2. It's National Crab Day...do you like crab meat? What makes you crabby?
It's been so long since I've had crab. I believe I tried it years ago and liked it.
The news makes me crabby!
3. Does freedom mean more choices? Have you ever felt there were too many choices? Elaborate.
These answers are from Mark....
Yes, freedom usually means more choices like the news channels, sports teams, TV programs, etc.
Yes, there are too many choices in a donut shop!
For more choices we need one more political party.
4. Barbara Millicent Roberts was introduced to the world on March 9, 1959...that's Barbie to most of us. Did you have Barbies as a kid, or did you let your own children play with Barbies? What well known Barbara (living or not) would you most like to meet?
Yes I did have a Barbie doll and yes my daughter Amber played with Barbie dolls.
I looked at a list of famous Barbara's and I would pick Barbara Streisand. I have enjoyed her movies and music over the years.
5. What are three things you value most in another person?
Honesty, Truth, and the ability to listen without commenting.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm the same, I get most of my news from Facebook. Wade always watched the news and he was always complaining about what a scary world it was and he stressed over things.
I do like crab but haven't had it in a while.
I did have Barbie dolls and so did my daughter. I wish I would have saved them,
Love that quote, it's so true.
I am to old to have had Barbie, and i only had sons, and they were into GI Joe dolls. so no Barbie for me. My niece had every Barbie ever made and still does in her attic. the bad thing about you and Ann getting news from FB is almost all of it is fake, except for a few diaster pics. I get my news from computer headlines in feedly and only read what I want to know. I get more news that I don't want to hear from the blaring TV.
I am picky about what i want to know.. i love the quote at the bottom
I agree with your answers. I am finding that the news is so distressing that it causes me to get depressed and I am not one prone to depression, so that tells me I need to stay away and PRAY. I have my original and only Barbie...got her for my 10th birthday in 1960. She is the one with the black ponytail and came in a black and white striped bathing suit. I had all boys too, so they weren't interested in Barbies, but did have GI Joe and Star Wars, etc. I hope you have a wonderful day today. We are expecting rain all day, but we need it.
I love your random thought..very interesting.
I love the quote!
I also love your values - I have the same ones!
I don't watch news either.
I played Barbie's too and so did Kelly.
Have a good day!
Sounds like my mom' she ignores news but my dad fills her in. Problem is then, when I bring up stuff, she has only heard parts of things and argues with me!
I had time to join in today!
Listening and honesty were on my list too.
I get news from my husband as well. I do look at local stuff and follow some of it.
I like the quote! There are new news outlets popping up quite often these days, always promising just the facts but it truly seems there's no such thing anymore. Hope you're having a great day!
I really love your random thought (quote)!!
I think many of us are fed up with the network news shows. Crab is a once in a very long while treat and at a restaurant.
Happy Hodgepodge to you!
The news makes me to nervous...I rely on friends, who research everything, for the news. Choices way too many when it comes to certain items...Shew stirs up my anxiety.
That is a good quote! I remember getting my first Barbie doll and all the fun I had playing with them. My daughter wasn't really into them. I don't watch mainstream news but get news from some other resources. It sure can be depressing at times. I do like crab salad and sometimes hubby will make crab stuffed mushrooms, yummy!
I watch very little main stream news..it's much too biased and fake. Some of it is brainwashing at its finest.
Hubby watches some selective news but keeps up to date. It stirs my anxiety.
I love crab but its been a long time since i had some.
Choices are good but discernment is necessary.
love all the ice cream choices at some shops.
Too old for Barbie but my sons loved GI Joe.
Granddaughters were'nt into dolls much either though they did like Polly Pockets.
Integrity, loyalty, kindness
Love the ending quote...I try to be a filter, not a sponge.
My hubby would agree that we need one more political party. I like your last quote. That's so good.
I agree, we need another political party.
I like your quote.
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