While Joyce is enjoying her grandson's this week,
there will be no Wednesday Hodgepodge.
I bring you a Sunday Funnies.
No wait, I spoke too soon! Actually I have a prayer request. For some reason I woke up Sunday morning with pain in my good knee. It's the knee with a replacement which was done 4 years ago in August.
As it turns out I actually had an appointment on Monday with my rheumatologist. He ordered some pain cream for me but felt it was too soon to do anything else since it had only been a day. I don't recall doing anything that would have strained it but he said maybe I slept funny. So we wait.
It hurts and I am so angry. I just don't need another issue with my body and I have plans coming up that I need my knee to be well for. I am going to go to bowling today. I will try to bowl but if I can't I will be there to support my friend Kendra.
I do believe it might be a little better than it was on Sunday. Fingers crossed!!
LOL, I think I'm a princess too.
So sorry to hear about your knee. I do hope it's feeling better today. Prayers and hugs for you.
My prayers are with you & your knee, Debby. Whenever I hear of pain in an artificial joint, I always think of infection... which is possible even 10 years post-surgery. So think back about any cuts or scraps you have anywhere on the surface of your body, where bacteria could have gotten inside you, and watch your temperature. Please keep us posted. ~Andrea xoxoxo
Loved the cartoons...yes, I know I feel like a "princess" in the making many times...and then there are special days, like my birthday, when I really DO feel like a princess, albeit, a very OLD princess! LOL. I am sorry to hear about the pain in your knee. Praying it will get better each day and soon be gone altogether. But if not, then definitely, back to the Dr.! Hope you were able to have a good time bowling! Take care and treat yourself like a real princess for a few days until you feel 100% better!
so now Murphy has transported from FL to CA. Hope your knee is better today..
If you slept funny wouldn't you wake up laughing?
I am definingly a princess here.
I don't think I would bowl today - I would rest it if it hurt. I am so sorry and I hope it gets better soon!
Praying for you Debby.
After yesterdays grungy upstairs cleaning I may be more of a queen than a princess!
I hope your knee is much better today and continues to improve. Prayers headed your way.
I'm so sorry to hear your knee's acting out. Whether you That's being a good friend.
LOL ... I have no idea what happened to my comment! What it SHOULD HAVE read, "Whether you bowl or not isn't important. Your being there with Kenda really counts, and that's being a good friend."
Prayers, hugs, and best wishes. ❤️
Praying my dear friend. I hope you are able to feel well to bowl.
Love, Carla
Praying for you.🙏. I hope you were able to bowl.
I hope the pain in your knee eases and you are able to enjoy your time with your friend.
Oh so sorry about your knee..hope the cream works and you can enjoy your bowling time.
Seems we are all Princesses when it comes to housework..it's never ending
Prayers and hugs.
I hope your knee feels better soon and Happy Birthday! I am headed to Kaiser Riverside for a CT scan of my neck. Enjoy you weekend Debby!
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