Sunday, August 15, 2021


I have to admit that my anxiety has been getting the best of me. Just when I thought I was going to be able to have more freedom to do some normal things again the Delta Variant shows its ugly face. Anyone else feel this way? 

I think it was a month ago when I meet my friend Kendra for lunch. First time I stepped foot into a restaurant in 17 months. Obviously I didn't get sick, all was well. Same thing with actually shopping in a store. I went to Target. It felt great. I would normally go to Target almost once a week on my way home from bowling each week. 

So bowling starts on September 8th and now I'm afraid to go. They are not allowed to ask who has been vaccinated and who hasn't. Do I want to wear a mask for 3 hours?? The thing about the new variant is that we can get it and we now want to be very careful not to pass it on to James. 

Next comes a trip to Milwaukee for my brothers Memorial Service and putting his ashes into Lake Michigan. This Memorial Service is being put on by his theater friends. It is at a restaurant where everyone will purchase their own food. 

Do I really want to be in a restaurant with 50+ people not wearing masks? NO!!! I am going to go inside and see if there is a place I can stand, far away from everyone and just watch. I'm assuming his friends will talk about him and I don't want to miss that. As far as his ashes go that will be private with my sister, brother in law and Mark. We will be outside so that is definitely safer.

Then we see the Bears pre-season game on TV yesterday and the stands are packed and no one is wearing a mask. I just wonder who are supposed to believe? 

Now what about flying. OMG....that's got me full of anxiety. Everything I have read says it is safe but is it? We did find a direct flight to O'Hare in Chicago and we will drive to Milwaukee from there. That way we don't have to be at another airport and getting on another plane and the direct flight is just 4 hours long. I think I can handle that with a mask on. 

We are looking forward to seeing my sister and brother in law along with a great niece of ours. I haven't seen them in over 2 years. 

Providing we go as planned we will be doing home tests for Covid when we get back. First will be about 5 days after we get home and then a few days after that. That's because we will be babysitting James for two nights and we can't wait!!! 


Susan said...

I will be praying for you Debby. We were suppose to go to Hawaii in November but pushed it b ack to next Spring. I am also suppose to go to a crafting even for 3 nights next July. I sure hope it is calm down by then.

The Feminine Energy said...

I understand your anxiety, Debby. I must say that I don't share it though because I simply wear a mask anywhere I go... and I would gently suggest you do that too. You can go to Target every week if you wish... just wear a mask. The same for bowling and the same for the airplane rides and the same for your brother's memorial service/dinner. We have the same thing here as far as our youngest granddaughter who isn't eligible yet for the vaccine. We just wore masks so that we were sure we wouldn't be carrying it or bringing it into our home, for when she & her older sister (who IS fully vaccinated) came to stay.

If you want to go somewhere, go to your heart's desire... just wear a mask and keep hand sanitizer in your car & use it between stops. Don't touch the steering wheel or your purse or anything before using sanitizer. If you do those two things, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. But if a mask bothers you, then I'd stay home.

Love to you~ Andrea

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I certainly understand your anxieties and concerns, but we cannot allow our fears to keep us from living and enjoying the life God has given us. We can take the necessary precautions, i.e., mask wearing, etc., but the most important thing is to put our trust in the Lord and He will give us the courage to face our fears with confidence. Isaiah 41:10 says: "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." God promises to be with us and to give us strength and to uphold us...we need not be fearful. Be wise, but not afraid. God is with you and He will steer you in the right directions in every situation and keep you safe. May the Lord give you peace of mind as well as confidence that you need not be afraid. I hope you have a wonderful trip and a good visit with your family.

Little Penpen said...

Same. I’ve started wearing my mask again. Not sure if the vaccine even works. I’m watching too much tv news. My friends mom and dad hospitalized last week for Covid. Her mom died. Anxiety!!! I do think we need to trust God. I don’t go as much as I used to go, but if I really want to go somewhere, I go.

Mevely317 said...

How ironic! I, too, have been working on a draft about (my) anxieties. Mine are more free-floating in general; yet they almost always manifest themselves in my dreams.

I think your having a Game Plan, so to speak, is a great idea. Like Robert Fulghum wrote, "When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together."

betty said...

How exciting to be able to watch James for two nights!! That will be tons of fun! I think your game plan is a good one with testing when you return, etc. I think you just have to keep praying and if you feel uncomfortable doing something then I think that could be an indication not to, like bowling. Just my thought. I think going to Target shopping is safe. Can those who are planning your brother's memorial service stream it somehow so you can watch it safely somewhere?


Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby,
Two of my vaxxed friends just got the Delta. What I do know for myself, I am not trusting what our government is sharing with us. If we citizens could find someone WHO TELLS THE HONEST TRUTH... we would feel a lot better.
I am praying for you.

Please pray for our area because the Delta is here and it does not care if you are vaxxed or not.. it likes to latch on and make you ill.

Ann said...

Personally I think that everyone should do what makes them feel comfortable.
I have never been worried about going anywhere but I know a lot of people who are.

Chatty Crone said...

I agree with Betty. I would be extremely careful. I am sorry to say this but my very best friend didn't believe in Covid - she said she was a Christian and she was a very good Christian - and I know she is in Heaven. Of course she did not get the shot - but she wore masks when required.
We went out to eat on July 24. She came down with the Delta - from her family. In the hospital a few days later. And she died the 12th. Yes, she is in Heaven but it was a hard death. She was in good health before that.
I am not saying this to scare you - but it can happen. I didn't exactly believe in it and kind of did what I wanted. Wore a mask and washed my hands - but even the bi pap machine she was on - the nurses said let some of the Covid germs escape - so no mask is 100%.
I believe totally in Covid now.
Sorry if I sound like the town crier and I do not mean to scare you - just take all the precautions you can.

Terra said...

I will pray that all your travels and activities are safe. It would be great if there is an outdoor area in that restaurant. Flying would make most people including me anxious, that is a normal response I think. I wear N95 or KN95 masks, those are rated much safer than the other types. Be well my friend.

Pam said...

Go bowling, wear your mask when around folks but take it down and breath when people are not close. Maybe it will not be that busy of a day at the bowling alley. I am back to wear my mask when I go in a store. Not so much at work when there is no one around but I made a neck thingy to wear it around my neck so I can just pull it up when needed.

Debi said...

I am a little bit anxious, but I keep myself in check knowing that I am doing everything I can to stay safe and well. More than anxiety I have anger. Anger at those who haven't gotten the vaccine, won't wear a mask and don't take any precautions. I'm also angry that the powers that be don't mandate vaccines and masks. We should have been done with this long ago if only everyone would do their part. End of rant... I hope you have a great week.

Secret Agent Woman said...

Delta scares the bejeebers out of me. My husband says the cases are rising rapidly at the clinic where he works.

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