1. It's fall y'all! Officially that is and in the northern hemisphere only, so if you're visiting from down under happy spring! Does it feel like fall where you live? Does it look like fall aka are the leaves beginning to change? What is your favorite fall color? Scent? Flavor?
No it does not feel like Fall yet. This has been one of our warmest summers ever. No it does not look like Fall either. Our trees seem to change closer to November. I'm thinking my favorite color would be yellow or orange. A pumpkin scented candle is nice and I do love the flavor of pumpkin.
2. What's something you're not?
I'm not ready for Christmas to come. The year is going by too fast for me and my mood just isn't in the right place.
3. Share a favorite quote related to fall and tell us why it's a favorite.
4. Besides Thanksgiving, what's your favorite fall meal?
I eat things that I like throughout the year, not because it is Fall. I am going to say a Prime Rib dinner or Filet Mignon are favorites of mine. I have a chicken casserole that we love which has stuffing on it.
5. Share a favorite photo you took last fall?
6. Insert your own random thought here.
We babysat on Saturday from 1:30 until 10:30 pm. James was in a rather sleepy mood after his nap and just wanted to hang out on the couch for a long time.
Then Mark played with him outside and also on Adam and Gabby's bed. They have a lot of pillows and he loves falling on them and having them tossed at him. No he is saying "pillow bomb!"
It's not looking like fall yet here either with the exception of all the goldenrod that has been popping up.
since i live in the state of No Fall at All, I will answer the what is something I am not.... a caregiver. that is the answer, i have not one gene in my pool of dna that is a caregiver. I am also NOT a patient person, or a person who can wait with out getting agitated. James and his canine siblings are all 3 adorable... yay for baby sitting
Love the pic of your husband and grandson. Sweet dog babies, too! Chili is my fall food, but we eat it year round, too. Thankful for a/c!!
Awe what a sweet picture of grandpa and James and the two pups.
Debby - fall is my favorite season and can you believe it is in the 70's here in GA!?
I love homemade soups and we don't make them in the heat of the summer. I made tortilla soup this morning to have for dinner, and it's kind of humid outside, but raining so I'm pretending it feels like fall : ) Grandpas and their grandsons are something special!
Yummy! I had prime rib on Saturday. Love your pictures. Hope you have a great day Debby!
It's every bit acting like autumn here in northern-most Indiana and has been since meteorological autumn began on September 1st. Now, on the Autumn Equinox, it's definitely looking like fall too: more rain, cooler temperatures, and our leaves are falling like crazy. It's definitely sweater & bonfire weather in our area. Hurray... although I'm going to miss summer this year, more than I ever have before. Normally summer isn't my favorite season at all but this year was different. I'm going to miss her. ~Andrea xoxoxo
It doesn't look that much like Autumn yet, but I've been in that state of mind since September 1! It's the most wonderful time of the year!
What beautiful dogs!
I am so ready to see those fall leaves, that's for sure.
I'm so glad you got to be with James and things went so well for all of you. Fantastic memories.
It sure doesn't feel or look like fall here in the Greater Sacramento area. No rain for so long will not help the situation either. Today it is over 90F.
I'm not ready for Christmas either. Finances, the weather and just life in general .
Love your quote..I don't have one.
Great photos.
Love your photos. So pretty!
Fall and Christmas are my favorite seasons and holiday.
Just in the past few days it has started feeling like fall here. It's chilly in the mornings and leaves are started to drop.
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