Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Volume 211
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1. 'In like a lion, out like a lamb'...does the first part of this saying describing March weather ring true  where you live? 

In like a lion....

2. March 4th is National Grammar Day. What common grammatical error bothers you the most? 

I'm sure I have errors all the time so I don't think I should comment on this one. 

3. William Arthur Ward says- 'The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.' Which one are you?

Truthfully I have done all three depending on the circumstances but most likely I am an optimist in expecting change.

4. What's something you need to 'march forth and conquer' this month?

Getting the Christmas boxes out of my office. I worked on it Monday and am making progress, sorting things into what I can sell, give to charity or give to a friend who asked for some decorations. Then I need to continue to move forward into closets, cabinets and drawers. 

5. An ongoing debate around you dust first, then vacuum or vacuum first, then dust? Of the two routine household chores, which do you dislike the least? How's that for wording?

I always dust first because I don't want to go back and leave footprints on the carpet. Dusting is definitely harder than vacuuming because I have a lot of collectibles.  

6. According to, the ten most photographed sites in the U.S.A. are-Cinderella's Castle in Orlando, Southernmost House in Key West Florida, The Space Needle in Seattle, The Site of the Boston Massacre in Boston, The Bellagio Lake/fountains in Las Vegas, The Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, Coit Tower in San Fransisco, The Art Institute of Chicago, Niagara Falls, and snagging the number one spot-The Guggenheim Museum in New York City. 

How many on this list have you photographed? Which on the list would you most like to visit and photograph?

Sadly I haven't photographed many of them and they are all on my bucket list. I have done Cinderella's Castle in Orlanda and California, The Bellagio Fountain in Las Vegas and The Art Institute in Chicago. #1 on my list would be The Lincoln Memorial!

7. Fifty years ago Monday (March 2, 1965) The Sound of Music premiered at the Rivoli Theatre in NYC. Have you seen the film? Do you own a copy? On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love it (or not)? Ten=best movie ever. If you're a fan, what's your favorite scene or song from the movie? 

I do not own a copy. I probably saw it when I was younger but only remember a few sceens. I would have been a teenager doing other things in 1965. Never watched it on TV even thought it has been on numerous times over the years. I did watch the musical on TV with Carrie Underwood. I have always been a fan of the songs! 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

When I started this post I knew I didn't have anything for the random. I had just typed Carrie Underwood in the last question and went to look for the above photo which I sent from my phone but the only email I had was from US Weekly saying "Carrie Underwood delivers a baby boy!" Things like that are so strange when they happen......


Joyce said...

What a cool photo of the cloud coverage. We have had so many days where the sky is gray. All one color all day long. Rain today and snow coming tonite. I am ready to see the sun and less frigid temps! Good luck with the office cleanout.

Mara said...

I have seen The Sound of Music several times and did own a copy at some point. Now the only thing I own is a cd with the music. My favourite number is probably the one about the Goat Herd. It is funny and always makes me smile.

betty said...

That was an impressive sky picture, Debby, with the clouds! Very pretty but ominous :)

Glad to hear you are making some progress on the Christmas stuff. It is good too to have the categories you are sorting them with, to sell, give, etc.

I agree, dust first, then vacuum. I have noticed without Koda here (though I miss him dearly) we have less to vacuum (of course no shedding dog hair).


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I adjust the sails AND complain. we came in like a lamb, hope it goes out the same way
I dust first and dusting is at the top of my HATE list, out of all housework..
I saw the falls and the Memorial when i was 8 if that counts. I rather photograph nature than any of these, think beaches and state parks.

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at the serendipitous moment. :)

i HATE dusting and dislike vacuuming. and my house presently displays that. :)

Theresa said...

What beautiful clouds! I was just recently wondering when Carrie Underwood was due. Thanks for sharing the good news.
Have a great week :)

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Yes, you guys have certainly experienced the lion this year, haven't you. That is an amazing picture. Our Indiana family is so sick of the weather that DIL felt the need for some southern warmth and humidity and flew to spend a few days with friends in New Orleans this week. She has not adapted well to the long northern winters. That is so interesting about the Carrie Underwood story.

