Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Volume 158 - Thank you Joyce! 

1.  Are you a force to be reckoned with? In what way?
I think I am and it seems to be getting worse. I have no control over anything in my life right now and it is driving me crazy. I'm so stressed that I am grinding my teeth all day long! I seem to be angry all the time. 

2. What are two things you love about the wintertime? Or, if love feels like too strong a word, what are two things you 'like' about winter? 
Christmas and our son's birthday since they fall during wintertime. Nothing I like about the weather other than looking at everyone's beautiful snowfall photos. 

3. Pomegranate, kumquat, persimmon, kiwi, and guava are all fruits said to have health benefits, particularly during the winter months. Do you have a favorite on the list? Are there any on the list you haven't tried? 
My favorite would be pomegranate. I don't buy them as often as I would like to because they are a lot of work to eat and can be costly. I haven't had kumquat, persimmons or guava.

4. I passed a local church yesterday and noticed they had this on their outdoor sign- 'When all else fails, do the right thing.' Your thoughts?
You should always try to do the right thing, maybe then you won't fail! 

5. Do you ski? According to one list I've seen, the top 5 ski destinations for 2014 are-St. Anton Austria, Whistler Canada, Cortina Italy, Tahoe USA, and Zermatt Switzerland.  Of the five listed, which would you most like to visit? We can make skiing optional if that helps the non-skiers with their answer. 
I haven't gone skiing in years but I enjoyed it when I did. I'm going to say Switzerland.

6.  What's the last thing you looked for online? (Besides my blog!)
To see what a guava looked like. I did try Mango for the first time last year and fell immediately in love with it.

7. What saying, slogan, quote, or motto have you seen lately that inspires you for the new year?
I find so many that I love on Pinterest. I will go with this one:

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
It took me 18 days past Christmas before I plugged in my new computer and turned it on. Let me just say that I am not thrilled with Windows 8.1 (I really don't like change!) Obviously it is no surprise that Microsoft and Google are not friends. Let me tell you that Mr. Bill Gates has put up several road blocks and hoops to jump through to keep me from making Google Chrome my home page but I was successful. 

Now if I could only find the start button that I'm use to in the left bottom corner to turn it off that would be nice!  I didn't find it but did manage to shut it down. Next I have to transfer all my files. This should be very interesting, I may just have to call the Geek Squad! 

Update: Just heard about the news report where Microsoft has had so many complaints about Windows 8.1 that they are going to come out with Windows 9 and go back to some of the older features that people liked and were use to. Well that is great news only it doesn't help me since I have Windows 8.1 !



April said...

We could probably use a new computer ourselves, but the changes that come with it aren't something I necessarily embrace. That would be just my luck for us to get one with Windows 8.1 and have them announce that they're coming out with a newer version. Hopefully, you'll get everything figured out soon! Love the motto you shared...that's a keeper!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I like your answer to #4!

Windows 8 is one of the reasons I do not want a new laptop. If I could figure out how to do Quicken, Turbo Tax and some kind of spreadsheet on my iPad, I do believe I'd switch to it totally. Maybe they'll come up with the software to allow you to upgrade Windows 8 to Windows 9 ... I remember buying the software to upgrade to Windows 95 back in the day.

Joyce said...

We're all Apple here and I like it. The problem is when you try to combine systems...Apple doesn't like that either : )

I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I will add you to my prayers.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have had several sales emails showing Chrome has its own computer system now, they are selling the laptops a lot cheaper than the windows 8. i hate when the giants fight and it messes us up... good luck with the tranfers.. i always hate the adding my favorites and emails addresses when i get a new computer.
i love mango, my favorite fruit. my grandmother had 2 trees here when i was a child so i grew up on them. i love citrus to but mango is number 1. i love kiwi but have never bought one.

TexWisGirl said...

i've heard several complain about win8. geesh!

i like that saying list. wish we could all do more of that!


I loved mango's as a child...our next door neighbor had a backyard full of them. There is a story there I need to post one day. Loved the pinterest quote. Pinterest is wonderful is it not.

Anonymous said...

Any change on the computer is scary to me! I enjoyed reading your answers and learning more about you. HOpe you have an enjoyable day.

Theresa said...

I love mangoes too. They aren't the easiest to cut but I found a solution. Trader Joe's sells frozen mango chunks :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm so sorry you feel angry. I hope that things in your life settle down.

betty said...

What Microsoft will need to do is let those who bought Windows 8.1 trade it in for Windows 9; seems like a mess. I don't know why they change things when things seem to be working so well.

