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1. August 12th is National Middle Child Day...are you a middle child? If not, where in your family do you fall in terms of birth order? Do you hold true to the typical characteristics of oldest-middle-youngest-only child? (a quick list can be found here) Elaborate.
I am the youngest child. I know that growing up I always got my way, my parents always gave in to me. I'm not that same person today.
I honestly don't feel like I fall into the list of traits listed in the link. However my family may feel different about that....LOL!
2. Tell us about a time you felt like (or you actually were) in the middle of nowhere.
Well there was a time when we were in Nebraska and it was snowing. I was driving and we went off the road and believe me we were in the middle of nowhere. Thank God someone eventually came by and pulled us out. That was before cell phones.
I might have also felt that way when I was in Europe. We were gone for three weeks and Mark had meetings. I did 80% of the sight seeing on my own so I think I felt I was in the middle of nowhere at times.
3. What's something you're smack in the middle of currently?
Seriously! Trying to find happiness during this time of being shut in. I have zero motivation to do anything constructive.
4. What's a food you love to eat that has something delicious in the middle?
The only thing I can think of is a cannoli.
5. Share a memory from your middle school days, or junior high if that's what your school dubbed kids somewhere between grades 6-8.
This isn't a happy memory. I remember being in the library in grade school. (Our school was K-8th grade) It would have been November 22, 1963 when there was an announcement over the loud speaker that President Kennedy was shot and killed. I remember my friend Diane being overwhelmed with grief.
I know the news was very sad but for Diane it hit her hard because she had lost her dad to brain cancer. I myself, at the time, hadn't experienced a death of a close family member. When I think of it now I feel so blessed to have had my dad until this year.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I was my fathers youngest child but my mothers middle child. She had a third child with her second husband. Reading the traits of each, I don't fit into either the middle or youngest. I have more of the traits of a first child.
I remember the day President Kennedy was shot too. The teacher was crying and they closed school early. My brother has now assumed the role of the first born which is great for me!
I made cannoli yesterday. I didn't quite work out as it should have, but it was good nonetheless.
I am the oldest, but I am nowhere near being a perfectionist. Although my sister would say I am OCD about things.
I remember the assassination of JFK.
I was a sophomore in high school.
After the announcement, they let school out.
It was a tragic day.
I enjoyed your answers.
Have a great Wednesday my friend.
Well now I want a Cannoli lol. Have a great day Debby :)
I was the youngest, and I agree with your answer to #1.
I remember when you went to Europeđź’–
I so understand and relate to the lack of focus and motivation during this time. I know I operate better with a bit of pressure to get things done, and currently it feels like everything can wait for another day. I hope there's a bright spot in your day today Debby!
You were brave to navigate European sight seeing on your own! My hat is off to you!
Yes, it has been quite a challenge to stay shut in for such an extended period. Just when I think things are getting better, corona flares up again! My latest hobby has been putting puzzles together, which has proved challenging after all of these years :)
Kathy (Reflections)
A agree with you being lost in the Covid desert.
Something funny -
I am the YOUNGEST OF TWO and I hold true to the typical characteristics of the ELDESTS not the youngest. "Bossy, controlling, (but) reliable, afraid of failing, structured, cautious. I own up to it and have worked on getting rid of the bossy and controlling part for years... still a work in progress!" (Terri)
Wondering how I got that way?
Hi Debby,
The answer to number 4 made me smile. ;-)
I love your random thought! I remember the day Kennedy got assassinated and I was in 1st grade at the time. I too was the youngest and was a bit spoiled!
I'm with you on answer number three same answer. I knew you were brave but you're up alone? I would never do anything like that I want I don't even like to go downtown Bradenton alone. Just call me fearful Nelly.
I remember being in junior high and hearing the announcement about President Kennedy over the PA. Surreal!
That Brian Tracy quote is wonderful!
Oh my, I'm glad someone came by and helped you in that snow storm. Yikes. Isn't it weird to think of all those years that we didn't have cell phones attached to our hips!? I was on my own for site seeing in Italy while hubby was busy at a conference. The language barrier made me feel out of it for sure! Hope you are able to find some peace and joy in the every day of this weird time we are in!
Being caught in a snowstorm is scary!
I too remember the assassination of President Kennedy--in eighth grade.
We all feel weird in 2020.
I am the oldest of nine I don't remember a childhood.
Was in eighth grade when JFK was assassinated.Take Care
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