Anonymous said...

You captured an amazing picture of the sky!
How I wish I could get inspired to do some cleaning out... Good luck with yours!
I hadn't heard the news about Carrie Underwood giving birth, so I'm glad you shared :)

Secret Agent Woman said...

March sure came in like a lion here!

My task for this month is getting my taxes done.

Debbie said...

wow great picture of the clouds! I was actually just wondering if she had her baby yet! Thanks for sharing that. Have a good week, and good luck on the clean out!

Rebecca Jo said...

Google searches, you never know what will pop up! :)

I'm amazed at how many people don't care for Sound of Music - I'm all about musicals... obsessed is more the word

holli said...

I love that picture of the clouds! Beautiful!
I love Sound of Music and not sure if anyone saw this but Lady Gaga did a medley of songs on the Oscars and it was fantastic!! I also saw the musical on TV with Carrie and thought she did great job. Her baby is too cute and doesn't have a crazy Hollywood name either.

Barbara said...

The giraffes pictured in your left-hand column look so cute! I guess they are a mama and papa with their baby, but it looks like they are having a committee meeting and are ending it with a word of prayer!

Heart2Heart said...


I agree with you that I dust because I am OCD about footprints on the carpet. It's never ending however with dusting in the desert. It's always here no matter how much we dust.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

katie eggeman said...

I vacuum first. I don't dust as often as I should but with dogs, I have to vacuum often each week.
Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

Stephanie said...

So many beautiful places to see in the world!! (and I didn't know Carrie Underwood had her baby!)

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I'm the same the grammar police would love to light me up .. lol

I've watched sounds of music when I was young. I don't think I've watched it since then.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Debby, I can identify about the Christmas boxes - I still have 2 Santas in the kitchen. They are still there because they are on a high shelf and I am too lazy to get the step ladder out.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You know - I've been to some of those places, but haven't actually photographed the landmarks!

Chatty Crone said...

I am going to agree with grammatical errors - I don't like them, but I think I type so fast - I make them myself all the time.

Love Of Quilts said...


Cathy said...

Yes, that is a little strange...but fun!

You've been to more of those places than me. I only had 2. I hope you are able to get all your sorting of Christmas ornaments and the closets and stuff done. That stuff is no fun to me. In fact, when you get finished, you could always come and do mine. lol

Little Penpen said...

I'm not sure if our March came in like a lion or the lamb. One day was beautiful, like a very warm spring, and the next day we had snow. Warm again and then ice again. Surely the lamb will show up to stay soon!

Anonymous said...

Georgia has rain today but so many places are struggling with severe winter weather. I hope you will enjoy the weekend.

Hilary said...

March is sure a lion in my neck of the woods!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

It sounds like you are being very productive. I need some of that around here.

I hope your weather "lambs" up for the rest of the month.

Dee said...

I loved your answers. 'In like a lion' in my area, too.

Have a great week... :)

Michelle said...

Hi, Debby!

Thanks for stopping by!

Our March weather came in like a lamb.
I was just talking to the guys about it today.
Since it came in like a lamb, how will it end?
One son and I went for a walk, it's so nice out!
It's a bit overcast and we started feeling sprinkles...
Not suppose to rain til Wednesday. We turned around and came home.
What few sprinkles we had stopped.
But, we didn't want to get caught far from home, in case :(

After all these years I am trying to learn a bit about grammar.
I hated school, back in the day!
I am also learning how useful a thesaurus can be :)

Don't feel too discouraged.
We keep our inside Christmas lights up, year round!

I agree! My mom taught me to work from the top down, when cleaning.


Claudya Martinez said...

It's funny because the grammatical errors that bother me the most when other people commit them are the ones I commit the most.

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