What is one quote that you love to quote?
This is my own personal quote that I use when ignorant people just can't see my side of the story: "God Knows The Truth And That's All That Matters"
Do you ever at times see the world in black and white?
After reading the definition below I would have to say that I often see the world in black and white.
What is something that you never want to do again?
This is a hard one for me to answer. I'm not sure.
Do you believe there is life somewhere else in the universe?
I have to admit that I think that there could be life somewhere else.
It would take some serious thinking for me to answer any of these...lol You did well with your answers
I like your first quote there Debby. Good one.
the one quote I say a LOT, over and over, is This to shall pass. there are more but they have passed from my memory at the moment.. one just popped up, If any thing can happen, it probably will. these two quotes go together.
I was raised by a minister who saw everything in black and white and no gray. I struggled with that most of my life but have now found I can see shades of gray in most things. to me black and white means good and evil, or right and wrong. not the definition in the post. things are never perfect, but often horrible.
thelist of things I will never do again is to long to list.. I do believe there is other life out there, just not what it is
Love your quote!! Have a great Tuesday!
I do like your quote and that is a truthful one too. I think I see the world as a dark gray cloud, LOL. I don't ever want to go through grieving a pet again; I think that's why we are hesitant to get another pet. Lost my mom and that was hard but I think because we made the choice (mercifully) to end his life that had a bigger grief to go through. I'm writing this and I'm tearing up, LOL.
Great quote, Debby! That black/white issue is sure a conundrum. I like to think I keep an open mind, but won't entertain ANY arguments when it comes to things like abortion or animal abuse. After last year's move, I hope I'll never have to move again.
I love doing these, Debby, and also reading answers. Thank you for introducing me to the concept. Love, Andrea xoxo
Quotes for me are "Just do the next thing" and this too shall pass.
I don't think things are just Black and White...there definitely are some gray areas for me...but somethings I stand firm on like abortion or abuse of any kind.
There definitely are some things I never want to do again but I think I'll just keep that to myself.
Yes I believe there is life somewhere else in the universe.
Great questions.
Enjoyed reading your answers Debbie especially your quote. Have a lovely evening my friend.
I can think of several things I would never want to do again. Some I can't mention...lol.
I'm more a gray sort of person, although there are a few things I see as absolutes.
I agree with you about life somewhere else in the universe. My Sam is really into space, he has shared so many interesting things with me.
My favourite expression about some people (although not to their face) is:
He has the brain of a castrated peanut! Some people are just so stupid sometimes, that I think that very fitting.
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