1. Do you think intuition is as valuable as rational thinking? Explain why or why not.
I do think it is valuable. I can't really explain why but it seems to come true in most situations.
2. In the grand scheme of things____.
Life is short, love each day and live each day to the fullest.
3. Last place you went that felt like 'Grand Central Station'? Have you ever actually been to Grand Central Station (and by Grand Central Station I mean Grand Central Terminal)?
I have never been to Grand Central Station. I am going to say Disneyland on Monday. I'm assuming you are talking about a place that is crowded.
4. October 6 is National Noodle Day. What's your favorite dish made with noodles and have you made/eaten this dish lately?
I guess I do like spaghetti with pasta sauce but my favorite would be lasagna.
5. A time recently you had to really 'use your noodle'? Elaborate.
Working with my brothers estate!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Disneyland did not go as planned and I will do a separate post.
I've never been to Grand Central Station. I haven't even been anywhere lately that would even remotely be similar.
Sorry to hear Disney didn't go as planned.
I can't remember the last time I was anywhere that was like GCS, i avoid those at all costs. never been to the real one and would avoid it if i were there. I just remebered one, 2006 Tampa airport to put my son on a plane.. oh no on Disney and you know I hate cliffhangers. do that post soon please.
For you to even attempt going to Disney Land is a huge accomplishment for you, but to have it be a disappointing outing, makes me sad for you. You agree with MadSnapper, you need to hurry and fill us in.
I think the Disney parks are crowded year round now. We made our trips with the girls when they were young in October as my hubs often had a meeting there that time of year and we could tag along. The park would be practically empty, no waiting in lines...not sure when is the best time to go these days. I hope things are settling down with the estate. That is such a job. Have a great Wednesday!
I enjoyed your answers Debby and I bet Disneyland was like Grand Central Station! So sorry things didn't go as planned. I hope you still had a good time.
I can't wait to hear your story about Disneyland. I had hoped it went well. I like the meme and have felt that many times!
Because many of my childhood travels included train transport, I know we were in GCS -- but I've no memories. Mother used to tell of the young serviceman who struck up a conversation, taught me to read his comic book -- then gave it to me. Thereafter, I was hooked!
Like Sandra, I'm too curious about Disney. Do tell, please!
Disneyland sounds crazy
Oh noooo!! Disneyland didn't go as planned, Debby?! Can't wait to hear whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. I'm thinking a bad thing. ~Andrea xoxoxo
Intuition is generally based on things we know but which are outside our awareness. It is definitely valuable. Still, I trust science more than people's gut feelings.
We hate crowds and avoid them if possible. I'm looking forward to hearing about Disneyland...I'm sorry if it wasn't fun.
Sorry about Disney not quite going as planned unless of course it went better than planned. :)
I make my own version of pot noodles. Quick, healthy and tasty. For some reason spaghetti is not noodles for me, even if it is made of the same stuff.
Debby, I am sorry Disney didn't go as planned. Hoping you are having a great weekend!
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