Here is an older Tuesday 4 from Toni:
1. What was the best thing you have ever bought?
That's a hard question to answer, there are so many wonderful things that I have bought. I'm going to go with the purchase of a Gucci keychain when we were in Europe. It was just an exciting purchase for me. I have since given it to my niece when she graduated college. I had never used it and she is a fun of fine things.
2. What was the best book you have ever read?
Again, I can't really answer that. I always enjoyed reading Danielle Steel books years ago.
3. What is the best food you've ever eaten?
I am going with Mushroom Risotto from Mario's Place in Riverside, CA. However I have eaten so many delicious things it is hard to pick just one. Of course you all now I am a fan of pizza.
4. What was the best movie or TV series you've ever watched?
Sorry, I can't pick a best. I am a fan of TV and a huge fan of movies. If you know me you now that. I have hundreds of favorites. My lists would be endless. I do watch It's a Wonderful Life every Christmas, White Christmas and Miracle on 34th St and those would be my favorite Christmas movies.
Wow, I can't even begin to imagine what the Gucci Keychain must have looked like. Do you have a picture? It must have been pretty special. How nice that you have passed it on to your niece. I am sure she treasures it. I know it is difficult to answer these questions. I haven't done this one's so hard to pick out the best from over a lifetime. But you shared some good movies that I also love. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful week.
Hi Debby:
I enjoyed your answers today.
I like pizza too but my favorite is a
hamburger and fries.
Have a good day.
any question about food and hamburger is always my answer. Culvers preferred
I always draw a blank when asked a question, and on the others have drawn one now. tv and movies is hard because if i don't like them i don't watch them
I recently bought myself a new vacuum, a much nicer one than I’ve ever had before. I’m obsessed with that thing right now....LOL! And amazed at how dirty my house was before!
I really enjoyed your answers. I hope you have a beautiful rest of the week. smiles
It is nice to be in June - seemed May was long! Those were tough questions!
Good job, Debby. I couldn't begin to narrow any down to just one.
My DIL's sister made the best mushroom risotto at Thanksgiving; I can't wait to try it myself one of these days.
Questions like the very best of something are hard for me to answer.
A lot of things are my favorites but...the very best ? I just don't know.
I'm happy June is here and life is getting more back to "normal".
A really good fresh from the tree peach is way up there on my list.
I have way too many shows I enjoy to pick a very favorite. That one is really hard. Loved your answers. Have a nice week.
It so depends on the moment as to what would be my favourite film or book. As for food: mushroom risotto is definitely NOT on the list, as I hate mushrooms!
I think I enjoy just about any kind of Italian food. Those folks know how to eat. Yum! And I like lots of TV and films too. My favorites are British ones. Got lots of DVD's of their old TV shows.
Best food I've ever eaten is a hard one. I've had so many delicious meals.
I was laughing at the best thing you have ever bought question because it is situational. During the beginning of the pandemic and the lockdown, no doubt the best purchase(s) I have ever made was my toilet paper stash. We do not ever use our incredibly big Jacuzzi bathtub and I had it filled with toilet paper before there was even a toilet paper issue. I have always bought the big packs whenever Publix had a sale and when the lockdown began I had 13 big packs from previous months. We had plenty and I was able to share with some neighbors who got caught without
My daughter-in-law is a fan of movies too. Lordy day, I won't even try to guess how many DVDs she has. I think you two would get along famously. :) ~Andrea xoxoxo
I'm not a foodie, except for watermelon and some other fruits, but I still remember a crepe I had in France about 45 years ago. It was covering a perfectly cooked piece of fresh fish with butter and mushrooms. It wasn't even the main course, but it's the only part of the meal I remember.
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