Click HERE to join in with Joyce's hodgepodge!
1. The Hodgepodge lands on the second day of a brand new month. Tell us one thing you're looking forward to in September.
We have decided to drive to Montana to visit with Amber and Dylan. We should have no contact with anyone along the way other that checking into the hotel. I will sanitize the whole room which I did back in February when I went.
Dylan will be home for 8 days and he does not work with Covid-19 patients. Also the city of Great Falls cases are very low. The county has had 284 cases total. It is still a risk at our age but with masks, glasses, gloves and sanitizer I'm feeling we should be okay.
2. Do you enjoy browsing second-hand shops? Last thing you bought or 'inherited' second hand?
I do not browse second hand shops. This has nothing to do with Covid but I really don't do a lot of shopping other than groceries.
It has been years since we inherited anything but we have Mark's grandparents dining room set. It has to be at least 90 years old. I have my grandmothers wooden ironing board and my grandfathers Singer sewing machine. He was a tailor.
3. Something you had second thoughts about after committing to, purchasing, or posting/commenting online?
I'm drawing a blank and I'm sure there is something I had second thoughts about. Obviously at this time it is easy to have second thoughts about posting a political post on Facebook. However I've been listening the the other side for 4 years now and it's time to speak up!
4. What's a product or service you use that you'd rate as second to none?
This is another tough one for me. I love the premium channels on cable along with Netflix and Prime. We like Charmin toilet paper the best, does that count? I think MaraNatha organic, no sugar or salt added peanut butter is the healthiest on you can buy.
5. Something you do so often or that comes so naturally to you it's second nature ?
Another tough one.....take my medications, brush my teeth, washing my hands after using the bathroom, wash Skye's bowls in the morning or make a cup of coffee. I'm sure that after reading other people's answers I will think of several answers to some of these questions.
I have to admit that sometimes when I'm driving to a place that I drive to often I sometimes think to myself how did I get here??? It's like my mind was definitely in a different place!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Isn't this adorable. I have not idea who did this but what a cute back to school photo. Since I'm a big Toy Story fan I just couldn't resist it!
That last picture is cute! I use the same peanut butter. Have fun on your trip!
Most of these I just wouldn't have an answer to. The one about something that is second nature would be my morning work routine. I was training someone the other day and I told her that if I have to stop and think about what I'm doing to explain it, it screws me up. I normally just work on auto pilot in the morning.
That is such a cute photo! Thanks for sharing it! I'll have to look for that peanut butter. Do you get it at Trader Joe's? Montana should be beautiful this time of year with nice fall weather! Enjoy the trip!
I tried that peanut butter - I think you have to get used to it a bit. lol
Glad you are going to visit your family -
It scares me silly when I find myself to the place I was going to and I have no clue how I got there or whether I stopped at the four-way stop sorry if I went through a red light I just drive on auto. You should be okay on your trip virus wise. I cannot ride that long. We go for a ride that last no more than 45 to 50 minutes like down to Sarasota and by the time we get home and can barely walk. The reason I don't join in these questions is because when I am asked a point-blank question I always draw a blank and cannot come up with anything I am sure there are many many answers to all these questions but at the time they don't pop in my head
The photo at the end is so adorable!
Have a wonderful time in Montana! We traveled West in June and July and by God's grace had no problems at all.
We traveled more than 2400 miles from west to east two weeks ago when we moved. No problems at all. Very little contact other than with our two sons and of course at gas stations (but we wiped down everything we touched on the gas pumps).
Enjoy your time in Montana!
Cute 'Toy Story' picture.
Enjoy your trip and your family!
I enjoyed all of your answers today.
Your last picture is adorable.
Have a great Wednesday my friend.
That last photo's so precious ... speaks volumes without saying a word. Of course, Charmin TP counts! I should look for that peanut butter ... and start by mixing it with the JIF until I become accustomed.
That last picture is darling, isn't it!! Have a safe and good trip to Great Falls and enjoy your time there. September sounds like a wonderful time for a road trip!
I'm glad you're going to make your trip, and I'm sure it will be fine. Plus a change of scenery is good for the mental health!! I also am glad you're speaking up. One side of the political divide controls the dialogue, spews their opinions as often as they please, and there is no balance at all. You go girl! : )
That picture made my day. Thank you. :)
Yes, I've seen that picture and it's the cutest thing ever. A trip to Montana sounds great, it's so pretty there. My oldest daughter and her hubby have a cabin in Wyoming, they just got home from a week stay. The pictures they sent were beautiful.
#5...I've done that and it is kind of scary. How nice that you made the decision to make the drive to Montana. Enjoy! Happy September to you.
I love the Toy Story photo
Yes, those things we do automatically and then have to think later whether we did them or not because we do them without thinking. Locking the house & car doors are a big one for me, as is turning off the coffee pot. I love that little fella off to school! Love, Andrea xoxo
The #1 thing we are looking forward to in September is our Granddaughter's wedding. Her plans have had to be changed so many times due to the COVID thing that they finally said ..the heck with it and are having a very, very small wedding with a big party later when things return to "normal" HaHa...don't think that will happen..normal, I mean..end of my political rant!!
Love to browse thrift stores...bought a beautiful decorator plate wall hanging...I love it but I don't know where to put it actually..right now it resides in my bathroom shelf...who knows where it will land next.
I'm not familiar with that peanut butter but I don't eat a lot of it anyway..mostly because I can't behave and have a controlled helping..I am a bit of a piggy.
My morning routine is all by rote and I have often thought the same did I get here? My automatic pilot is one in my brain and magically I get where I wanted to go (:0)
Darling back to school photo. I remember seeing it on FB and going AWwww...
After reading all your 2nd answers I had a lot to respond to, but...I saw your random thought/image & everything I WAS gonna say went out the window! Priceless.
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