Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Volume 236
~Thank you Joyce~
Click on over and join in! 

1. What have you 'fallen for' recently?

Organic wine and wines that are organic with no added sulfites. Trader Joe's has a wonderful selection of Organic wines. 
Something else I have fallen for is Josie Maran face products.  I am using the Light Argan Oil, Argan Daily Moisturizer, Argan Matchmaker Serum Foundation and an Argan Blush. I got a sample of the foundation with a Sephora order and fell immediately in love with it! 

2. What's something you're 'squirreling away' for later?

You won't believe this, we have too much stuff yet I find things I fall in love with and buy them for when we move someday. Crazy right???

3. How do you like your apples? Sweet? Tart? Crisp? Cooked? Apples are one of the superfoods for often do you eat an apple either plain or as part of a favorite recipe? What's your favorite variety?

Crisp and tart for me! I really don't care for them cooked but I do like applesauce. I will buy Granny Smith in the store but when we go to the apple orchards we buy Rome Beauty. 

4. According to Fodor's the ten best fall foliage trips in the US of A are-Aspen ColoradoThe Catskills New York, The Berkshires Massachusetts, Columbia River Gorge Oregon, Green Mountain Byway Vermont, Enchanted Circle Scenic Byway New Mexico, Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee, Upper Peninsula Michigan, Lake of the Ozarks Missouri, and Glacier National Park Montana. Which would you most like to visit this fall and why?

Sorry but I really, really want to see Central Park in the Fall. I want to look down on it from some building top! I've seen the Aspen in Colorado which are gorgeous since my favorite color is yellow. Having to pick one from the list I will say Glacier National Park Montana.

5. The topic of legalizing marijuana was raised in the most recent televised political debate so let's wade in too. Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia currently have laws legalizing marijuana in some form. Four states have legalize marijuana for recreational use. Your thoughts?

I don't think it changes things, everyone who wants it gets it anyway. What we do need is a way to keep drunk and high drivers off the road. Maybe all cars should have a detector of sorts in order for the car to start! 

6. Are you okay to watch a movie already in progress or do you need to always see it from the beginning? How about jumping into a TV series somewhere in the middle? Is that okay? 

I would prefer to see the movie from the beginning. I'm not sure about a TV show. I can't see going back and watching 12 season's of a show already in progress. We are just starting Season One of House of Cards on Netflix which has 13 episodes for each season. It is currently going into season four. 

7. Thursday (September 24) is National Punctuation Day. What rule of punctuation trips you up most often? What rule of punctuation, when broken by someone else, bugs you the most?

I am not one to ask because I am sure I never use the right punctuation's and I don't care.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am with you on the apple crisp and tart and I have fallen for Homeland. we watched 22 one hour episodes in 10 days.. and i NEED to see a movie from the beginning. i have watched a movie that i had seen before starting in the middle but never a movie for the first time. I am going now to find my Tiara

Dee said...

I prefer to watch a movie from the beginning, but I've watched movies that were already in progress. The problem is, you have to watch it over to see what you missed. I enjoy eating apples every way, cooked or raw... yum.

I loved your quote at the end, too... :)

Carla from The River said...

LOL - Your punctuation answer is great. :-))

I agree with your #5. You are right, they get it one way or the other.

I love your random thought.
Have a great week!

Joyce said...

NYC is lovely in the fall. September is my favorite month there. We haven't watched House of Cards, but it's on my list of shows to see when winter rolls around and we're in more. Enjoy your day Debby!

Rebecca Jo said...

In my mind, I wear a tiara every day :)

I will say, medical marijuana literally 100% truly saved my friend's 5 yr old daughters life with seizues... & the sad thing is they had to move from all friends & family to make this decision - so sad. It needs to be legalized so families don't have to leave in the fight of their lives.

Secret Agent Woman said...

I love in the foothills of the Smokies, so I don't have to travel to see fall color. Me, I'm squirreling away money for another European trip!


I love fall in the Smokies. It rocks my world. I love fall period to be honest. I am squirreling away money for Moldova next summer. That is where my daughter and her hubs are missionaries. I am going in 2016.

Cranberry Morning said...

Yes, I'd like to see Central Park in the fall too, as long as I didn't have to drive through the city to get there. LOL I don't think I've ever eaten a Rome beauty apple. I'll need to check into that!

Sharon said...

Granny Smith apples - tart and crisp, yes! And I've also been fascinated by the history, beauty, and mystery of Central Park. I'd like to see it! I cracked up at your answer to the punctuation question. Very clever. Honestly, though, I am always tripped up by commas and apostrophes. When to use or not to use, that is the question...


Chatty Crone said...

Wear your Tiara! Love it. I also like to start movies from the beginning - it is hard to know what is going on else wise. I had no idea there were organic wines. Good to know and we have a Trader Joe's. I have too much stuff too. And I like my apples sweet!

Unknown said...

I agree on the TV can always go back and start at the beginning. I started Modern Family in the middle as well as Big Bang and it didn't detract me from the story. I have even gone back and watch earlier episodes because I like the show not to get caught up.

As for wearing my tiara...wonder if they will let me wear while I am teacher??

Stephanie said...

Oh I absolutely have to watch a movie from the vey beginning! I don't even like to miss the pre-views!
And Central Park in the fall sounds divine :)

holli said...

I'm writing down my reminder now to check out Trader Joe's organic wine!!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

hehe we are so alike the house is full but I love finding new things and buying them!

maddie/cadesmimi said...

I have House of Cards on my list of things to watch.
I love your random thought today:)

Kathy (Reflections by Kathy)

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Loved your drunk/high driver solution. Think that's worth exploring. You are so to the point and I really like that about you, so really appreciated your punctuation answer. Have a great week.

Mevely317 said...

I, too, would love to see Central Park - both in Autumn and covered in snow. For the longest time I dreamed of visiting the Park's famed Tavern on the Green - until I saw a photo of it on line. Why, it didn't look at all what I'd envisioned in my mind's eye! Perhaps some things are better left to our imagination?

PS - Loved your thoughts on legalizing marijuana.

Wendy said...

Love your random thought!

Denise said...

nice hodgepodge

betty said...

I'm going to have to try an organic wine; haven't done so before, but they do sound tasty. I do agree with you with your answer about legalizing marijuana. I can't believe it is fall already! Kind of snuck up on us!


TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the chuckle at the end. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We don't have a trader joes here but whenever we pass one we stock up on all sorts of things including the wines!

NanaNor's said...

I always love reading the answers here-they are so fun. Hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend!
Hugs, Noreen

Hilary said...

I hardly ever watch a movie beginning to end - I either start in the middle or fall asleep in the middle

Paige McDaniel said...

Oooo -- House of Cards is fantastic! I loved it so much I almost wish I were you and could start over! Have a great week!

kc bob said...

I need to check those wines out next time I am at Trader Joes.

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