1. If you could paint a landscape what would it be?
I'm thinking maybe the Grand Canyon.
2. If you could paint a portrait who would it be?
My dog Skye.
3. If you could paint a geometrical form what
would it be?
I would paint a triangle.
4. If you could paint any object what would it be?
My grandfather's Singer sewing machine.
If only I could paint. Something I've always wished I could do but my paintings would look like a kindergarden art project...lol
I have always wanted to paint, now I use my camera. I would paint trees and mountains, like the ones we see of CA trees, big tall ones like Christmas trees on steroids. if I could paint and object it would be my house, inside and outside....I would try to paint a portrait of my hubby, with beard and curly hair and face dark with sunburn
Debby, these were great! Now I would like to know the story behind why you would want to paint your grandfather's sewing machine. The only grandparent left alive by the time I was born was my mom's mom and she spoke Polish, we spoke English, and she was elderly so we didn't have much interaction with her. I'd love to hear your relationship with your grandparents!
Hi Debby! Interesting meme :)
The Grand Canyon would be an awesome painting :)
Have a great day!!
You know Debby - the truth - I can't even draw good stick figures!
Enjoyed your answers dear Debby especially the one about your grandfather's Singer sewing machine. I have owned many including my mother's old wood peddle, turn the wheel by hand machine. Have a day of blessings my friend.
I would paint my dogs too. Loved your answers! Have a nice Tuesday!
Great questions for today.
I would love to do watercolors...maybe someday I will get brave enough to try it.
1. if I could paint a landscape it would definitely be the sun filtering through the stately huge redwood trees here in No. California.
2. The portrait would be all of my Grands hugging each other.
3. I think it would be a cube...love all the dimensions and 3 D effects
4. That's a hard one but perhaps my open Bible and the morning cup of coffee.
Is the sewing machine one of those that have the treadle to make it work? I think those are so cool.
I enjoyed reading your answers. The Grand Canyon would be a lovely place to paint for sure! Also love the idea of painting the Singer sewing machine! That would be awesome! My grandmother had an old Singer...a treadle machine in the wooden table with a fold-out lid...and I still sew on a 1950's black Singer that came in a carrying case with fold-down hooks on the side. What kind is your grandfather's?
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