Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Happy New Year and welcome once again to Tuesday 4 where we remember and honor the memory of our friend Toni Taddeo who began Tuesday4.

Happy New Year!!

1.  Despite the weirdness of this past year, was it still a good year for you anyway or not?

I feel that we need to be thankful in all things and I'm thankful my family is healthy. I am also very thankful that I get to spend time with my grandson each week. 

Sadly I don't feel like it was a good year because of the passing of my dad on April 2nd which I didn't get to attend or have closer with. Also we lost our precious dog Skye. She passed away on September 22nd.

2. How will you spend New Years Eve?

We will be at home which is normal for us. We will record and watch the special programming on New Year's Eve and have snacks to eat. We will have queso dip, onion dip with chips and another dip that you use tortilla chips for. We will toast in the New Year at midnight with champagne. 

3. What do you do on New Year's Day? Is football part of the agenda?

New Year's Day will be quiet. My husband will definitely be watching football. We used to make a beautiful dinner on New Years Day but since Amber and Dylan moved to Montana we haven't done that. Also since James was born it's easier to do things at their house so James can take his nap. 

4. It's a Scottish tradition to kiss at midnight.  Do you keep that tradition? Does everyone get a kiss if you do?

Mark and I will kiss at midnight. I did not know that was a Scottish tradition. 

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Susan said...

That is nice that your hubby stays up late. I am a night owl and he is a morning person. We sure got a lot of rain and much needed too!

Ann said...

2020 was not much different than any other year for me so I suppose it was a good year.
New Years eve day I work then it's the usual go home, get to bed early and get up to work on New Years day. I can't remember the last time I ever stayed up till midnight. No football for me. Wade used to watch but I could never get in to the game.

MadSnapper said...

I have only been up until midnight 3 times in my life, no kisses even then, when working NY day was a day off, now it is the same as all 365 days of the year. homebodies don't notice holidays.. i hate football, bob loves it. the year was sad because our big boy died, but that had nothing to do with the virus and as long as we stay virus free i count us blessed.

Martha said...

We don't do anything special anymore for New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. In fact we don't even stay up until midnight anymore. We are just old farts lol!

betty said...

2020 has been a hard year for you Debby; let's hope and pray 2021 is a kinder one :) I think we'll be up at midnight this year, unlike years past, because a lot of people put off fireworks at midnight and Winslow is not afraid of them but enjoys barking at them LOL :)

Happy New Year!


Chatty Crone said...

You know what - I usually stay in on New Year's Eve - and we will be doing it again this year!

Cathy said...

I didn't know it was a Scottish tradition either, but I plan to participate. lol

Lori said...

I hope you have a great New Year's Eve! Happy New Year! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


Mevely317 said...

Chips and dip sound like a SUPER New Years Eve supper!
Ya, you've taken it on the chin this year, losing both your dad and Skye.
Lifting prayers that 2021 will be a better, blessed year.

Gloria said...

I enjoyed your answers today.
We will watch football on New Year's Day.
Wishing you and your family a great New Year!

photowannabe said...

You know..despite every thing that's happened this year, I believe our family has gotten closer..I know Dave and I have..strange to say after 57 years of marriage.
We will spend NYEve at home. We used to have a huge party every year with lots of pot luck foods and crazy games.
We moved and everyone has moved too so it's lots of cards and emails instead.
New Years Day is my honey's birthday 1-01-1942.. Since most of the restaurants are closed we won't be dining out. Dave has boycotted football this year due to the politics of it. This was a huge step for him. He is the biggest Football fan ever..I am amazed he hasn't watched any sports this whole year.
Probably the Christmas decor will come down and get put away.
Yes we observe the "Scottish" tradition and kiss at midnight...didn't know it was Scottish...always Happy New Year and Happy Birthday at the stroke of midnight.

collettakay said...

So sorry for you losses! I wish you all the best in the New Year!


Annie said...

God sees us through the hard times and many passed through this year pretty well despite everything. So sorry you lost loved ones this year.. never easy. But I hope your new year is special and very blessed.

CheerfulMonk said...

We don't do anything special for New Year's, except Andy turns off the timer for the tree on the roof up on the land and I'll probably take down my porch, window Christmas decorations down here. On the whole I have fond memories of 2020.

Mara said...

I wonder if sometimes they just attribute customs to somebody random, in this case the Scots. We have always done it as well, although perhaps not quite in the way 'they' do it.

Hope your 2021 will be good and healthy.

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