Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Thank you Joyce.
Click HERE to play along!

1. Find a penny. Look at the date and tell us something about your life or what you were doing that year? 

I found several pennies. (1987-2015-2017-2018-2019) I'm going to go with 2018 because that's the year James was born. A very special moment in my life. Earlier in the year I was in the hospital with pneumonia. 

I believe we went to Montana a few times. I think we also went to Houston that year to celebrate my mother in laws 90th birthday. Gabby was actually pregnant and didn't know it! 

In 2019 I was sent to Pulmonary Rehab which was amazing. I don't know why other doctor's never sent me before. I had no clue what exercise I could do with my COPD without getting winded. The treadmill was the best answer for me. 

After that was over I joined 24 Hour Fitness here which was free with my insurance. Last year before the pandemic I was able to go 45 minutes on the treadmill. I did buy a treadmill last year in August and was so glad to be doing that again only I could not go 45 minutes. 

The time away from it hurt me. Now since I am still recovering from being sick in January I can only go about 15 minutes a day. I'm thinking that maybe I should try it twice a day. 

2. Were you given an allowance as a child? Did you have to earn it in some way? Did you learn to save money when you were a child or is that something you figured out as an adult? 

I don't remember getting an allowance at all. 

I still haven't learned how to save money...LOL!

3. April 23rd is National Take A Chance Day...what's a chance you need or want to take?

I'm not sure. I would like to bicycle again. We can't do it here in the neighborhood because we have hills. Also being on Xarelto I'd be afraid to fall and bleed to death. I think I would like to try that ziplining. I see it in several Hallmark movies. Looks like fun! 

4. What's some outdated slang you seem to use a little too often? 

I'm not sure. I looked at some lists and didn't see much other than "don't have a cow" which I know I have used. I use "cool" and "awesome" a lot. 

5. It's National Poetry month and I always like to make us work our brains a little...

Roses are red
Violets are blue fill in the rest with something original...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Blow me a bubble and I'll catch it for you!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I'm going to be open and honest here. I do believe I am suffering from Covid depression and anxiety. I find myself crying a lot for no reason at all. I do have an anxiety pill that has helped. I find myself having a lot of panic attacks, especially when I have to wear a mask. That's mainly because of my COPD. 

However I was having one when we were stuck in traffic for 2 1/2 hours for a normal 25 minute drive on Saturday evening. I kept it to myself and I made it though but it was scary. Obviously I need more help. I started imagining what would happen if that was an elevator.  I can't imagine flying with a mask one either.

On a positive note I finally feel like decluttering the house but I can only do that on days I'm feeling well. I am having more days where my lungs are doing well. The clutter gives me anxiety so this is a good thing!

I have lost interest in watching TV. Even though I did find comfort in Hallmark movies for an entire year now, taping several each day, I just seem board by them now. I'm also getting anxiety from reading blog posts. I still plan on trying each day to read them but please understand if I don't visit with you. I enjoy reading all of you.

I'm not saying this to have a pity party so you do not need to comment on this random thought. I just wanted you to know. 


Ann said...

I do remember getting an allowance and I think it was either 25 or 50 cents a week.
I don't think I'll celebrate National take a chance day. I'm not much of a risk taker.
I also use cool and awesome a lot especially in blog comments.
I doubt that you are alone in the covid depression. I think the isolation and boredom have gotten to a lot of people. No worries about blog visits. Your health is way more important that a visit and a comment. You just take care of you.

Gloria said...

Hi Debby:
I don't take chances, so no National take a chance
day for me.
I'm tired of the Covid but we have had both of
our vaccine shots. I am also tired of snow.
Take good care of yourself.
Have a Happy Day!

Joyce said...

Check out the new electric bikes. My neighbor got one recently and loves it. You pedal but on hills it kicks in and gives you a 'push'. She loves it. I am sorry you're struggling, and I'm sure you are far from alone. So many having such a difficult time. I will keep you in my prayers.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is good to say it out loud, to lay down the load by writing about it. I can someone understand the anxiety, i have had several middle of the night anxiety attacks that keep me awake, all during the past year, my mind kicks into things I am axious about and swings out of control. but nothing like what you are dealing with. maybe you should talk to your doctor about what you put here..
roses are red, violets are blue, if you ride a bicycle you will be blue too.
ride a stationary bike in safety at the club and if you have trouble walking 14 minutes, riding a bike would be worse. in my oh so humble know it all opinion...

Anne in the kitchen said...

I hope you can find whatever coping skills you need to get through this. Sometimes it feels like a boulder weighing us down.
I think Covid is taking a toll on all of us that have been careful and gone virtually nowhere. This isolation is overwhelming, though I do not have anxiety issues associated with it, and for that I am very thankful. Probably the best thing I have done is keeping my weekly joy list because it does refocus me every single day to look for the positives, and some days I have to look really hard.
Another thing that I have enjoyed is a subscription to Master Class Son2 gave us for Christmas. I like the idea of learning while I am stuck here, especially since I can turn the volume up and run it via bluetooth into Alexa. That way I can hear but still go on about my day in my "prison".

Chatty Crone said...

I do believe there is a thing called Covid depression and anxiety - one of my dear friends here has it. I tell you it is a hard time and you are not alone.

If I could do things over - take a chance - I would have played more sports and exercised more so I would be in better shape now.

Hang tight Debbie - hugs and love.

Mevely317 said...

I can SO identify with COVID-related depression and anxiety, Debby. There are days I dread leaving the house even to go to the grocers or the doctor.
Love your poetry ... more so that endearing picture of James! Is that a pool net/cover? How clever!

Cathy said...

Love your poem and that photo of James. He is so adorable!!

