Remembering all who gave their lives for us and
those who are out there protecting us now.

This got really long because other things happened since I stared writing this so there is some babbling going on here.....
My beautiful daughter Amber turned 39 on Monday the 18th of May. It's so hard to be living apart on days like this. Of course I texted with her and then we did a Google Hangout with her, Dylan, Adam, Gabby and James. James participated really well so that was really nice for Amber to see!!
Skye had a vets appointment last week. Mark took her and they took her from the door and communicated to Mark through phone calls. I had sent a list of my concerns which the doctor answered for us.
We thought she may have pulled a muscle a few months back. With Covid-19 we put off taking her as she didn't seem to have any pain. She doesn't put a lot of pressure on her back left leg. However she still ran after bunnies and took her walk with Mark showing no issues at all. I also got her a leg brace which seems to help.
Doctor believes that it is arthritis. Did want to do an x-ray at this time. Gave her glucosamine and some pain medication if needed. She didn't think that Skye was in any pain either. She seems to be wanting to play more.
My brother in law Bob had a birthday on the 13th and my sister Darcy's birthday was on the 22nd.
I went for my recheck on my right breast. Had another mammogram and an ultrasound. I didn't want to go with the virus out there but I also could I not go. They were wonderful and crossed off everything on my check list of precautions.
So I was a wreck waiting for the results. Praying all day and night to God. I saw that the letters were in the mail on Monday but didn't get them. (I get updates daily from the post office) I didn't want to find out bad news on Amber's birthday. As it turns out it was good news. No abnormalities at this time.
(Since I started writing this post the next subject gave me a scare because I had been deciding between going to find out if I'm going to die from breast cancer or going and die from Covid-19.)
Got a spider bite on Sunday evening. Thought it was just a mosquito bite as I started to scratch it at Adam and Gabby's house that evening. For some reason Orange County has a mosquito issue, we don't have any by us. Looked at it on Monday morning and it was definitely a circle with the target in the middle. It's like nothing else I've ever felt or seen before. Unbelievable itching.
Ended up calling my doctor on Tuesday the 19th sending him a photo of the bite. He prescribed an antibiotic but I shouldn't take it unless I start seeing pus. Well as it turns out I believe I had an allergic reaction to the bite. The area has cleared up but you can get a bacterial infection from the bite into your bloodstream.
With two full days of research I found out that you can have a reaction to the bite up to 72 hours later. On Thursday morning I had trouble breathing. Nothing new to me but it was bad. Honestly now I think I could have used an epipen but I've never had to before and didn't think of it as an allergic reaction. I was doing breathing treatments which were not much help.
If I have a runny nose the next day it's in my lungs, if I have a sore throat the next day it's in my lungs. I think the bacteria went to my lungs. Reading further the best plan of action is steroids and Keflex which I had. The doctor always has me keep steroids in the house and he had ordered Keflex because of the spider bite.
So how could I not be concerned that maybe I got Covid-19 at my testing because it's not two weeks until May 28th since we went. I was a wreak. We were supposed to go to a party with social distancing yesterday and we didn't go. I felt a whole lot better yesterday once the steroids and antibiotic kicked in. I'm feeling pretty good today too. However, what if it was Covid-19 and I passed it on.
I haven't had a fever, cough, sore throat, myalgia or any other indication beside shortness of breath and wheezing. That can be a normal day for me however this time was different. You can get a bacterial pneumonia from a spider bite and this definitely felt like that to me since the pneumonia I had a few years ago felt similar and it took me 2 weeks before deciding to go to the hospital. Basically these are same exact medications I was sent home with.
Some photos from our social distancing Sunday the 17th of May. When we were driving down their street I got a glimpse of someone walking with a little boy. Turns out it was Gabby and James. The week before I brought James these pj's. He's into Mickey Mouse right now.
Gabby said that on their walk, every five minutes he stopped, bent over and pointed to Mickey on the pants legs. Too cute!
Thank you for the update Debby. I am sending you a hug, what a week!
Thank you for sharing James with us.
Oh you poor thing! Waiting and not knowing is the worst! Last Wednesday I discovered a large rash on my right leg … totally unexplained. Except now it's spread to my left leg and both thighs; and my friend from church thinks it looks like fasciitis, so I'm researching online and scaring myself half to pieces. Calling my doc tomorrow for sure.
That's good to know about Skye! Our Gracie is doing the same, only it's her rear right leg. Still runs and jumps like a lunatic and doesn't seem to be in any pain. Nevertheless, Tom bought her some doggie stairs and is teaching her use those instead of jumping. What kind of brace? Can those be found online?
Take good care!
I wish you a blessed Memorial Day.♥
James is so cute.
Happy birthday to Amber.
Now I am confused - are you okay or not?
I hope you are.
I am thrilled about your mammogram!
Love, sandie
Oh my, what a time you've had! The not knowing is always the worst, isn't it?
So glad that everything has turned out okay. Stay safe and well! ((hugs))
James is adorable in those pj's!! Wow what a time you had with the spider bite and subsequent reaction. Sounds like it was awful. Can you get tested for the virus and see if you had it? Then you would know if you needed to let anyone know that you might have exposed them. I am glad your mammogram turned out okay. Did Mark hear about his testing?
That would have been scary with the spider bite.
Glad you are feeling better. You’ve really been through it!! Take care. Live James’ pictures.
Wow, when it rains it pours. That's a lot going on and having to wait on. Hope all is good.
That little boy is a doll. He reminds me of my youngest when he was that age. He's 35 now.
I will pray for you. So much going on. Keep your mind on those you love best. That James should do the trick! He is a handsome boy. Take care of yourself. xo
I worry about you and your lungs with this virus. But I know you're being extra careful.
(You wouldn't get bad news about possible breast cancer by mail - they call directly. So if you get a letter, it's good!)
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