Sorry you have been sick. That is no fun. Glad yu were able to plant some flowers..I love your Post It Notes. They always bring a smile. I love the randomnimity.
im sorry you didnt feel well did you get a baloon at red robin? Hailey and I used to let them off to give to My Jesus but now that she is older she just wants me to get those red robin baloons to suck all the helium out of. silly girl
Wishing you blessings and success with the new diet! Always such a challenging time. Choose THIS time as the time that you will do it no matter what! That's what I'm trying to do. Red Robin sure does sound good though! :)
so sorry you were feeling bad, it really sucks being sick.. good luck on your diet, i'm dieting too.. and it pretty much sucks! but oh well! at least i AM seeing results.. lol
You sounded like I felt last week too! I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! But, this is a new start, huh? And, like Scarlett O'Hara..let's think about all that 'other' stuff...tomorrow!
So sorry you were under the weather earlier, but glad to hear you are feeling a bit better! Glad you are done with jury duty! Eating at Red Robin and looking at flowers is a great activitiy to do to get out of the house for a bit!! Let's hope you continue to feel better each and every day!!
Good luck with the diet. You can do this! I resolved yesterday I am tired of how I am looking so I made definite plans on how I want to eat and two for two days I've been doing okay (basically not eating between meals, healthy meals)
Oh, that just sucks to not feel well enough to do the fun stuff you have planned. I think about starting a new diet every morning lately and just haven't found the motivation yet. ;(
I hope that you are feeling much much better by now. What kind of movies or TV do you watch when you aren't feeling well? I like RomComs or vintage 80s when I'm couch bound. My new obsession is NCIS and the other day there was an all day marathon. I was in heaven LOL
I hope you have a good week. I felt bad this past weekend but better today !! Sorry to hear you were not feelin good.
Take care
Sorry you weren't feeling so well! Yes it is a new week and a new healthy eating plan! I'm ready and hope you are too.
Sorry you have been sick. That is no fun. Glad yu were able to plant some flowers..I love your Post It Notes. They always bring a smile. I love the randomnimity.
Sorry last week was rough for you Debby. Glad you are better. Hope this week is better.
Glad to read you are feeling better. Have a great week!
Glad you are feeling better, it is never fun being sick. Hugs
im sorry you didnt feel well
did you get a baloon at red robin?
Hailey and I used to let them off to give to My Jesus but now that she is older she just wants me to get those red robin baloons to suck all the helium out of.
silly girl
Hoping you are feeling better. I've also started a new diet too. Good luck with yours. I stopped by from OPC. Have a great week.
Sorry you weren't feeling well and am glad to hear you're feeling better. Good luck on your diet. :)
Glad your feeling better !
Red Robin....Yum !
Hope you will feel better this week. Spending all the time on the sofa being ill is not good (as I am discovering now as well).
poor you! I am so sorry you had a bad week. My fingers are crossed that there are only good ones in your future!
Wishing you blessings and success with the new diet! Always such a challenging time. Choose THIS time as the time that you will do it no matter what! That's what I'm trying to do. Red Robin sure does sound good though! :)
Not depressing, at all! Just glad to know you're finally beginning to feel like yourself, again. Being sick is the PITS!
Woohoo!!! Your feelin' better and our sun is finally shinin' bright after 16 inches of rain! Life is good.
You have a greatly blessed and beautiful week sweetie!
I'm sorry you're feeling poorly!
Get well soon!!
so sorry you were feeling bad, it really sucks being sick..
good luck on your diet, i'm dieting too.. and it pretty much sucks!
but oh well! at least i AM seeing results.. lol
You sounded like I felt last week too! I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! But, this is a new start, huh? And, like Scarlett O'Hara..let's think about all that 'other' stuff...tomorrow!
Sorry you were sick. I hate that. I was sick too.
I love to eat at Red Robin. It is so good.
So sorry you have felt so bad. Getting out of the house and choosing new flowers is always joyful. Enjoy the remainder of the week.
So sorry you were under the weather earlier, but glad to hear you are feeling a bit better! Glad you are done with jury duty! Eating at Red Robin and looking at flowers is a great activitiy to do to get out of the house for a bit!! Let's hope you continue to feel better each and every day!!
Good luck with the diet. You can do this! I resolved yesterday I am tired of how I am looking so I made definite plans on how I want to eat and two for two days I've been doing okay (basically not eating between meals, healthy meals)
so sorry to hear you were sick. i hope you feel lots lots better. i hope that if you want - you will link up to my fat ass friday.
HUGS!!! You'll do better I'll be your cheerleader :)
red robin... so jealous!! im afraid to go there on my diet lol
Oh, that just sucks to not feel well enough to do the fun stuff you have planned. I think about starting a new diet every morning lately and just haven't found the motivation yet. ;(
I'm sorry you were having a rough week.
I hope that you are feeling much much better by now. What kind of movies or TV do you watch when you aren't feeling well? I like RomComs or vintage 80s when I'm couch bound. My new obsession is NCIS and the other day there was an all day marathon. I was in heaven LOL
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