Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Thank you Joyce.
To play along click HERE.

1. Is school back in session where you live? Is everyone in person or does your system still offer a virtual option? Are kids wearing masks? 

I really don't know. 

2. Something you still do 'old school'? 

Talk on a landline. I don't like talking on a cell phone. 

3. One lesson you've learned in the 'school of life'? 

Obviously there has to be a lot things I have learned over the years. The one thing that popped into my head was "don't say yes all the time." That comes from PTA at school because before you know it everyone is calling you to fill in for them. I finally learned how to say no!

4. When you were in school did you pack a lunch or buy a lunch? Your favorite thing to see on the lunch menu or inside your lunchbox back in the day? 

I went to a grade school that went up to 8th grade. I was a block away and we went home for lunch. I am pretty sure I brought a lunch to High School. Not sure what I brought. 

I've mentioned this before, because my mom was a depressed person I had blocked out a lot of things during those years. However I do remember going home and watching Bozo at lunch.
5. August is National Family Fun Month. Tell me something fun you’ve done this month. 

For me it is seeing Adam, Gabby and James. We just saw them on Sunday for some swimming and dinner. With Covid-19 and the new Delta Variant we still are not doing anything that is much fun. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I may not be around to read your posts for awhile. But I promise to try to catch up later. We are heading to Milwaukee this weekend for my brother's Memorial Service. I'm not taking my computer with me and I don't normally read from my phone but I know that I can if I have some free time. 

I actually went to the ER yesterday. I had some lung pain on Sunday but that is not unusual for me. Our carpet ended up coming on Monday instead of Friday and I think I overdid it trying to put some things back in order. I'm not done and won't be done until we get home. 

Anyway I woke up yesterday morning not feeling good at all. I knew that there was no way I could accomplish what I needed to be done if I tried to get in to see my doctor. I also knew that I couldn't fly to Milwaukee feeling this way. 

I was there for 3 hours. My lung x-ray was good. I got a prescriptions for a heavy dose steroid treatment  for 5 days and a Z-pak. These usually do the trick. They are not testing everyone for Covid like they were doing back in February when I was there for 4 days. 

I had told the doctor that I am flying to my brothers memorial service and would be seeing family. So she ordered the test for me and I was negative. I didn't think it was Covid but I'm glad she did that for me. 

So say a prayer that I'm feeling better and that I get my luggage packed today!!!! 


Susan said...

I will be praying for you and I hope you have a great time with your family.

Little Penpen said...

Bless your heart. I had thought about the smells and chemicals from new carpet aggravating your lung issues. I pray the steroids do their job and you have a good trip. That baby gets cuter and cuter!

Ann said...

Sending prayers that you are feeling better. Have a safe trip.

betty said...

Praying for you Debby! So cute with the pictures of James in the pool and the one with his daddy is so adorable!! That looks like a tablet he is using at his high chair. I think the wee one here has the same one and I bought one for when he comes over here. I got pink, he has blue, so we can tell them apart! He's a whiz on his as I imagine James is on his!

I only know that school has started here because we live around the corner from an elementary school and high school so traffic is busy this time of year.

Glad you did get yourself checked out before you traveled. It was wise to do so, so that you knew where your health stood before you left town and had to deal with new doctors, etc., if you hadn't gotten checked out here.

Safe travels!


Chatty Crone said...

Your kids in the pool are adorable.
Take your medicine.
I like the phone to or speaker phone - I had something connecting to my hear - which is near my brain - radiation I guess.

songbird's crazy world said...

Hope you feel better soon

Mevely317 said...

Lifting prayers right now, Debby! So glad you went to the ER and they ran those tests. Peace of mind is priceless.

These latest images of your 'kids' are sure heartwarming. I, too, have trouble saying 'no.'

Sandi said...

I said a prayer! 😊

photowannabe said...

Prayers for you as you pack and fly. Peace for your body and emotions.
As for Wed. Hodge Podge...
Most schools are in session or begin next week.
Masks mandated for in school learning, at this time..who knows what next week will bring. We are in California where politics and craziness rule everything. (end of rant)
I use a desk calendar and actually write everything on it.
A lesson of Life is to not get my panties in a knot. Learning to let go of what truly isn't important.
Most of the time I had a lunch in my lunchbox.
Didn't buy lunch very often at all..too expensive
Few things were very fun this month, but one precious memory was going with my granddaughter to try to find her wedding dress. Special honor to be able to be there.
Continued thoughts and prayers for you.

ellen b. said...

Praying for your requests right now Debby. May God bring comfort to all as you gather for your brother's memorial.

Joyce said...

I will be thinking of you Debby and praying for good health for you as well. I'm glad you got in to see the Doctor and hopefully the meds help. I'm glad you continue to have time with your grandson and that is a bright spot for you. Take care.

Carla from The River said...

Dear Debby,
I will be praying for you and your travels. I pray the memorial will go well and give some peace.

If things would be different, I would travel to Southern Wisconsin to meet you, that would be fun to meet a California Blog Friend.

CheerfulMonk said...

Have a safe trip. Love and best wishes. ❤️💕❤️💕

Kirstin said...

I'm so sorry about your brother. Hugs to you as you travel.

The Feminine Energy said...

Praying for you, Debby, that your travel is uneventful and your brother's memorial service is meaningful. I never attended my brother's funeral in Florida... it was just too expensive to fly. But I was there in thought & in spirit. I'll be thinking of you all. Love~ Andrea xoxoxo

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Thank you for sharing those sweet pictures of your beautiful family. You won't get this until you get back home, since I'm late getting to the comments this week, but I trust you are feeling much better and the service for your brother was both comforting for you and honoring of him.

Mara said...

School has started and I know as I live right across a primary school! I don't think they were masks though. The only place you have to wear them now in the Netherlands is public transport and it amazes me how many people do not breathe through their nose (says she being very sarcastic).

I wish you a lot of strength on your trip to your brother's memorial. Remember the good times and enjoy time spent with the family and friends of his. Big klem.

R's Rue said...

Praying and hugs my friend.

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