Thank you Joyce.
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1. Tell us about one small blessing you have counted in the past week?
I am thankful to have a new doctor who is helping me with my lungs. Had a great 2nd appointment with her on Monday.
2. Bastille Day is celebrated on July 14th...have you ever been to France? Any desire to visit there, and if so what would site or city would you most want to see? (pretend for a minute international travel isn't an issue)
Yes I have been to France and would love to go back. I loved everything about Paris and did all the famous sightseeing spots. We also drove from Paris to Italy and it was awesome to see the countryside.
3. A food associated with France that you love?
Honestly I am drawing a blank here. We ate at so many wonderful restaurants. Mark was on a business trip so the company paid for so many things.
4. Something you recently purchased where a coupon was involved? Do you regularly shop with coupons?
I can't think of anything recently. Yes I was a big coupon shopper but that stopped a few years ago. They stopped putting them in our paper. I do however like a great sale!
5. You have to give something away this week...what will it be?
Zucchini, we have so many! I've been making zoodles with them and freezing it. This was some from a few weeks ago. Yesterday I did five more baggies full. I love them with spaghetti sauce.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
James went on a pony ride. We were not there with him but he begged them to let him ride. They said he must take after Papa. Look at him with only one hand holding on!
Love those pictures of the sunflowers.
James is so adorable. Cutest little cowboy ever.
Yes, they stopped putting coupons in the Sunday paper, didn't they. I wonder why? How do people get coupons if not through the newspaper? Little James... such a cutie patootie!! ~Andrea xoxoxo
Oh my! Look at those oodles of zoodles! What a great idea! I think zucchini is a wonderful vegetable! I don't grow them, but I love to eat them. However, I never thought of making noodles out of them. Great idea. I love seeing James on that pony ride! How sweet he is, and he looks like a natural in that saddle! No that I see what is in his grandpa's study! And I am happy for you that you are making good progress with your new doctor. That is a blessing and I know that must give you great hope. Wonderful news. Have a blessed day.
He saw that saddle in his grandpa's room!
I went to France too - another life time ago. Wish I could go again.
I am so happy your new doctor is helping you!
The photos are fantastic and of course little James is adorable!
Aw!! I love the pony pic!
James is the winner of favorite photo today. he is so darn cute on that pony.. i am a lover of all things western. always have been. never been out of the country, I don't fly or float, so my only options are Canada and Mexico. since bread is my all time favorite food, if i had been there it would have been some type of bread. i have always wanted to take one of those see the West Train trips...
How cute with James and the pony!! Adventurous he will be! Glad to hear you have a new doctor who is working out for you! That is a relief to hear!
Zucchini noodles are the best! So versatile!
James is a cutie!
What a cute cowboy!
That is the cutest cowboy ever!
Love that western gear in the office , when I was little I was always pretending to be a cowgirl...always wanted boots (real western ones)
France is one place I haven't been and if someone gifted me I would go in a heartbeat.
Ahhh the pasteries would be my downfall!!
I do love that saddle in Mark's office, and can just imagine the wonderful aroma. James makes the cutest cowboy! I'm glad to know you're happy with the new doctor. We're still waiting on the VA to get Tom a new pulmonologist. Wish I could take some of that zucchini off your hands!
Great pictures! James looks for cute. Were they at Irvine Park? I love Zucchini too but never had them as noodles. Have a great Wednesday!
Fabulous trips courtesy of work are the best, aren't they? My daughter's in-laws keep us supplied with zucchini and I've been baking a lot of zucchini bread (with chocolate chips). I'm so glad you are liking your new doctor! That feels like a big win. Enjoy your week!
What a fun way to use zucchini, I need to remember to do that.
Good news regarding the doctor! And I always love to see James.
We lived in France for 13 months when we were first married. I took the 30-minute train trip to Paris every weekday to learn French... it was neat.
Looks like James is a natural on the pony!!!
Congrats on your good doctor's appointment!
So good to hear that you have a new doctor with some good help for you. What a great trip from France to Italy. Wonderful views. Cute photo of James on the horse!
Glad you're getting answers and help. Those photos are beautiful. Aren't the old buildings in Europe stunning.
James is so cute and I love zucchini noodles. Have a beautiful day.
James is growing up fast.
I'm glad to hear you have a new dr that is helping you.💕
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