Head on over to Brandy's and join in.
I've been following Brandy for a long time now. I just love reading her blog and seeing her son Grayson all the time. He is so darn cute. Brandy is so much fun to read. Click on the button and visit with her, check out her new Etsy shop!
I really don't want to admit my weight but I think it's time for me to be accountable. You might see me here each week or maybe never again. Hopefully the first will hold true. I think I am finally in the right frame of mind. That doesn't mean I won't cheat from time to time but hopefully I will make better choices.
I have to do this for my health. I was recently put on an additional blood pressure medication. As you know I have COPD. (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) I have been on oral steroids for almost 20 years now. I got off of them about 2 years ago and stayed off for a year. I had to go back on them but am working hard at weening off of them again. I can't do a lot of exercise because most days I am lucky to just be breathing. I am doing a lot better then I did about 4 years ago.
So I am normally around 200 pounds. I got down below that before my trip to Florida in February but I put it back on with some extra pounds. I got to my highest ever at 212. How I wish that was my bowling score! I have been working really hard on this for two weeks now and I have lost 6 pounds. So as of today I am 206.
New post at Debby's Tree today!
thanks so much for linking up. and committing to your health. it's definitely a journey but i hope you'll find the support you need.
Remember, Debby...baby steps! Congratulations on losing 6 lbs...I'm sure it's only the beginning!
WONDERFUL JOB at those 6 pounds..
this morning i weighed and i've now lost 9 pounds...
so.. good luck to you, you are doing an awesome job!!
happy friday!!
Yay! ^ pounds in 2 weeks is AwESoMe!! You hang in there..it will come off..even if it's slow....it's better than not at all :-)
Sounds like a great start. Although I don't know about the name Fatass Friday. I always encourage patients to find gentle ways of talking to themselves when trying to change. I've even changed that KISS slogan from Keep It Simple, Stupid, to Keep It Simple, Sweetie.
im glad ur linking up! :D
6 lbs is awesome!!
yay!! have a good day and i hope u continue!
You are to be appalled for being so "up front and personal" about your desire to loose weight. I certainly wish for you the very, very best in this endeavor and don't think of it as a diet, think of it as a lifestyle change. Blessings dear friend!
I have more extra weight than ever before. I must do something about it. I sure understand how you feel!
Be nice to yourself. Being on steroids makes it so hard.
I carry more than I should as well. I'm trying to be better too.
Congrats on your loss so far! That's awesome that you are taking this step for your health! Who cares if the steps are slow, as long as you get there!
Good job! Have you ever thought of weight watchers thats what i did. Its hard at first but gets easier
Congrats on losing the six pounds! That's difficult when you're dealing with breathing issues, but you're losing!
6 lb. is great! Keep it up and it will get easier. You know that I'm here to help/support in any way I can!
Yay for getting started ... that is definitely the hardest part. You've got a battle ahead of you with your COPD, but I want you to know that I'm speaking from personal experience when I say that while it's not an easy road you're setting out on, you can do it! (I lost a good chunk of weight 9 years ago and praise God have been able to keep it off.) It may take longer than you would like and be more work than you can imagine, but you can do it! I'll be praying that you will feel our prayers and encouragement as you work to get your weight under control. {{{hug}}}
You are amazing and should be so proud of yourself..
Have a great weekend..
I wish you much success and I hope you do keep linking up. It's great to have support.
I hope we can all support each other on our quest for good health. Congrats on making the decision to work on weight loss and good luck!
I love Brandy too!
Best of luck in your journey, I know what a struggle it is!
WTG Debby!! Keep up the good work! I took like reading Brandy's journal!! you never know what to expect in her entries!
Good for you! You have a lot of added challenges with your breathing issues. I'd love to lose 6 pounds in two weeks...what sort of eating plan are you following? Although for me I know its not so much the eating as the fact that I need to exercise more. Ugh.
I struggle with my weight as well and have found the whole thing for me comes down to mental willpower. Portion control and cutting out snacking are what works for me diet-wise. Congratulations on your 6 pound loss. That's fantastic! And remember, it's one day at a time ... tomorrow is always a new day!!! Sending positive vibes your way ... =D
Bless you Dahlin! If I was only 206 I would be doing the happy dance of joy all over this place!
Steroids can be a wonder drug for some and a curse for others. Stay well!
Congrats on losing those six pounds! Losing weight is hard...I've gone up and down with my weight ever since I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to take a hormone reducing medication for five years. Keep up the good work! :)
Congrats in losing 6 lbs, Debby. It's a good start. Keep it up and good luck!...Christine
You go girl!! It's a long hard road but the closer to your goal you get, the more awesome it will be.
Now, before eating just anything like I used to, I tell myself "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" and you know, it works about half the time! ;-)
Congrats on the recent weight loss. It can be hard to lose weight when you can't get a lot of exercise in, like w/ your breathing. But you can do it!!
Nice to be back to commenting after so long away!
Congrats to you Deb for taking control of your health!
Six pounds in the right direction!!! Great job! I used to write down my weight every Friday because it kept me honest and over time I realized that those pounds really did start adding up!!! Will be praying for you to beat this! My mom is going through the same thing right now and I know how she struggles- will be keeping you in prayer!!
ps. I admire you for sharing this!!! <3
Six pounds in the right direction!!! Great job! I used to write down my weight every Friday because it kept me honest and over time I realized that those pounds really did start adding up!!! Will be praying for you to beat this! My mom is going through the same thing right now and I know how she struggles- will be keeping you in prayer!!
ps. I admire you for sharing this!!! <3
Six pounds in the right direction!!! Great job! I used to write down my weight every Friday because it kept me honest and over time I realized that those pounds really did start adding up!!! Will be praying for you to beat this! My mom is going through the same thing right now and I know how she struggles- will be keeping you in prayer!!
ps. I admire you for sharing this!!! <3
Great job, Debby, keep up the good work!
HAve a wonderful new week o xx o
6 pounds is wonderful! More importantly grats on making the decision to make more healthy choices. I think it's important to see it as a lifestyle instead of a "diet" because you want to get healthy and stay healthy for a lifetime. Keep up the great work!
Well, then I guess there are two Debby's that need to lose weight. Like you, I started to diet, lost a few pounds, then gained back even more.
Now that you have to do this for your health, that might just be the kickstart to make a real difference.
I'm so proud of you for working putting your health at the top of your list. 6 pounds is great! Making healthy choices and really thinking about what you are doing is great! Hang in there, take it one meal at a time and one movement at a time. Looks like a lot of people are cheering for you.
6 lbs is awesome! I'm sure as the weight keep coming off it'll keep you motivated to continue. I'll keep you in my prayers as I know how hard it is...I had to actively work at losing the last 40 lbs of the 80 lbs I gained in my pregancies. Best of luck!! :-)
have a great Monday..
6 pounds is fantastic!!! I'll be rooting you on!
Debby your one amazing lady and I'm so proud of you. I could never put my # up there (well maybe after I lost it). You're doing GREAT way to go with sticking to it!
I haven't been below 200 in 20 years and I'm 5'2" - that's just too much for a shorty like me!
Congrats on the 6 pound loss already, that's just awesome!!
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