1. Three things you're grateful for this first week of November?
My families health, our home with food on the table and Gods Grace.
4. It's National Sandwich Day...will you celebrate? How often do you eat a sandwich? What's your favorite?
I do like having a sandwich. Usually I use Dave's Killer Bread with low sodium turkey. I put a small amount of olive oil mayo on one side and a chipotle mayo made with avocado oil on the other side and lay a nice amount of spinach on each slice. I will often have a slice of swiss cheese too.
I will not be having one today but I would say I have a few each month.
5. Have you started your Christmas shopping? If so when did you start? If not when will you start? Do you give more or fewer gifts than you did five years ago?
No but I hope to start soon. I certainly have been thinking about it. The out of town gifts (20) are gift cards. It just got to be too much to mail sending gifts to everyone.
With our children it has been the same amount of gifts. They will be sending me their gift list soon.
Last year Amber and Dylan requested several items from Amazon so it was nice having it sent to their house. Also Montana doesn't have any sales tax.
I think we all tend to ask for more gift cards each year but it is fun opening presents!! This photo is from 2019. I had a lovely white gate around the tree because James was so young.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I've been asking Mark to put up the Christmas tree. I have a million projects I could do around the house but I feel like I need to start working on my tree. Didn't do much last year and I need some Holiday spirit to come into my heart.
I wish they would do away with daylight savings time. I don't care which one they leave it at I'm just tired of having to switch the clocks. I feel off for about a week every time it changes.
What a beautiful picture, Debby!! And yes, I'm thinking like you in that I "need" my Christmas tree this year. And I'm still praying for you, honey. I hope you get to feeling better soon. ~Andrea XOXOXO
i want them to stop changing back and forth, I prefer standard time, but would/could live with the other. i prefer the one that a sundial gives the correct time. I am thankful I figured out how to control my IBS but that means that sandwich are a no.. i can have a sandwich but made with gluten free bread its not worth eating. i have lived my whole life prefering a sandwich over a steak or any food other than pizza. burgers, sandwiches and pizza...my 3 favorites. authors are many, Lee Child, David Baldacci, and a new favorite Fiona Quinn
I hope Mark will put it up - it does make people feel happy. I love Christmas too and the meaning - the decorations. Your presents were beautiful.
That sandwich sounds good.
I am so thankful for our home, family that loves both my husband and Me, also thankful that my hubby is still here (after his leg fracture...it could have been fatal if the limb had gone upward) and we can do Life together.
Dislike the time change so much. We voted last big election to disband it..it passed and the "higher-ups" said NO ..why vote for these things?
I do like a really good sandwich but it's not on my diet. I have to admit I cheat now and then..
No shopping yet. It will probably be gift cards again this year. Postage has gone through the roof.
Love the ending quote.
I love your answers. That sandwich sounds good.
My hubs and I went out to lunch today and stopped in a little shop afterwards. I bought a little bag of antique ornaments and decided to go ahead and put them in a bowl on my fireplace mantle. Feeling the joy already : ) I've seen a lot of people with trees up already. I think if it brings you joy and fills you with the Christmas spirit then why not?
Changing to daylight savings time and the switch back to CST (and vice versa) really does mess with my internal clock for about 2 weeks. I would love to just leave it alone!
Your home is always so beautifully decorated, Debby. I'm hoping my son will help me gather the tree, etc. from the attic while they're here on Thanksgiving. Heck, I knew of one family in Scottsdale who left theirs up all year.
I can't wait to put the tree up too.
Hello Debby, I'm with you on daylight savings. Love that quote at the end and a Christmas tree certainly has a way of changing a mood. Happy November and Hodgepodge to you.
They always say you gain an extra hour. You don't! You lose it again come spring! There is no point to Daylight Savings and I think everybody recognises it. It's just not dealt with.
I couldn't think of putting up my tree already. I think it will go up when my sister arrives, although I will decorate it by myself (as the past has shown).
I would like to see Day Light Savings go BYE BYE .. I am not a fan.
I like the idea getting our tree up early too. ;-) But we are starting a project in our kitchen in November, taking a break from the project in December and will finish it in January.. I hope.
That sandwich sounds really good! I hope to get have our tree up by next Saturday. James will be happy for Christmas this year! Have a nice weekend!
I always have a hard time saying a "favorite" anything because it always seems to change.
We are having flank steak sandwiches tonight, so I guess we'll be celebrating late.
I always grieve in the fall when we lose that afternoon hour of sunshine.
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