Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Thank you Joyce.
To play along go HERE

1. I feel like episode 400 cannot go without comment. That's a whole lot of Hodgepodging folks. 2000 questions if my math is right. So, what's something you feel like you do 400 times a week? 

I've played along with every Wednesday Hodgepodge and I thank you Joyce for your questions. I leave my office and go to get something in another room all day long! I'm sure there will be some interesting answers here. 

2. Tell us where you were and something about what your life looked like in the year 2000

I have nothing to report. My posts only go to 2009. This is where I go to look back on my life. My photos on my computer only go back to 2008. If you have a suggestion let me know. 

3. Do you like cinnamon? What's something you make and enjoy that calls for cinnamon? Of the cinnamon 'foods' listed which is your favorite-red hot cinnamon candies, cinnamon toast, cinnamon rolls, cinnamon toast crunch cereal, apple cinnamon oatmeal, churros, an Indian curry?

Yes I like cinnamon but I don't use it regularly. I think I would pick a cinnamon roll as my favorite. Churros can be very good but I'm never anyplace where I can get one. I do like cinnamon on my oatmeal! 

4. Does Christmas 2020 (or Hanukkah) look much like it has in years past, or is this year vastly different for you and your family? How so? How are you feeling about it all? 

This year is vastly different. We will be social distancing over at Adam and Gabby's. I find it all frustrating and I find myself crying all the time about it because it's supposed to by our day at our house. However I am thankful that we can meet with them. 

Gabby's Mom and sister will be there since they were going to be alone on Christmas day. We will be wearing masks and being at least six feet or more apart. Her sister already had it and they both stay isolated. It should be a safe meeting. I wouldn't go if I didn't feel comfortable about it. 

However I have learned something that I think was important for me. Less is more. As I put out some of my decorations I realized I have too much and I'm just not capable of doing all the work anymore. 

We had a strand of lights go out. Fuses did not work. Thankfully they sent another strand along with this tree and thankfully I didn't have my 400 ornaments on the tree! I do have about 20 ornaments on it because I had some new ones I bought from Hallmark and a few that are usually used in a different place. 

5. What's one thing you need or want to do before this year ends? 

I need to make two sweet Bohemian Hoska breads. Mark wants his own and I am bringing one on Christmas day to Adam and Gabby's. We are also bringing the filet mignon and a shrimp tray from Costco. So I will make one bread today and one tomorrow. 

I have one large package to wrap for James which is a children's trampoline with a handle. We brought over all the other gifts last weekend which was two IKEA bags filled. We did that so we would have room for his motorized tractor!

I also need to watch a few of my favorite Christmas classic movies! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

P.S. I have to apologize to everyone. I hit the wrong button in my Feedly account today and deleted 100 posts I planned on reading. I know that I will be able to find some of them but I've just been busy the last few weeks and haven't had time for much reading. (2020 sucks)


Ann said...

I have done that exact same thing with my feedly more than once.

MadSnapper said...

I FEEL like I make meals 400 times a week, not 21.

I love cinnamon, the only spice I cook with, apples cooked in microwave. of the list of cinnamon my favorite is the hot cinnamon candies, but i love all on the list, except the last two.

no memories of 2000 except we were waiting for the computers to go bonkers on that new years day which they did not... the scare was for nothing.

Mara said...

What was normal once is not so anymore and we will have to adapt to it. Make the most of what you have, even if it is not as you are used to. Perhaps some new traditions arise out of this that are also very precious to you.

I have set this year's Christmas menu and am really looking forward to it. The first part will be started tonight and by Christmas Day we should have really nice food. Especially if my Dad cleans the sprouts (!) and my Mum helps along. Not as we would have liked it, since we wanted my sister to come over as well, but seeing as she is living in another country, that is not possible right now. Fortunately we will get to see my brother and his family as they rented a large cottage close by and we will be joining them on Boxing Day (December 26th).

And don't get me started on cinnamon: it's my favourite spice and I live it in ice cream, cakes, breads, pancakes, the list goes on and on.

Joyce said...

I hope you have a very happy Christmas Day Debby! Enjoy what it is and hopefully next Christmas will look more like what we know and love. My sister and her husband and my niece and her fiance were supposed to come for dinner, but my brother-in-law was admitted to the hospital (not Covid) and it seems unlikely they'll get to come now. I feel like this is a year of continually adjusting expectation. Still Christmas comes and we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the hope He brings to even the darkest of years. Take care and Merry Christmas!

bp said...

I saw the picture of the tractor, he is going to have fun with that! Titus had one with pedals that he really liked.
So many changes for everyone this year. It’s been hard and a lesson to just accept it for what it is and taught me I can’t change it and that I’m not in control.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

photowannabe said...

What was I doing in 2000..working in the trade show business and helping to run conferences all about Y2K..I handled logistics and didn't need to know anything really about the internet..A lot of panicky people attended those conferences.
I like cinnamon a lot, especially cinnamon toast.
2020 Christmas Eve will have us going to our son's home for dinner. We were suppose to go to church service first but it's only going to be on line church this year.
Christmas Day family (they are in our "bubble") will be here for breakfast and gifts followed by all day "grazing" and ham dinner in the evening. Diet starts December 26!!!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Our Christmases are always low-key. What was different in 2000? Our land had trees. Then the defensible space around buildings was 25 feet, and we thinned the trees out farther than that from the house. Now the defensible space is 100 feet, and Andy is working hard to keep the bushes down. The house and all the trees except one on our 80 acres burned down in the 2011 fire. We built a much smaller house and it's quite different up there.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - James is one lucky boy!!!!!!!!!!!

ellen b. said...

I kinda panicked when Joyce wanted us to recall 2000. Like you I didn't start blogging till 2008ish. I managed to find a photo album from the year 2000 and that was a big help. Oh boy...a motorized tractor. I know a little boy and girl who would love one of those. I'm glad you get to celebrate albeit different. Merry Christmas!!

betty said...

That trampoline sounds cute! Where did you get it? I remember January 1, 2000; it was crazy because remember all the stuff about Y2K and computers crashing? The rest of 2000 is a bit of a blur LOL :) Had kids at home still :)

Sounds like James will have a wonderful Christmas! Next year it should be totally different and you'll be able to have them at your house and continue on with your traditions. At least you get to spend some time with him and see the excitement in his eyes as he is opening gifts :)

Love your random thought!

Merry Christmas!


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