Friday, September 2, 2011


I hope you were not too bored with all of my posts. It was definitely a labor of love. First getting all the pictures into the mosaics and then of course putting each post together. Blogger still doesn't work right for me when I post so I have to go into Html dozens of times to fix the spacing while I am reading and correcting things. I read and re-read each post several times. I am sure I still made some mistakes and I apologize for that. I definitely have a new appreciation for the writers who travel and put together those guide books!

These items were not expensive but they are priceless to me since I was able to buy them when I was in Europe. Of course my credit card would beg to differ with that statement. ($1,800) Let's remember that this included my expenses as I toured alone most of the time, our tickets to Versailles and gifts for others.

These are the four stamps I got in my passport.

Lots of goodies here. My flying saucers, a wrist band in yellow from Fat Face, Mind the Gap & French Bread magnets, little Harrods Mini Cooper, Harrods tea towel (dish towel to me) and a Eiffel Tower charm with red mushroom on it. I have always loved the little red dotted mushrooms, they remind me of my Bohemian heritage. I got my great nieces each one with a red ladybug on them to remind them of me! I bought a great Fat Face bag and had bought each couple one too. A little metal sign from the Chocolate shop I went to in Paris. Two magnets the I picked up at Harrods of the phone booths and mailbox. Got a couple of trinkets in Italy and my two ornaments, one of a taxi the other a double decker bus. Remember to click on the pictures to enlarge them.

I picked up a few ornaments that I liked and a few other little hanging items. Loved the Westminster Abbey ornament especially because it had a date on it . I gave Tristen one of the little birds and the little button heart was just too cute to pass up. I bought an ornament at Kensington Palace, one to honor William & Kate's wedding and one at Versailles. They are just so pretty.

I bought us a tiny Eiffel Tower, bought a few lavender scents at Kensignton Palace, my new pink Rotary Watch that I bought on that flight and a cute little wallet I bought in Italy. That is also the pink scarf I bought in Italy. I came across the little ballet shoe key holder at the Museum De Orsay in Paris (I collect little shoes) and a little flower hair clip that I bought. I wanted to buy a hat but I knew I would never where it. I most likely won't wear this clip either! I bought one of the little ballet shoes for Tristen and it is actually made by a ballet shoe company.

My Princess Diana engagement ring that I found at the gift shop at Westminster Abbey. I actually wore it to the Casino last week. A bag from Buckingham Palace and a large towel to commemorate the wedding. I was never able to find the engagement tea towel. I was told once they sell out they are gone. I bought two little crown pins and then they had these limited commemorative pins of the wedding at Westminster Abbey. I bought several to give to my nieces, great nieces and a few other people in my life. I bought a souvenir book of the wedding, a Kensignton Palace bag, a Buckingham Palace face cloth and a tea towel from the wedding that matches the ornament I bought.

Since I have been home I received the Hello magazine from Phil's mother. It was so sweet of her to send it to me. She just sent me a flyer from her paper the other day too. Anyway I had seen that magazine at the airport and wanted to remember to buy it before we went home. Well I never got it and was thrilled when she sent it to me. I bought a fan at Versailles along with a bookmark & pen. (I collect pens too) I have my collection of ticket stubs which I think are fun to save. I guess it's obvious I like to save things but I'm not a hoarder! The three little cards are from the Worcester Porcelain Factory. They are drawings of teacups from the past that they use to make. I had Tristen pick one out and she framed hers. I was going to have my MIL & SIL each pick one out the next time I see them. I dried the rose that Mark bought from a street vendor on our Anniversary. We got several little things from Virgin with our flights. We didn't use them so I passed some on to the kids.

I have a little story about the two little giraffe bandz. One is a ring and the other is a wrist bandz. My great niece Ashlynn gave them to me. I took them to Europe with me and wore them all the time. When I got home from our trip the ring was not on my finger. I know it was on when I boarded the plane so I assumed I lost it on the plane because I searched everywhere for it. I felt really bad about this because I couldn't wait to tell her that I took them with me. So last week when I got around to taking these pictures (which I really didn't do a good job of) I placed the Fat Face bag on the bed and suddenly there it was!!! I was so excited. What I have done is taken that passport picture above, added the little giraffe picture to it and will print it out. Then I will mail it to Ashlynn with a note telling her all about their journey.

I forgot to show you this little cutie that I bought at the airport right before we boarded our plane to come home. It was an impulse buy for sure! It was my last chance to get something in Europe which was so silly because the exchange rate just made it cost more than buying it here. But now I can say I bought it in Europe.

