Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Google changed me today and I don't do change!

1. This time last year where were you?

I was in Florida with my dad. Celebrated Father's Day with him and his birthday. I was there for 18 days. It's the first time in six years that I'm home to celebrate our anniversary. We are heading to Carlsbad, CA to see the ocean tomorrow. We will get take out from our favorite place in town. 

2. In honor of National Pink Day (June 23rd) tell us your favorite pink food or beverage. Was it on the menu at your house yesterday? Do you like to wear the color pink? If we came to visit would we find this color in your home decor? Blush-fuschia-salmon-raspberry-your favorite shade of pink?

Other than some pink salmon I can't come up with anything. No it was not on the menu yesterday. I don't mind wearing pink but I don't have much of it. You would find some pink in the dining room. I would have to say a blush pink would be my favorite shade of pink. 

3. Stop and smell the roses, looking through rose colored glasses, a rose by any other name, not all moonlight and roses, no rose without a thorn...which rosy saying currently fits your life in some way? Explain.

I'm trying very hard to "stop and smell the roses" but I'm feeling more like "not all moonlight and roses" these days. I'm getting more and more frustrated as time goes on. I can't stand what is happening in our world right now. I see no point to all of the destruction. It is literally breaking my heart. 

4. Are you a 'reader'? Do you tend to read lighter books in the summer months? Do you have a summer reading list? If so, give us a title or two.

No but I want to be. I always read on our vacations up north to Mammoth Lakes each summer. We did that for 18 years. 

With blogging, Facebook and TV I can't seem to work it into my day but I desperately want to. I've been wanting to for years and but what I should be doing is cleaning out closets for a future move so I talk myself out of it. 

Right now is a good time for me to push forward and read because I'm just a mess going on Facebook with all the shit that's going on and all the political stuff too! 

I actually have about 500 books in my Kindle app. Got most of them free and some for 99 cents. I really need to push myself. 

5. Share with us one rose and one thorn from your weekend.

James was the rose of our weekend. 
We celebrated Father's Day on Saturday evening.

                            Deep in thought....

                   He had food in his mouth!

6. Insert your own random here. 
                           Engagement photo August '71
                           June 24, 1972

Since some of you don't know this. We were divorced
and separated for six years. Remarried June 24, 1989.

Tomorrow my dad would have turned 97! 
Happy Birthday Dad, love you and miss you. xoxo


Ann said...

Oh no, I forgot blogger was supposed to be changing. I don't know if mine has or not.
Love the picture of James, he's so adorable.
Enjoyed seeing the pictures of you and your husband too.

Mevely317 said...

Happy Anniversary, Debby and Mark! I think going to the ocean is a splendid idea. Watching its rhythms always brought me a sense of peace. Like, no matter what else is going on in the world, some things are eternal.

MadSnapper said...

since you are in old blogger, try this. go to dashboard/themes/customize/adjust widths and drag it around until it looks right... love all the engagrement picks. makes me think how fast time is on fast forward

Mara said...

I tried and didn't like the new blogger and went back to the original. Hopefully that will last.

Pink cotton candy. Mmmmmmm Love it. And now there is pink chocolate as well. Real proper chocolate. Might have to give that a go.

Mara said...

Oh, and happy anniversary!

Gloria said...

Happy Anniversary!
Loved your pictures.
I wear pink but there is no pink in my home.
Have a good Wednesday.

Martha said...

All of your photos are fantastic! Little James is so cute. I agree with you, I'm heartbroken to see everything going on in our world. Happy anniversary, enjoy your special day! :)

betty said...

Happy Anniversary to you and Mark, Debby! How fun to go down to Carlsbad! I bet the weather will be so perfect down there! Enjoy the time there! James is such a cutie! He has great facial expressions! I'm seriously thinking of going off Facebook for a break. So much different stuff on it that can bring a person down. Maybe set aside 15-30 minutes daily to read. I find it very relaxing to get engrossed in a good book!


The Feminine Energy said...

What wonderful pictures, Debby, and yes... I don't do change well either! Your little James is as precious as can be!! Love, Andrea xoxo

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

James is adorable!! With all the stuff on FB, I try to limit my time on it and the TV is so depressing and I am depressed as it is I don't need the news to help me. I do read a lot and it helps me to escape to happier times.

Joyce said...

Happy Anniversary Debby! I too feel heartbroken at all that is going on in our country, and am really keeping away from the news and social media too. It's not fun anymore. I still like to link my blog there, send birthday wishes, see friends pictures but am weary of the scolding and the lecturing and the name calling. Enjoy your day by the ocean. It's good for the soul.

Cathy said...

Have fun at the ocean!! Hope we'll get to see some pictures.

Susan said...

Happy Anniversary! Carlsbad is really nice. We were there a few years ago. Our 46th anniv. is coming up in August. We saw a food place on the food channel that we want to try. It is in Laguna Beach. Enjoy your day!

Laurel Wood said...

Sweet photos of James. Congrats on your anniversary and I hope you two have a blessed trip. God bless you as you remember times with your dad last year. xoxo

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby,
I enjoyed the photos you shared. You have lovely eyes and a beautiful smile. Best wishes to you and your husband.
Lots of love to you,

Chatty Crone said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY - glad you got back together.
I know a year ago things were so different for you with your dad - but you will always have him in your heart.
JAMES IS THE ROSE IN YOUR LIFE - he is so gorgeous. I mean it - he looks so sweet.
I didn't know today was National Pink Day - I love pink for breast cancer. I can't really wear pink tho.
I try to look at things with rose colored glasses - you really only have two choices - bitter or better - right?
Love, sandie

Julie said...

Happy anniversary! I love the photos of your engagement and wedding. It's so neat that even after a separation, you found your way back to each other.

Little James is a cutie patootie!

Barbara said...

Yes, Blogger is changing and it seems to be willy-nilly right now, very sporadic. But I pressed on and read your answers all the same.

Congrats on the success of your marriage! You have a beautiful family.

bp said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope y'all had a nice time visiting the ocean.

Have you tried audio books? I thought for years I wouldn't like listening to books but I started and just love them now! It's great for when I"m folding clothes or driving somewhere by myself. Our library has Hoopla so I check them out on my ipad to listen to.

Have a nice weekend!

ellen b. said...

Enjoyed seeing your photos from the seventies. That is something you don't hear very often about being divorced and then re-married. Happy Anniversary. Little James is such a cutie pie! Glad you could celebrate...

Secret Agent Woman said...

Well, you know I'm a big reader.

Pink food? I can't think of anything at all. Even salmon is only sort of pink.

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