Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Volume 315
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~Thank you Joyce~

1. We've reached edition number 315 here in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. So tell us, what were you doing at 3:15 yesterday? Is that typical? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being low and 10 being high) what's your energy level usually like at 3:15 PM?

I was walking through Target picking up some items from their flyer on Sunday. It is typical for me to run an errand after a doctor's appointment which is what I was doing yesterday. 

Otherwise I am home watching a movie and probably on my computer. 

These days with my knee, on top of my COPD and A-Fib my energy level is rather low throughout the whole day so I will go with a 5. 

2. A frisbee, a tantrum, a towel, a party, a punch, or a curveball...which have you most recently thrown or had thrown at/for you? Elaborate.

I'm going with a towel and that would have been thrown by me. Mark and I cooked together in the kitchen on Saturday. He had a large block of extra sharp white cheddar cheese from Costco that was about to expire.

He wanted to make a macaroni and cheese casserole however he wanted to change up the recipe which I don't like to do, especially when you haven't made it before. Anyway to make this story short we don't work well together in the kitchen. 

I guess it is just me, I like thing done a certain way. I am a storm out of room kind of person so it was quite the adventure. Of course a few minutes later I am back! Mark however may have called it a tantrum

The casserole turned out great.
3. What are three things that would help you right now. Tell us how or why.

I need someone to help me clean house, organize everything and help me to get rid of things I don't need. It has just been too long on the organization stuff. I don't have the energy to do it but I need someone with compassion to help me through this. 

4. Do you think you're strong? Why or why not? What makes you strong?

I'm going to say yes but I don't think I am as strong as I was when I went through my divorce. When we are forced into situations that we don't want to face they always make us stronger. 

5. Do you enjoy reading historical fiction? What's your favorite book set sometime in the past?

No I don't like it at all. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.


Carla from The River said...

Ha, that random. Yep!!
I have a friend who did find someone to help her organize. It works well where she will simply say, "no more for today" and that friend respects that. it can get very overwhelming.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

me to on the survivor thing at the end. the last thing I threw was a tennis ball yesterday and that would have been at 3:15.. we go out from 3 to 3:15 and play ball with Jake. we also do our exercises at that time. the casserole looks delish. we have NEVER had a block of cheese or any cheese stay in the fridge long enough to expire.

kc bob said...

"When we are forced into situations that we don't want to face they always make us stronger."

Love that Debby. And that casserole looks yummy!

Chatty Crone said...

I totally understand the kitchen thing - I have three getting in my way - lol. I get tired in the pm too. You have a lot going on girl. The casserole looked good I have to admit. I love your random - I am a surviver too! sandie

Mara said...

At 3.15 yesterday afternoon I was standing at one of the schools (not open yet) waiting for the time I should continue driving. Very boring..

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well regardless of how it got made, that casserole looks amazing!

betty said...

That would be an interesting line of work to get into. Helping people downsize compassionately. The casserole does look good, but I can understand your frustration with wanting Mark to follow the recipe the first time around. Hubby and me work well in the kitchen since he cooks, I'll be the one that cuts up stuff etc. Son is the one that won't follow the recipe directions so that can be a bit frustrating cooking with him, which rarely happens these days. I love the random thought of yours. Me too!


maddie/cadesmimi said...

I don't like to work in the kitchen with anyone, unless Ed's doing the dishes while I cook :)

Amen to your random thought today! Makes you wonder how we all survived :)

Kathy (Reflections)

Nonnie said...

I do like to do things myself in the kitchen, although Jay is good to do little helpful things, such as empty the dishwasher or take out trash. He will set the table and get things ready. Tha Mac and cheese looks wonderful. Yes, I guess I am that kind of survivor, too.

Empty Nester said...