Something else to add. Remember Phil from Mark's office and his friend Ali who helped me so much in Europe. Well Ali came in last Friday from London and we went to dinner with them on Tuesday evening. It was so nice to see her again. It was an evening of wonderful conversation and some great wine. I just love listening to their accents.

My dinner was so delicious. There is a restaurant named Mario's Place across from the Mission Inn in Riverside. We go there for office Christmas Parties all the time. I had freshly made mozzarella on top of sliced small tomatoes. We had some delicious risotto and a steak that was perfection. You would not believe the presentation of these dishes. I didn't bring my camera because I didn't want to embarrass them at the table or look like a fool at this really fancy place.


Mara said...

I've learnt not to buy too much stuff when travelling. Books not included. Fortunately I usually travel by coach, which means I have plenty of room to stash whatever I do buy. If I did buy everything, I would definitely need a bigger place!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

What a sweet idea for your great niece! I loved seeing all the mementos of your trip. ;-)

Deb said...

I love all your treasures....and photos...

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

I love the treasures that you found Debby.

Kerri said...

I love the stamps! wish I could find my passport it would be neat to see all the stamps.. my parents don't know what they did with it :(
love all ur items also! they are awesome!
I collect tickets and things too they are great memories to have and to show :)

Little Penpen said...

Oh Debby! I love all your treasures!! I would have bought the engagement ring, too. I've always thought it was sooo pretty!

Kristie said...

So many momentos! They're so neat! I did the same on my trips to Europe. They'll all be fun to see on occasion and remember what a great trip you had! :-) And I did all the shopping for family too! It sure takes a lot of thought! :-)

Unknown said...

Some day...a very long time from now, after I have paid my dues...maye I will get to travel the world like you!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Wow..what an amazing adventure..someday..someday..I will go as well ..hopefully! In the meantime, I'll just be content to be a mouse in your pocket..seeing what you saw!

Liz Mays said...

I just love that fan from Versailles. I adored my visit there when I went. I think you're lucky to get so many Royal Wedding items too. Those things will be very hard to find the longer time goes on.

Your ornaments are so cute too. I have a love for them also, but I know I'll never catch up to you in quantity. ;)

Kathy said...

So many pretty souveniers! When I go someplace, I usually spend more time in the souvenier shops than I do at the actual attraction. (I'm a collector, too. LOL)
PS I'm so glad you found the missing ring!

Michelle said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to post these.
I wouldn't know how to make the mosaics.
You did a wonderful job.

I love the Westminster Abby ornament.
Yes...I'm a bit jealous.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
We are going to an all day concert (8:30a.m. - 11:00p.m.) Best part is that it's free.

Among the bands playing is Switchfoot.

xinex said...

What great memories and wonderful souvenirs, Debby. Thanks for sharing them. I know I have an engagement tea towel of Charles and Kate that my sister sent me. I wonder where I placed it?...Christine

Empty Nester said...

I love all your travel treasures! Looks like you got just the right things!

CB said...

OOooooooohh - YOu got lots of good stuff!
I always think the passport stamps are cool too :-D


I love my passport stamps as well. All of your goodies look so fun. I know you had a wonderful time collecting them. I know I do! :-) Have a safe and wonderful weekend.

Claudya Martinez said...

I think the ballet shoe is adorable.

You might consider putting your posts with pics together in LiveWriter and then sending them to Blogger, that's what I used to do when I was on Blogger and I still do it for Sundays in my City now that I'm on WordPress.

Love Of Quilts said...

What great mementos of your sure had a great one. You have a lot of treasures now to remember it by. Trish

nancygrayce said...

Great stuff and great pictures for a great trip of a lifetime!

Caroline said...

Love it all so much. I would love to go there someday. Thank you for sharing it all.

Katherines Corner said...

I love all your little mementos from your adventure. Every time you look at one you will remember your trip. Hugs!!

Just Be Real said...

How could one be bored with what you have to share Debby. You share what most of us will never experience. Blessings and hugs

Anonymous said...

Hi Deborah : Hope you have a Great Labor Day weekend :)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love these things Debbie...they're great memories of your trip and I loved reading all about your wonderful adventure.

Tina said...

Wow Girl! You certainly bought out the place! I love to buy special momentos also. Everything has a story to tell...those stories hold memories.
Happy to hear you had a good time. Glad you made it home safely!

secret agent woman said...

I especially like the scarf - I like mementos you can wear.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I just love we get a little more taste of this amazing trip :)

I'm just loving all this loot! Plus the ornament can't wait to see them on your tree.

And your treat from the airport rocks!

Brandy@YDK said...

you got some awesome stuff.

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