Welcome to Tuesday 4, a collection of 4 questions each week. It is kept up in honor and memory of our dear friend Toni Taddeo, the founder of the meme.
1. Are meals eaten at certain times in your home or are they more spontaneous?
We are definitely spontaneous unless we are having someone over for dinner. That of course hasn't happened in over 5 months and it was usually Adam and Gabby since Amber and Dylan live in Montana.
Since James was born almost two years ago we end going to their house because it was easier with his sleeping schedule. Although they had been over several times before the pandemic.
2. If you attend religious services or club meetings, are they morning, afternoon or evening? Are there advantages/disadvantages to that time?
I don't attend a church at this time or any clubs. When I bowled it was in the morning which was a perfect time of day for me.
3. Are you in bed and up in the mornings at a regular time each day?
We usually end up going to bed around 11 pm although I sometimes fall asleep watching TV in my office. I am usually up around 6 am with the sun! Mark will sleep in until 7 am.
4. Do you set apart specific times during the day or week to do certain things like study, shopping, laundry, visiting?
No, I can't say that I do. I do most laundry loads when when the mood hits me, however I usually do towels on Thursday's. Shopping is usually random according to what we need. I did however run errands after bowling on Thursday's so that was a bit of a schedule earlier this year.
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Thank you Anne
I don't have a certain time to eat. It's just whenever I'm hungry. Although it does end up being around the same time every day.
Since I work I am up at a regular time and go to bed the same time ever night.
You already know this so this is a repeat in this house we live every moment by the buy the Ridgid clock. Every meal is at the same time we go to the same places we follow the same patterns like a rat in a maze. As for the last question none of that has a certain time although I do comment on blogs early in the morning. I am an early morning person
I didn't play along today but stopping by to say hi. We don't have a schedule anymore but we still tend to have a routine. Have a great day :)
Like my parents before me, I used to take comfort in routines. Tom's practically the opposite! That used to annoy me to no end, but since retirement I've drifted......
I think we live by the clock, LOL. We pretty much have our meals at the same time daily. We started going back to in person church services so now our Sundays will be more structured than before which is a good thing. If I stop working then maybe we will get less routine and more spontaneous! Have a great Tuesday!
I think you have a little more flexibility than I do in my life - I am a little more structured. ☺
I am a random shopper too. I was just our yesterday and I am going to have to go back out today too. Loved your answers! Have a great Tuesday!
I enjoyed your answers.
Sometimes I'm up by 2:30 a.m. because I can't sleep.
I always have to have my morning coffee no matter what time I get up.
We eat whenever we want.
We do our shopping whenever we need to.
Have a great Tuesday my friend.
Since retirement 'time' is not an issue at our house. Of course there is always the occasional appointment where we have to be sure we're on time. Hope you're having a terrific Tuesday!
spinal problems made me have to be more spontaneous but I don't like not having a schedule. I feel better with one.
I used to love bowling!
11 PM is about all I can do either. I used to be a late night person when I was off on the weekend. Not anymore. Some nights it can be 9PM!
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