Monday, July 4, 2011


Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July. It is wonderful being back home in my own bed. We arrived late on Friday evening. It was easier to get into London, Paris and Italy then it was to get back home into LAX airport. First of all the flight was delayed (always after you board) so we were on the plane for 12 hours. That was a bit much for me. I watched 4 movies and stood at the back quite often. I wish I could sleep! Anyway we arrived later then expected and we were on a Virgin Atlantic flight.

Apparently that man who made it from NY to LA without any identification was on a Virgin flight so security levels were increased. There happened to be two flights that had just landed from London so you are talking about 800 people getting luggage and leaving the airport. Well they were doing double checks so we were wrapped around that area several times in a line. It took us 1 1/2 hours to get through but we made it (thankfully they opened up a new lane or we would have been at least another hour), got picked up from our limo driver and we were happy to see that there was no Friday 4th of July weekend traffic home.

Our trip was amazing. I have so much to share but it will be awhile before I get myself all organized to do that. Spent most of Saturday going through pictures. Having two camera I want to sort similar ones into new folders so I can pick the best of the best. Celebrated the 4th with the kids Sunday, shared all the photos through the TV and gave them all their presents. I actually did more shopping then I realized which is really kind of sad with the exchange rate!

I hope to get around to do some reading this week. I want to thank everyone for the prayers, I can't believe all that I did. I had to push myself daily but I was out and about everyday. I was on my feet daily, had some ankle swelling but the worst was in Italy with the humidity. I averaged about 4 hours of walking daily and didn't lose a pound! My lungs started to bother me just a few days before we came home. I started myself on antibiotics Saturday and will be resting the next few days.

I have something I wanted to share with you that happened while we were away. The kids never told us because they knew I would worry. Amber and Dylan spend time in the garage sometimes. Dylan will be in there cleaning guns after they go shooting, sometimes they smoke in there depending on the winds we get, anyway there were in there doing something. Often the dogs will leave the garage and go to the yard. No big deal, we go and check on them all the time calling them back to the garage. This is never done at night when the evil predators can be out. So it's early evening and bright as day. The dogs had just left the garage and within minutes they heard the sound of an animal screaming for it's life. It was Charlie! A coyote for some reason was out and tried to grab Charlie through the fence.

Thank God we have a nylon net fence woven through our open view fence with goes about 4 ft up from the ground. (did that was Skye was a puppy so she couldn't get through it) The coyote couldn't really get through the nylon fence but was able to grab the side of Charlies face (Amber was there in an instant and the coyote ran away) and pulled a chunk of hair out. The strange thing is that Charlie is the timid one and Skye is the one who chases every thing that moves. Skye was close to the house pacing but not near the coyote. Charlie was okay but the next day he was all swollen so they went to the vet and all was well. You can see from the picture that he is all healed now. The vet said that it was a miracle that he wasn't hurt worse and their were no puncture wounds.

I also want to ask for some prayers for me. I had a bone density test done the week I left along with a mammogram. I received letters on both that I have to have further testing done. Your prayers would be appreciated.



Anonymous said...

of course i will pray for you!!
it makes me so sad that your doggie got hurt, breaks my heart, that coyote should be shot and you know how i feel about animals of all sorts but shame on him

Deb said...

can't wait to hear all about it...glad your home safe and sound..

nancygrayce said...

As soon as I finish writing this, I'm going to pray for you. I'm so glad you're home safe and sound and sounds like you had a wonderful time!!!

Oh, man......that was a scare with Charlie. I'll bet he's staying near the house now! Yikes!

Holly said...

Happy 4th Debby!

How scary about Charlie! So glad he's ok!!

I'll be praying about your tests and hoping that any further testing shows everything is ok.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Of course, I'll be praying for you regarding your mammogram and bone density tests.

I'm so thankful that Charlie came out ok with his tangle with the coyote ... thank God for the nylon net fence!

Take it easy ... as we both know, COPD is not something to take lightly.

Jen said...

I can't wait to see the pics and hear about your trip!

Thank God that Charlie is alright and how scary!

Love Of Quilts said...

Glad Charlie is ok and will send up a prayer for you to be ok. Trish

Caroline said...

Praying for you. Glad your home ok and that Charlie is fine.

Happy 4th of July.

Cyndy Bush said...

Just said a prayer for you.
Welcome home, I'm so glad Charlie wasn't seriously injured. That is so scary!
I'm very happy for you, that you were able to do so much while you were overseas. What a blessing!

Mara said...

Good to see you back home. I have the same problem in Italy: the heat and humidity make my ankles look as if I've swallowed an elephant. But to still get four hours of walking in every day: hat off to you!

I can't find my blog said...

Just stopping in to say hi. Glad Charlie is ok!

Katherine said...

I am so happy you had fun on your trip, and I'm equally happy that Charlie is okay. How scary! I'm amazed that my cat is still alive some mornings. She's an outside cat, but must be smart enough to stay away from the coyotes!

I'll be praying for you as you go through more testing.

Little Penpen said...

I'm so glad you home safe and sound. I can imagine you just about freaked out when you heard about and saw your Charlie. I'm glad he is okay. Prayers for you and your tests!

Amy said...

glad you are back safe and sound.. What a plane ride.. I am glad that Charlie is okay. That is just so scary.. I hope you enjoy your time getting all settled in. Do not rush back... Hugs..

Kerri said...

glad everything is ok ...we have the same problem and one night we were out and it was running upon our dog while we were standing right there..we had to make a noise and scare it away ...i know how scary it is! we keep our dog in the garage at night

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Absolutely..prayers going up from Utah for you and poor little Charlie! I'm sooo glad nothing worse happened to him and I am soo glad you have your mamogram and your bone density testing need to know if there's something amiss and still have time to take care of it! You've got my, get some well deserved rest...and don;t be surprised if the weight falls off can sometimes take a few days to show :-)

Ginny Marie said...

I was wondering where you were for the 4th of July...I wasn't sure when you would be back! You will be in my prayers, Debby. Sometimes they just need to be sure about the test results...I have gotten called back for a mammogram before and it turned out to be okay...they were just keeping a close eye on me. Take care!

Joyce said...

I'm almost always called back for my mammo so try not to worry...that is not unusal. I don't know much about the bone density test. I had my first one this year and it was okay-perhaps they'll have you up your calcium for starters.

So glad you had a good trip and i'll look forward to pictures. I am waaaay behind on blogs at the moment too.

Randi Troxell said...

so glad ya'll had a great trip.. can't wait for pics and to hear more... but oh poor charlie! i am soooo glad he's alright!!

Brandy@YDK said...

so sorry to hear about charlie. and good luck with your tests. your trip home sounds like a nightmare.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

OMGosh how scary I'm so glad it was not as bad as it could be but wowzer!!

Prayers of course with you my dear! Keep us updated on what they say!

Oh goodness 12 hrs on the plane ugh!

I just got your other post card, LOVE it!!

Technodoll said...

Oh wow, poor Charlie! That could have been awful - want to borrow my dogs? You can then have coyote stew the next time it comes around, LOL!

Further testing... what does that even mean?

Positive karma sent your way, my dear... you've got me worried now :(

Sandy said...

First and foremost I'm sending positive vibes your way. I'm catching up and should have read the latest first.

Secondly, I'm glad Charlie is okay. Lucy was grabbed by a coyote 3 years ago and lived to tell. I've got a post about it if you care to find it. She never, ever, goes out alone at night since that day.

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