Pam said...

1. Find a penny. Look at the date and tell us something about your life or what you were doing that year? Okay, finding a penny was a challenge in itself...I was sitting here on the couch and had to go search my purse for one. Usually I have change sitting around but not today. haha...anyway, I found one, 1973. Wow, so long ago. I was 13. I would have been in been in the 8th grade. That don't sound right but I guess it was. I would have been at the school in the next town, just 10 mins down the road. It was an older school then 9built in 29), and it is still a school. Anyway, at this time right now in 1973 I would be in school, prob the 2nd floor and getting ready for lunch I think.

2. Were you given an allowance as a child? Did you have to earn it in some way? Did you learn to save money when you were a child or is that something you figured out as an adult?

Yes I got an allowance. Yep, doing odd jobs around the house but mostly in the summer, cutting the yard. Mom, me and my two brothers would take turns (BIG YARD). A few strips here and there, no one gets worn out like that. Course back then it was a push mower (not a motor pulled one), we did not have a weed eater, we had to go around with hand held clippers. Yes, I learned to save money when I started babysitting. I started that at 12. I always saved my money, maybe that is why I am so tight with it now! haha.On top of allowance, babysitting, I cut yards too.

3. April 23rd is National Take A Chance Day...I did not realize there was that sort of day! Interesting. Lets see, wow, not coming up with anything. HAHA....maybe I will do like I do daily, take a chance getting out of bed! ha

4. What's some outdated slang you seem to use a little too often?

maybe cool. Gave up groove and far out many, many, many years ago!

5. It's National Poetry month and I always like to make us work our brains a little...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am nuts and so
are you!

6. Insert your own random thought here.
Random thoughts can be dangerous. I have them daily, all day long. However it seems I can never come up with one when asked.
Random....lots of my thoughts can be very random.
Okay, todays random thought is....I should never have bought Lily Bit that red laser pointer. She comes and sats in front of me, LOOKING at me, asking me to play.

Great answers on your questions. Its funny the things we can learn about each other. I understand the COVID depression. I have not actually felt a lot of that cause even though I cut my running and going down A LOT....I still worked the wedding venue, worked downtown and refused to order my food on line. Mask never really bothered me but Julie that owns the venue had attacks wearing them also. They only bother me when the temps get warmer. Take care.

betty said...

Such a cute roses are red poem! Did James do better with this bubble thing you got him? He is adorable and I bet he had so much fun doing them!

It took me forever to find a penny here lol and the one I found was 2015 which was a good year for us; year we moved to Prescott, son got married, we found out we were going to be grandparents :) Your 2018 was basically a great year too!

It is good you are up to 15 minutes on the treadmill. Doing it 2 times a day sounds good as long as you don't burn out. Maybe try an extra minute every other day. Like 16 minutes for a few weeks every other day. Push yourself just a bit but not an every day push (make sense?)

I get you about losing interest in watching TV. I got that way listening to music at work. Got bored listening to the same thing even if you could change it up a bit.

Thank you for sharing about your anxiety and the trip home. First of all, what a ridiculous commute but you know that and that is Southern California. No rhyme or reason why one time it can be smooth and the next time not. I can see how you just wanted to get home and be done with it especially everything else going on along the way. Sadly I don't think you are alone in having the Covid depression/anxiety and its sad we are at that point based on the fear I believe was given to us by the authorities early on in the course of Covid. It is serious but I think they blew so much out of proportion and caused so much unnecessary fear.

Wouldn't ziplining be fun? Only if it wasn't too high up to begin with lol :)


Mara said...

You Are Not Alone! There is your husband, your son and his family and your daughter and her boyfriend/husband. Talk to them! Get it out in the open. Don't keep it bottled up inside. And don't, I mean it, DON'T let anyone tell you it is normal now or that it will pass or that everybody suffers from it. Yes, that last bit may be true, but your pain and anxiety are as real as anything to you. Talk about it. If not to family, find friends, send an email to me and rant and rave all you like. Just don't hide it, it will just make you more miserable. Please.
Massive hug

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby,
You are not alone Debby. Please know you can vent to me via e mail. My mom is going through something very similar to what you described.
Praying for you!!!

You are LOVED!

Thank you for sharing James with us.
xx oo

Willow said...

We just got our bikes a spring tune up and have taken them out on a couple of short trips as we live just a few hundred feet from a bike trail. It's good exercise and so fun to just be outside. I hope you can bike again soon-- that would be 'awesome'.

Debi said...

I am so sorry that you are struggling. COVID has taken its toll on us, hopefully things will begin to be better. It's good that you can talk about how your are feeling, so much better than keeping it pent up inside. I hope that you can build back up to your 45 biking, two short sessions sounds like a good idea. ((hugs))

Willow said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Sometimes, rewriting all Joyce's questions work for me keeping things in the lines, but this week, it just didn't work even though I tried several times.
I know you live in SoCal--we are missing our perfect Ventura County weather!

R's Rue said...

Hugs. Thinking of you.

Little Penpen said...

We didn’t get an allowance as children, nor did we give one to our children. But it seems we are always handing free dollars to our grands! Lol I think Covid has snatched a lot of peace from most of us. I have decided to live and stop thinking about it. I’ve stopped watching nonstop news. I’ve been watching cooking shows and The Golden Girls. 🤣 I’m pretending all this negative stuff isn’t really happening and living within my little bubble!! Feel better.

Secret Agent Woman said...

First penny I found was 2016 - the year I got married (again). And went to Italy.

(I know you said no one needed to comment, but his therapist says please consider seeing a therapist. COVID anxiety and depression are real phenomenon and there is help.)

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