the ranunculus before & they definitely are beautiful. I was of the understanding that they are from the begonia family, but I'm not sure about that.
I am such a rununncula lover too! I love them in a jar!!! Thanks for the reminder to plant some myself this year! :)
Your trip looks so fun! I wish it those tulips would have cooperated for you!!! My mom is going to Amsterdam to see them just next week so I hope they cooperate for her too!!! Actually she is the reason they were going to induce me a little early...a girl needs her Mama! But we will try again Tuesday :) It was a very emotional day but hey...now I still get anticipation of the day! I like that too :) Thanks for all your sweet comments about yesterday! I really embarrassed that I had put up a post about the baby coming & then I was wrong! But everyone was so sweet about it & that meant the world to me!
Thanks again Debby!!!!
Carlsbad has a very special place in my heart.
You know Debby, I really and have always loved God's nature. Getting more back into observing it more. Thank you for sharing such lovely pictures. Blessings.
I found you at Kat's Reviews of the Heart. Your blog is terrific. Love that new flower! I live in Colorado and yesterday is was in the 70s. Today blowing snow! I hope you will come join me soob. Have a terrific week. Anne
I would love to go there. So beautiful !!!! Thanx for sharing the pics & post.
I've seen them in the nursery, and they are lovely, but haven't bought them. After much trial an error, I have just settled on all perennials and then massed impatiens for annuals.
Such beautiful pictures! Great job and the color was truly fantastic. Makes we want to visit so thanks for sharing.
I love the pictures!!! Maybe the next trip we make will have to be to CA!! (But then that car-ride would probably kill us!! ;-)
I love Carlsbad. You weren't too far from my old town. The pictures are beautiful.
Luvin your labor of love! It must be a blast, living in CA. Hey, I see your hubby is Mark? Mine too! Two Mark & Debby's...how about that?
I've heard of Carlsbad, CA but have never seen pictures. These are beautiful. Will you be able to go back when the flowers are blooming?
I love how the Ranunculus flower spirals around. So pretty!
Your making me hungry with the pepperoni bread. Looks delish!
Great pictures even at 75mph :)
I'm sorry you missed the flowers. It looks like it's definitely a beautiful sight to see! The ocean pictures are so neat! And the food there looks delicious!! It's great that you still ended up with some flower pics, even though they're not the ones that you were hoping to see :-)
I love all your mosaics, Debby. The first one is gorgeous, one big color boost!
Have a HaPpY Monday xxx
YEAH I'm so glad your pictures are showing up I posted something morning from picasa and red x's again .... UGH I reposted using Microsoft Writer but now the size is wrong and my watermark is gone ... UGH!
LOVE those flowers my grandmother had them in her yard.
That looks so much better then the pepperoni bread I made last week. I'll have to make one like that!
I hope blogger goes back to normal soon!
The fields of flowers are amazing!!! I don't think I've seen anything like that outside of Disney World!!! I've seen Ranunculus before but somewhere I got the impression that they're really hard to grow. Let me know how it goes - maybe I'll plant some in my yard. Those and peonies are just so pretty.
(PS - I don't blame you for forgetting to take pictures of the pepperoni bread - I would have done the same thing - it looks too good to wait)
Deb, LOVE the rosy-looking flower. It looks a little like the peonies in this area, and they are one of my favorites, too. Yes, the colors are lovely this spring. Love seeing the fields of flowers! Fun post and colorful post! Happy Spring!
Debby, your blog looks so cheerful. Love that header. I did enlarge your photos. That photos in the mosaic with the birds and the flag are just gorgeous! I even think your photos taken from the moving vehicle are so pretty. Ranunculus is a gorgeous flower. After seeing these, I'm thinking i need to see about planting some in my yard too. laurie
The pictures are beautiful! Sorry you missed out on the flowers.
I love those ranunculus flowers! lol Great name. Now I need to see if I can find some for my garden.
I can see why those would be your new favorite flower. totally gorgeous.
Bummer that the flowers weren't out yet! Ranunculus is a pretty flower - you'll enjoy them in your garden :) Good shot getting that flag!
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