Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Volume 348
~Thank you Joyce~
To play along click Here

1. Three things on your spring bucket list? If you don't have an actual list that's fine, pretend you do.

I can't even pretend. I have nothing. 

2. Where do you find rest? What restores your soul? When was the last time you did whatever it was you answered here?

I find rest at the beach and it restores my soul. Even though we were in Cancun for Adam and Gabby's wedding in November it was a very busy couple of days. The last time we stayed at a hotel on the beach where it was restful was about two years ago. 

3. April is National Celery Month. Who knew? Do you like celery? What's your favorite dish made with celery? On a veggie and dip platter which would you reach for first-carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumbers or cherry tomatoes? 

I like celery. I don't make any dishes with celery. On a veggie tray I would probably reach for a carrot first but the other's are all close behind! 

4. I read here eight things to do before 8 am to make your day less hectic-Start one load of laundry, drink water, empty the dishwasher, read your Bible, know what you're having for dinner, get dressed, brain dump (two lists-one what you're thankful for and one what's weighing on your mind), and after the brain dump make your to-list for the day

How many of these are you currently doing? Which one do you think would help the most if you added it to your early morning routine?

I do drink water and always put the dishes away first thing. I don't do laundry daily but on the days that I do it I start very early in the day. I usually shower and get dressed a little later unless I have to be somewhere early in the day. 

I do think that I need to start making lists of small things to accomplish each day because I tend to be very lazy. 

5. Describe the view from your window.

As I'm typing this I don't have a view out of a window. From our bed and kitchen table I see this:

6. Insert your own random thought here.


Ann said...

I stopped making bucket lists. I would mentally make lists of things I wanted to accomplish, places I wanted to go or crafts I wanted to make for a certain time frame. Those things would never get crossed off the list and then I would get annoyed with myself. I think it's better if I just play it by ear.
That cartoon is too funny.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful view you have! I like list. I've made them all my life and just don't can't seem to stop making them. Since I'm retired, the list doesn't have a time stamp for it.

Michelle said...

Spring bucket list? Most of mine are appointments I have to go to.

I would love to visit the beach. Haven't been there in years.
I find rest when I reading. Christian books including the Bible restores my soul.
I do some kind of reading daily.

I like celery on a veggie tray.
However, I don't eat it very often.

I read my Bible before 8:00 a.m.

Have a great day, Debby!

Little Penpen said...

I would never get out of bed if I had that view! But then again, I might sit at the kitchen table all day! :-)) I don't really have a bucket list, but I do have plans to put out a few new perennials this year.

Whitney Cornelison said...

I love that view. I miss the beach. We have a Spring bucket list but that’s only because we’re probably moving in the Summer.

MadSnapper said...

my bucket is the same as your bucket.
i love the beach and it does restore, but i rarely go there. my photograph restores my soul. i just came in from taking pics of a tiny weed flower and looking at the sun shinnig on the new cherries. fills my heart. also watching Jake sleep restores my soul.
cukes first then carrots. celery is not my thing. i will eat it if stuffed with peanut butter or cream cheese. i pick it out of anything it is cooked in. my mother put it in everything she cooked. I love your view out your window. mine this moment is bob in the pool

Mevely317 said...

WOW! Your view is nothing less than spectacular, Debby! Little doubt, I'll remember this cartoon when 'whipping' my next omelet. Cute!

Carla from The River said...

What a view!! :-)

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I don't even need to comment on your view - you know how I feel about that! Loved the cartoon. Enjoy the rest of your week, my friend. PS: I don't do lists either.

maddie/cadesmimi said...

That view is something you couldn't describe!
Oh, my goodness, I love your random, this week :) So funny!!!
Kathy (Reflections)

bp said...

I like your view! Pretty picture.

Nice to visit you on the Hodgepodge today.

Joyce said...

You have a lovely view. I cannot stay in my pjs for long. If I'm cleaning house I'll wait until after to shower, but normally getting dressed helps me feel productive. Hope all is well there!

Cathy said...

What a gorgeous view and I hope you can take a trip to the beach real soon. That’s where I like to go to get revived and refreshed too.

betty said...

LOL with your random, how funny! You do have a very nice view. There is nothing so relaxing as being by the beach and enjoying the ocean waves and hearing them break against the shore. I hope you can schedule in a mini getaway to your favorite beach soon!


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Your random thought is hysterical!

Anonymous said...

Your view is so pretty. I remember visits to the beaches in FL when I was young. It is a wonderful place to relax. I hope you will have a nice evening.

Life SPW said...

The view from your window is spectacular. The beach can be very restful. A secluded mountain lake is very nice too. Your Random Thought made me laugh. Baseball can be boring to watch but for me, scoring the game opens up the strategy, tactics and the often overlooked points of the game. I realize that it's not for everybody.
Thanks for visiting my blog page and for leaving a comment.

Michelle said...

Hi, Debby!

Thanks for stopping by.
I just love your random thought :)

Chatty Crone said...

What a gorgeous view!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So tell me if I do everything on that stress list - why am I so stressed?

Wendy said...

What a gorgeous view! I find I'm more productive if I make lists. Love the random thought lol

Secret Agent Woman said...

I drink coffee in bed before 8 am. That's what makes MY day feel less hectic.

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