Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Tell us about your favorite moment or share one of the bright spots from the year we're leaving behind. 

Well definitely James is the bright spot of my life this year and being able to visit Amber and Dylan in Montana in September was another one. However I do have to say that none of us getting Covid is the brightest spot of all! 

2. What do you wish you'd known at the start of 2020? Elaborate. 

I really can't say. Predicting or knowing anything this year would have been impossible. I guess I could say I wish I had gone to visit my dad back in January or February but I could have easily gotten sick flying to Florida. God has His plans and I have to trust in them.  

3. Best book you read this year? If you did not read any books this year, what's the best thing you ate all year? We've all eaten, right? 
I haven't read any books but put a lot of free ones on my Kindle app. I have to start reading one of these days. 

Now when it comes to food, yes I have definitely eaten this year! I will go with a few items. One would be the best hamburger which is in Montana at the Roadhouse Diner.  

My favorite Lasagna from Francoli Gourmet in Orange, CA by Adam and Gabby's. I usually get that for my birthday dinner. 

Last but not least is the Taco Bell Grande Stacker which is obviously not healthy but absolutely delicious! It is no longer on their menu. It was only around for a few months!

4. The Pantone Colors of the year for 2021 are ultimate gray and illuminating yellow (a bright shade)...are you a fan? Would we find either of these colors in your home or wardrobe? 

I am definitely a fan. Yellow is my favorite color. Adam and Gabby have gray throughout their house and I love it. Actually they painted their house outside in blue but it is now going to be changed to gray. 

Yes I have some yellow in my household, our front guest room is yellow and I have a few tops in yellow. This photo was taken before I found a bedspread for this room. 

5. If you were/are making a list of 21 things to do/accomplish in 2021 what is one thing that would be on it?

Definitely declutter everything I own throughout the house. This is been on my "to do" list for probably 7 years now.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I'm giving you James on Christmas evening. We had already left and this photo was taken by Gabby's sister Olivia. I shared some photos on Facebook but didn't include this one because it wasn't mine to share. I will share a few from Christmas on another day. 
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!


Susan said...

We have eaten at Francoli's and we love old Town Orange. I will be happy when we can go back! James is so cute, he makes me smile. Happy New Year!

Ann said...

Love that picture of James.
I like the color yellow but don't have any in my house. I have been thinking of painting a few rooms and gray is one of my choices.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been wanting to declutter for several years.

Martha said...

Somehow little James gets cuter by the day, I just want to squeeze that adorable little boy! Home decluttering is definitely on my list for this year too!

betty said...

How cute with James! Love that picture of him! Gabby's and Adam's house looks cozy. I like the blue but I bet gray will be just as good! That restaurant in Montana looked delicious! One thing I'm looking forward to next week is getting back to eating normally LOL. Put on a few pounds over the holiday season with all the delicious foods and snacks we chose to eat :) I think I'm going to evaluate and declutter some this year. I don't have much but hubby has a lot of stuff he hasn't used in years or are carryovers from his parents he hasn't used in 10 years so its time to part with them (not sentimental items but routine items if that makes sense). Let me know how this comment comes through!

Happy New Year!


MadSnapper said...

that is an awesome shot of James, the lighting and the compostion. she has The Eye. and he is photogenic. it would be hard to make a list of things to do in 2021 because who knows what this virus is going to do.. so no list until we find out. I am not a fan of yellow but i have to say it looks really pretty in your bedroom grays I do like.. i own nothing yellow .. bob will not let me paint colors anywhere, all white is his thing.. bah humbug. my favorite moments this year all involve the big dog named BEau and he came here from the very worst of moments in 2021 when we lost Big Boy..

Carla from The River said...

I love the guest bedroom! Beautiful.
Thank you for sharing James, he is growing fast.
Happy New Year!

Cathy said...

I love your yellow pretty. What a great picture of James!

Decluttering has also been on my list forever. I'm slowly doing it, but at this rate I'll be 95 before I'm finished. lol

Happy New Year!

ellen b. said...

Ahh...James is such a little cutie! Love that photo. Glad you could share it here. That food you mentioned sounds delicious. I miss eating out! Happy New Year to you and yours!

photowannabe said...

I too like yellow and have it in our family room. Yellow isn't my best color so I pretty much stay away.
For my 16th birthday my folks said they would re-do my bedroom..paint, curtains bedspread etc. I choose a soft yellow for the walls and frilly white curtains . The best gift ever.
That James is such a cutie. The grandma in me just wants to smootch him all over.
Since the "stay at home" orders have been in place we have done a whole lot of decluttering and selling on Ebay. It's been a crazy but good adventure.

CheerfulMonk said...

Happy New Year. Wishing you the best in 2021. 🌹

Mevely317 said...

You're making me sooooo hungry with these pictures. :) They just built a Taco Bell not far from our home, but Tom's still leery about consuming food prepared by strangers. Yellow's my favorite color, too. LOVE that last photo of James!

bp said...

Happy New Year!

Those fries with that burger sure look good.
I'm glad you have avoided the virus. That's great news to end the year.

God bless you,

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh that smile!!!! He’s a love.

It sounds like you have a plan for the new year. Decluttering can be a chore but feels so good when it is done.

I hope you continue to avoid covid!!!!!

Happy New Year!

Michelle said...

What a merry picture of James. He is growing up.💖

Happy New Year💖

Pam said...

Bright spot of my year is that I did move in March to my childhood home, still have boxes to unpack!!! And I adopted Misty River. My furs bring me laughs and smiles.

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