Head on over to Joyce's place to join in the fun!
1. Would you rather talk to everyone at a crowded party for a short time or have a significant conversation with two people?
I think I would choose the significant conversation with two people providing I actually like the two people.
2. What objects do you remember from your parent's living room?
Well there was a modern pole lamp in one corner, the large corner sectional that had plastic covers and we had a big organ.
3. Do you hog the bed? Steal the covers? Snore?
No I don't hog the bed or steal the covers, I usually have the covers off! Not that I have ever heard myself but yes I have been known to snore!
4. Speaking of Easter dinner....what is your favorite way to cook/eat lamb? Or does just the thought of that make you squeamish? If you're not cooking lamb what will be your entree du jour on Easter Sunday?
We will most likely be making a Prime Rib dinner.
5. Let's throw some politics into this week's mix-oooohhh...Do you know the whereabouts of your birth certificate and when was the last time you had to produce it to prove you're you?
Actually I do know where it is because I just had to have a copy sent to me for my passport. I only had the hospital one which doesn't count. So I used it in February of this year.
6. As a child, how did people describe you?
Cute as a button and full of smiles.
7. What do you complain about the most?
I am sure my family would have a long list to give you. I don't seem to be a happy camper anymore. I am going to say the fact that most days they (family) don't get the fact that I have a chronic illness and can't do a lot of things around the house. They make me feel guilty for what I don't do. I don't know why I have to keep reminding them about this.
8. Insert your own random thought here.

I think my birth certificate is at the town hall of the town I was born in. However, if I need a copy (which we do on occasion) I can go to my local town hall and get one.
July looks like a nice long month : ) I love summer!
Love that July will be so long! Bring it on. I understand how you feel about having a chronic illness and no one gets it!!! Frustrating. :(
It's so sad that too often, the loved ones of those with chronic illnesses just don't "get it". It's like if you're not on crutches, wasting away to skin and bones or lying in a hospital bed hooked up to all kinds of machines, then you must be a slacker. My sister faces that with her family, and it's so frustrating for her.
How awesome that July is going to have 5 weekends!! Hoooray!!
1. Would you rather talk to everyone at a crowded party for a short time or have a significant conversation with two people?
2. What objects do you remember from your parent's living room?
3. Do you hog the bed? Steal the covers? Snore?
4. Speaking of Easter dinner....what is your favorite way to cook/eat lamb? Or does just the thought of that make you squeamish? If you're not cooking lamb what will be your entree du jour on Easter Sunday?
5. Let's throw some politics into this week's mix-oooohhh...Do you know the whereabouts of your birth certificate and when was the last time you had to produce it to prove you're you?
6. As a child, how did people describe you?
7. What do you complain about the most?
8. Insert your own random thought here. GOING BACK TO DR TODAY,SAY A PRAYER FOR ME PLEASE!
I think I'm the same as you on #'s 1&3. :-)
I know right were my birth certificate is...I actually have 2-my parents lost my first one, so had to get another then found the first one again :-)
I like your random thought! You have a very nice blog. :)
I prefer significant conversations as well.
And Prime Rib sounds yummy.
I know where my birth certificate is...but only because I had to use it to renew my license!
i'm sorry to hear about your answer to #7.
and that random fact is really cool.
And somehow there is still only 4 paychecks. I feel robbed. ;-)
I didn't bother asking my family what I complain about-the list would never stop! Random thought-very interesting-my birthday, steps-son's birthday, and husband's birthday is all in July!!!
Oh! I forgot about pole lamps! We had one in our living room, too!
I feel your pain on living with a chronic illness :(
I love your new blog look. It's bright and cheerful :)
I love your answer to #6
Thanks for sharing the info on #8
I didn't know that.
I always like a bit of trivia.
For Easter Sunday, I'm more of a ham kind of person. Lamb isn't for me! BLECH! I'm sure it IS very difficult to live with a chronic illness, especially when others don't quite understand.
Great post!
I think there are a lot of chronic illnesses that people just don't "get." I used to suffer from Fibromyalgia, and I think people thought I was lazy...especially the hubster. It was very frustrating.
Regarding July...very interesting tidbit!!
I'm starving and all I can think of is prime rib...with new potatoes...cooked in the au jus....and some really soft rolls.....but I digress.....
I'm with you on the significant conversation - too many years in the corporate world having shallow conversations with shallow people.
haha if u like the people
sorry bout number 7
its ur house ..they dont have anything nice to say then they shouldnt say anything! :)
I love talking to new people at party for sure.. I am a social bug for sure.. My parents have an old fashion phone on the wall. I share the bed but I know I will soon be snoring with me being pg. I think my in laws our taking us out.. I think as a child I was happy and ready to go.
I think you are amazing and your family should understand your thoughts and feelings..
Love the July facts.. Have an amazing night..
I don't understand why the hospital birth certificate won't work....that seems like the most official one to me!
Our families never understand. That's just simply the way it is. If I say I'm tired to my husband, he says "what have you done?" They just aren't capable of understanding poor things! :)
Yummy for prime rib. Would you like some company?! haha
It seems to me my Daddy and big Bro's told me I was hatched...
Just like they told me that when the air raid sirenes went off in sunny So. Cal when we were growing up were to let us know the martians were arrivng, yep, that type of thing..They used it as an excuse to put up the telescope on the roof... Thats what Big Bros are for I guess.???? Sure miss them. And those days too, when all that seemed to matter was when my friends were going to be home so I could play.... :0)
THANKS Oooodles for your note yesterday...It really warmed my heart..May blessings and Love from God above be on you today and all week...Prayers and Hugs Dena
You're always a bright spot in my day!!!
That is interesting about July.
Loved the trivia for #8's answer. Thanks for popping bu my blog today! Loved reading your answers.
I enjoyed reading your answers. I understand about having to remind your family about your illness. Mine tend to forget mine sometimes.
Thanks for the info about July. That's going to be a long month! :-)
I would chose the small coversation too!
Prime Rib is one of my favorites...I have never cooked one though. I order it when eating out, on special occasions.
We will have our usual Glazed Spiral Ham for Easter.
How fascinating about July! More days to slack off--haha! Yes, I'm guilty of all three (per the bed) but I always give back the covers if I'm at all conscious.Never heard myself snore, but if I said I don't, someone in my family who reads my blog and only comments on my "errors," would say something. Sorry to hear you have a chronic illness. I can see how the "inivisibility" of it to those close to you would be emotionally difficult on top of the physical suffering.
Wow! I didn't know that about July. WAY cool Debby!
You've made me think... just where IS my birth certificate???
Debby, I'm excited to learn that we have 5 weekends in the month of July! Apparently, your attitude is not bad enough. If your family can forget your illness, it's probably because you aren't complaining and whining all the time. Hang in there sweet Debby. laurie
have a great night...
I didn't know that about July this year! that is amazing!! I remember my mom gave me my birth certificate when I got "of age" but I don't remember what happened to it; I was amazed how "easy" it was to get a replacement for it online with providing just minimal information.
cool stats on the calendar Debby. Blessings.
Great questions and answers.
Thanks for the info about July. I had no idea and I'm sure I won't be around in 823 years.
Interesting about July, Debby. Thanks for sharing that info...Christine
I'm sure I'll be making something seafoodish for Easter.
That's cool about the 5-weekend Friday.
My birth certificate & my SS card are actually in my passport. The three of them have been hanging out together for the past 25 years - unless of course I need to use one of them.
I think having 5 full weekends in July will be a bonus for the tourist season.
Not very many families had an organ in their house - how cool!
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