Tuesday, January 5, 2021



Welcome back to Tuesday 4 where we remember the wonderful memes of our friend Toni Taddeo by continuing them on in her memory.  I am glad you've stopped by to join in.

To begin 2021 I thought I would re-post the final Tuesday 4 from Toni, posted on Monday Dec. 9, 2019! Enjoy playing along friends.

A Repeat ~ Just Wondering

1.   When was the last time you tried something new?

I'm going to say, because of Covid in 2020, the time I tried something new was on Christmas Day when I was at a gathering with more than Adam, Gabby and James. Very uncomfortable for me. Yes we wore masks. I wore a double mask. 

2.   Who in your family do you compare yourself to?

I have to go with both of my parents. They were both very giving and cared for others. They were never racist and I was taught to love everyone. 

3.   What lesson in life did you learn the hard way?

I'm not sure but I wish I would have known more about the importance of exercise starting around 30 years ago! 

4.   What can you do today that you weren't able to do before?

Something I learned through pulmonary therapy in 2019 is that I can actually exercise on a treadmill. I wish I knew that years ago. I have suffered for so many years thinking I can't exercise at all. 

If you have any breathing issue you need your doctor to send you to pulmonary therapy. Same thing goes for people who have had heart attacks. They were also in these classes. 

To play along go HERE!


Ann said...

Can't think of the last time I tried something new. I would have to say that I've learned just about every lesson the hard way.

betty said...

My lesson would have been to be better prepared for retirement and put more money away than we did :) Hopefully when you feel better again you can get back on the treadmill :)


MadSnapper said...

I am my daddy's clone, except he never gained a pound in his life, in that one thing I got my mothers side of the family, every female had the food addiction.
laughing at Ann saying she learned every lesson the hard way, me too on that one. the one thing I learned the hard way is marriage after 2 disastrous marriages, 1st for 19 years, 2nd 3 months and almost killed me, the 3rd one has lasted 36 years because. i am lauhging trying to decide what new thing I tried last because there is rarely a day i don't try to learn something new. the lat big thing was m smart phone

Cathy said...

I enjoyed reading your answers. Have a great day Debby!

Sandi said...

"importance of exercise"

Just start small. That's what they say!

Michelle said...

The last time I tried something new was riding a bike after 20+ years. It was scary at first but I'm getting used to it. Hoping to tone up and lose weight this year before I turn 60.🤗

collettakay said...

Knowing the importance of exercise and actually DOING it are two very different things, I've found :)


Carla from The River said...

I enjoyed reading your answers Debby. I am hoping to exercise more this year. In fact I am putting it on the calendar so it becomes part of the day.

Mevely317 said...

Good intel about pulmonary therapy! Because of the Covid threat, Tom declined cardiac therapy classes, but mostly I worry about his COPD 'rattling.'. Thanks, Debby!

Stacy said...

There was a time I was very physically fit and active. Oh, how I wish I had kept that up. Motivating myself to do it now is not an easy thing. Good for you doing it and enjoying it!

Annie said...

Yes, exercise is very important! I am sorry you were uncomfortable but I am sure the double masks gave a lot of protection for you.

Lori said...

I worked out a lot when I was younger and have a lot of my life, but lately I cannot lose weight at all. During the Spring/summer of covid, I walked on the treadmill everyday...not to lose weight, but just to stay in shape better. I suffer with hypothyroidism, so I cannot lose weight as hard as I try. I am glad you found that you are able to work out. I was going to say, just start slow and easy, everyone can do stuff. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


Visits With Mary said...

I do breathing exercises every day. They really do help me keep my oxygen level up. Enjoyed reading your answers, hope you've had a great day.

Pam said...

Well, THE COVID thing has made doing a lot of things, new and old, hard. I think the last time I did something new would have to be in baking or cooking. I tried to make myself stay on a routine, and I have never been a routine sort of person, of making a chicken dish at least once a week. I am not a big chicken fan so I was trying to make it a point to eat the healthier meat! That lasted about four weeks. Gave up on that. New...I will have to pay attention to when I do something new and or different. Stay safe.

CAAC said...


The good thing is you now know that you can exercise and that's something that's never too late to start. You'll get a lot of benefit out of it even now. :) Sorry to be so late to checking out your responses. I came over last week but I was so darn busy that I forgot to comment. *roll eyes* Have a good evening!

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