Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Something you've seen recently that's 'cuter than a June bug'?

Obviously it has to be James along with Gracie....

2. Tell us something about where you were and what you were doing in June of 1988? If you weren't born yet, June of 1998. Or if that doesn't work, June of 2008. 

If I remember correctly I was probably pretty happy. Mark and I were getting back together after being divorced for six years. 

I would have been getting ready for our move to California from Illinois which happened in September 1988. We were remarried on June 24th 1989. Our original wedding day was June 24th 1972.
June 24th 1989

3. A place in your home or outdoor space where you feel 'snug as a bug in a rug'? 

I feel snug as a bug in my office. I have a comfy couch and TV in there. It is off the master bedroom so when I can't sleep I lay on the sofa, put on a favorite movie I've seen a million times, close my eyes and fall asleep listening to the movie. We do not have a TV in our bedroom. 

4. June is National Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Month. Do you normally get your 4-5 servings each day? What's a favorite summer dish you make/serve/like to be served-ha! made with one of your favorite summer fruits. A favorite summer dish made with a favorite summer veg? How do you feel about cooking in the summer months? 

The answer is I probably don't get all the servings but I do work on it. Honestly I can't think of a favorite summer dish I make with fruit. I do however try to eat fruit each day. 

It hasn't been as easy because of Covid and me not actually shopping in any stores on a weekly basis. I usually get a food delivery every other week. 

A summer vegetable dish for me would be zucchini noodles with pasta sauce and I don't mind cooking in the summer. We eat what we like regardless of the time of year. 

5. Do you have a summer reading list? If so share a title or two we can add to our own. 

No I do not have a summer reading list. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We have been in Arizona this past week visiting with Mark's sister Michele and Pam. This is their dog Stanley who is so sweet. We have had a wonderful time doing nothing. Having a lot of laughs and delicious food. 
This is a family favorite from both of our childhoods. Pork, dumplings and sauerkraut. 

I will be catching up on blog posts soon....


Ann said...

James and Gracie look like they are having a lot of fun.
June 1988 would have been a busy month. Both my children were born in June, my anniversary with my first husband was June and then there was fathers day

The Feminine Energy said...

Awwww.... James & Gracie! What a beautiful picture! I can foresee the progression of years, as both grow. Beautiful! Your office sounds like a **perfect** abode! You made a gorgeous bride both times. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Little Penpen said...

I love James and Gracie! I’ll bet they are best friends. Your love story is wonderful!

MadSnapper said...

James and his puppy certainly fit the cute as a bug title. James all by himself is the master of cute. you both look so very young in the first photo and still look the same but older and better 17 years later.. June of 89 we had our house on the market so we could move from St Pete to Bradenton, we spend weekends driving to Bradenton to look at homes. i have no clue what we were doing in june of 88, we both worked, Tuesday and Sunday were our off days. we went to breakfast on Tuesday and to the beach and dinner on Sunday after the beach

Joyce said...

I'm glad you're having a relaxing fun time with your family. And yes, your James is cuter than a June bug : )

Mary said...

I LOVE that picture of James and Gracie!!!
Also love the pictures of you & Mark...what a beautiful couple. Hope you've enjoyed your time visiting in Az!

Chatty Crone said...

I just love James and Gracie - they are THE CUTEST ever!

Nonnie said...

James and Gracie are so adorable. The dog Stanley does look like a very sweet and laid back kind of dog.

Anne in the kitchen said...

The bathtub picture is adorable.
June '88? Most likely I was at some ball park or another watching my sons play baseball.

Willow said...

That is an adorable photo at the beginning--cuter than a bug's ear!
1988 was a good year to move to CA.
I hope you are up in Norther AZ--it has been hot in Phoenix (according to my son).

Mevely317 said...

That is my favorite photo of James and Gracie! You were a beautiful bride -- both times! Stanley looks like he's living the life of Riley! What a sweetheart.

ellen b. said...

A wonderful time doing nothing sounds good. What sweet wedding and rewedding photos! That first photo is definitely cuter than a June Bug!

betty said...

That recipe looks yummy!! How are the dumplings made? My mom made a lot of porkchops growing up but hubby's family kind of frowned on pork (worried about getting sick off it if it wasn't cooked right though that was never a problem with my mom's cooking). I'd love to try pork again and we talk about trying it but haven't done much with it (yet).

I'm glad our weather wasn't too extreme when you were here and glad you got to enjoy some pool time (we have yet to be in our pool but I like it about 88 degrees and its about 84 now).

So cute with James and Gracie! That's one that should be hung up some place! The look on James face!

Both of your wedding pictures were good ones Debby!


Kirstin said...

We don't get food delivery in our small town (well maybe we do because I've seen a safeway delivery truck), but I have done pick ups once in a while. I just like to pick out my own stuff so I have still gone shopping this whole time....

Carla from The River said...

Stanley is a cutie. I had a cat named Stanley. ;-)
I enjoyed seeing your wedding photos.
xx oo

Cindy said...

I had to do a little research on this post. You see, my sister and her husband were married on May 20, 1971, were divorced for 5 years and remarried on May 20, 1992. You are the only other couple I've heard of that's done that! That's amazing! Love your pictures.

R's Rue said...

Beautiful photos

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