I am sorry it is a stressful time for you, Debby; I'm sure in a way I know what it involves; it is hard to live constantly under that type of stress and worry and anger. I do hope things improve and improve soon!


Cathy said...

Love that quote! Good words to live by.

I think my hubby said there is a way to get the start button on 8.1. You might trying googling it to see.

Rebecca Jo said...

I hate the new windows something fierce!!! I've tried to learn it, but still despise it.

Debbie said...

Oh I am right there with you...I thought it was just me. Got a new lap top for Christmas too, and windows 8 and so far I HATE (too strong a word, haha) the whole thing. I can barely work anything. I'd love to go back to my old, falling apart, but easy computer. Guess I will just plug on. Enjoy your day!

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, I always enjoy reading the questions and answers to Hodgepodge Wed. I understand how frustrating it can be when the computers change constantly. I love my IPad and will probably go for a Mac when I need a new laptop.
Hugs today.

Nikki said...

I didn't know what guava really was either. I do prefer summer fruit much more but mostly i like tangerines and oranges at this time of year. Although i love kiwi!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Debbie, your name is going on my prayer list this week; being that stressed and angry is NOT a good thing!
Enlarge and print out that manifesto then put it where you can see it daily. It might help, especially if you're forgetting to breath and move. (like me...)
Gosh, I think I'm still using the second or third windows that came out. I'm a Luddite!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Windows 8 hater, too! I don't know why they took something familiar and made it so complicated!!! Makes me want to scream... It took me over an hour to figure out how to burn a CD!

I hope you find some peace and resolution, this new year. Life's too short to stress all of the time. Sending ((hugs)) and prayers, too!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I am not in a hurry to get the new computer upgrade to 8.1. I have heard nothing good about it. We will be taking our baby in for maintenance and security updates this afternoon.

Nani said...

Aren’t mangoes great?? I like them dried too,; candy! But I agree about the pomegranates; lots of work!

It’s not you and it’s not change; Windows 8.1 sucks! Lovely to develop a new product we’ll have to pay for to replace the new product everyone hates that we’re stuck with. :P

Mara said...

Persimmon? I have never even heard of it. I like kiwi though, easy to eat as long as you avoid the hairy outside!

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

Sorry that you are going through a rough time-prayers.
Computer changes are not for me-good luck.

retired not tired said...

One of the reasons we haven`t bought a new computer is because of Windows 8. We love our Windows 7 and it sure beats Vista. Wishing you the best.

Chatty Crone said...

I have been nursing my poor computer until 9.0 comes out. I haven't heard too many people happy with the 8.

I am a force to be reckoned with - only when I get really mad - then you would not like me. That has only happened once or twice though.

I love pinterest too and to Breathe is really a good technique to relax.


Secret Agent Woman said...

I'm surprised mango wasn't on the list of super-fruits for winter. But for that matter, what about citrus fruits, all packed with vitamin C?

Switzerland is heavenly to ski in.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

I've heard nothing good about Windows 8 and glad that I'm not in the need of a new computer right now.

I am sorry that you feel angry most of the time, that's certainly not good for you. Hope you get it resolved soon. Hugs!

Oh, I framed that Manifesto. I love it!

Miss Debbie said...

Yea...that church sign makes me a little sad...not a good testimony of God's character. You are right...we should always try to do the right thing!

bp said...

Interesting about the software. I think our laptop is about gone, the screen is messing up so we should start looking I guess.

Trish said...

I'm still using Windows 7...I am a creature of habit and do not like change. I am still recovering from the Blogger changes from a while back...UGH! Blessings my friend.

nancygrayce said...

I can certainly identify I with the teeth grinding stress that life has been handing out lately! My latest blow came today and I almost starte screaming in Walmart.......however, since I knew that wouldn't be an acceptable thing to do, I paid, left, got in the car and cried.

My husband is having lots of computer issues at his office. I couldn't stand any new computer issues right now!

Anonymous said...

I need a new computer but have been hesitating as I really did not like the idea of Windows 8. Hopefully the update will happen soon.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Praying whatever is making you angry lifts. :) And me, I'm not a fan of winter. I long for spring and summer. I had Guava in Israel. They're a mix of pear and apple and the smell is out of this world. Love them.
Happy Friday Debbie.....have an incredible weekend

Hilary said...

I am a huge fan of Pomegranate

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I've been the same lately not sure why :(.

Man I hate windows 8, it sucks. Especially when I'm working I move my thumb over my mouse pad and all these tiles pop up and I'm on the phone with a client ... ugh

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