Girl, I don't even let mine in the kitchen. LOL My mother has AFIB and is in the hospital right now. She's been there since Friday and they're thinking of letting her go home tomorrow. We'll see. Her sister, my Aunt Betty, is with her. They are thinking this is more of a lung issue than the heart so changes in meds are being tried. How's your dad doing? The kids? Oh! There's a great gal around here who helps people with their organizing and cleaning out. I've heard she's very compassionate and I bet there's someone like that in your parts. I heard about her on a local Facebook group.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

You kitchen adventure was a lot more funny to read about than actually experience, I'm sure. So glad the end result was a success. My hubby is that way with a recipe where I am like you. It's written to be followed for a reason, right? I do hope you can find some energy soon. Ms. organized Lea (CiCi's Corner) and I need to come out there and help you, don't we. Wouldn't we have fun.

Ann Thompson said...

Wade and I can't be in the kitchen at the same time. I'm a survivor tòo

Joyce said...

That's a cute random. I wish I lived closer, as I'd love to help you organize. Perhaps once your knee is in better shape you'll feel more like facing it. In the meantime, give yourself some grace and take care.

Stacy said...

I'm sorry you don't have a lot of energy. It seems to be something a lot of folks are complaining of these days. :(
My daughter and I don't do well in the kitchen together.
Love that random thought. Today's kids miss out on a lot.

Mevely317 said...

Chuckling about you and Mark in the kitchen. That's so Tom and me ... I'll have this awesome recipe in front of me and he'll go, "But what about ...." Drives me crazy!
(Have to say, the thought of white sharp cheddar makes my mouth water.)

Suzanne McClendon said...

I love your random thought. Me, too!

I wish that I could be there to help you with your organizing. While I'm having to be a harsh tosser here at our house, I can be compassionate. There are things that I know are important to the other folks here and to me, too. I understand the sentimental value of things that we've held onto. These things just take awhile. You have to make time to remember the moments while going through things and, sometimes, time for a good cry as you remember those that have gone on before.

I'm not particularly good with other folks in the kitchen either. I guess I'm just getting set in my ways.

Did you fight naps when you were a kid? I did! I wish now that I had taken them without whining and been able to save up that energy to have now that I don't have any anymore.

I hope you can find some energy soon, in spite of - or even TO spite - your health situations. Wouldn't you just love to give the COPD and A-Fib a big punch in the nose and send them on their merry way? I know I'd love to do that!

Have a blessed evening. :)

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

I like your random thought. We didn't even know there was a such thing as a bike helmet.

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

I love your random! I think you sound pretty strong, going through a divorce is so hard! Take baby snaps when it comes to organization and give yourself a break, it's hard to do! See if her friend would be willing to help, order a pizza and make a day of it !

Little Penpen said...

LOL on throwing in the towel (tantrum) with the mac and cheese. It sure looks yummy. Lets' see.... yesterday at 3:15, I was waking up from my nap, which is pretty much my normal these days. Maybe not a good habit, because I don't sleep well at night, but it feels so good to get that nap!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Haha! I love that you are a survivor of drinking from the garden hose. Whew. We are a lucky generation aren't we.

I would love to have been a fly on the wall with you throwing a "tantrum".
The cheese casserole looks good.

Hope you are doing well and can get those knees fixed.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Michelle said...

Hi Debby,

I could list almost all of those for me, too.

I wanted you to know about a giveaway I am having on my blog.
The giveaway ends August 1st. Here is the updated post:

Life SPW said...

I can relate to the "unable to work together" thing that you mentioned in Question #2. I love SWMBO to the moon and back but we just can't work together. We can't share an office either. She's an ultimate neat-mic and I'm and organized chaos kind of guy.
Good luck with the downsizing. I have a cluttered office that needs some attention. Have a great weekend!

NanaNor's said...

Hi Debbie, I just had to say I love your last graphic about being a Survivor. Yep, I did all those things as well as climb huge trees and walk on the top of a 6' fence. Also, stubbed my toes every summer going barefoot.
Thanks for sharing.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

That mac and cheese looks fab!! after my dieting phase so making it!

Secret Agent Woman said...

I think I cook more like your husband. I virtually never make a recipe as it's written, not even the first time I make it.

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