Wednesday, August 10, 2022


In case you haven't heard, we are back in quarantine again. I'm starting to go crazy. Mark was negative last Wednesday and Friday but on Sunday he tested positive again. Thank you Plaxlovid! Technically he tested negative 7 days after he became sick and 9 days after he became sick. In most normal situations people are back at work after a negative test. Nope, not with the rebound effect of Plaxlovid. 

He's not as sick as he was the first time but he definitely doesn't feel well and has no energy to do anything.  Adam had called and invited us over last Sunday afternoon and we had to tell him the bad news. It is pretty obvious that we won't be seeing them this coming weekend either. 

James asked Gabby on Monday morning, when she was taking him to daycare, "Are Papa and Grandma picking me up tonight?" Right now it is 20 days since we saw him last. I know that many of you don't see your grandchildren often so I shouldn't be complaining at all. James is my happy place! We do have a cute photo of him. He is now into puzzle big time. He was never into the baby ones. 

When we left Amber and Dylan's it was on Friday morning, the day the fair was opening up and we were all going to go. Well they ended up going on Wednesday and had a great time. 

When Mark had decided that we needed to leave he was wondering if I wanted to take a plane home. At the time I didn't want to but since we are in our second isolation now I should have just stayed until he was well  and not contagious anymore! 

Mark has more run of the house than I do but there was no other way to do it. He's in the front of the house but uses his office and the family room because that's where his DVR is. So I'm in our bedroom and my office is off the bathroom area and that is where my DVR is. So of course I wear a mask when I leave my jail and he wears one when I come into the kitchen area which is off the den. We have a good system going, it just sucks that this is the second run. (I haven't been able to use my treadmill because it's up where Mark is staying)

I have two cute new pairs of PJ's for James and we bought him Zoo animals from our favorite store North 40. We have given him farm animals before.  Also got him a cute pair of Paw Patrol briefs. 

Extras for the Zoo

So stay safe out there! 

Side note: My psychiatrist took me off of Prozac on Saturday but that's a story for another time. I was only on it for 3 weeks. 


Ann said...

Oh so sorry to hear that the quarantine continues. I imagine that the isolation has to be getting to you. I think I would be climbing the walls.
I bet it's hard for James to understand why he can't get to see you a well. That's a long time to go without a visit with that little cutie.

Susan said...

I keep hearing about that rebound with Paxlovid. Luckily, I did not need that. I do understand about not seeing the grands. James is really good with puzzles! I am sure he will like his presents. My anxiety and been creeping up too.

Cathy said...

So sorry you are in lockdown again. Hopefully your husband will feel better soon. Love the puzzles and clothes and animals. James is going to love those. Take care my friend.

betty said...

Prozac is icky. Not a fan of it. If you "must" be on something, I was on Lexapro for a few years. It really helped and didn't have a lot of side effects. So sorry that you are in lockdown again and that you won't be able to see James. They miss us when they are used to seeing us, like James is used to seeing you guys. I hope you get to see him soon and Mark starts feeling better. I'm not really familiar with that drug that Mark was given, but it seems like it is not the "wonder" drug that some people think it should be. Fair food always looks so delicious!! I bet Dylan and Amber had a good time! Such cute outfits and toys for James! He truly is getting to be a big boy! I think puzzles are really great too for a child's development. Glad he enjoys doing the bigger ones! Take care of yourself Debby. Can you sit outside for a bit to at least get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air?


Chatty Crone said...

I feel so bad for you. Everyone I have heard on that drug seems to get the rebound affect. Now I read a new variety from China is coming. I think this is the evilest thing I have ever known. It has affected everybody in some way. My daughter teaches and it is unbelievable. Businesses are closing. And of course, people are getting sick, and some are still dying.
James gifts look awesome - he will love it.
Try to get some fresh air if you can.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry this thing is dragging its feet and going on and on. sounds like you have it all set up and that would drive me nuts. our house is so small there is no way for us to isolate at all. hope you have a path to your beautiful back yard. maybe you could social distance outside. I can't imagine what you are both going through. on a good note, i would not have to cook for bob. YAY. those pjs are so cute and you know i love the zoo animals.

photowannabe said...

Hope you both can get back to "normal" really soon..take care and the things you got for James are so cute. I know he will love them.

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so sorry! Fingers crossed it will be over soon.

Mevely317 said...

Oh my gosh! I've not heard of that rebound effect -- the things we learn from one another! Your isolation techniques sound mighty tiresome; but (I don't think) it's nearly as scary as how we all felt a couple years ago. Perhaps you and Mark can plan some little celebration/date night once he's back to feeling 100%.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am so sorry you are having to quarantine again.
Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later that it will be over.

Carla from The River said...

Oh goodness, I am praying Debby.
Love You!

Michelle said...

Wow, Debby, I am so sorry COVID has struck again. Thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry, I don't get over here regularly. Puzzles, I love puzzles. Love the outfits you bought for James.🙏

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

So sorry for all this, but mostly sorry you are missing the best dose of medicine you both could receive. Hopefully soon you can see that sweet James.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh my word.... back in quarantine again. Lordy, lordy, lordy! You poor souls! I have a whole new perspective on this whole COVID thing. Maybe I'll do a blog post about it. Thank you for the prompt! *haha* Hope your household is back to normal again real soon, honey. What a mess! ~Andrea xoxo

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am so sorry to hear about your quarantine and illness issues. Praying you will both be better and back out soon. I am sure your sweet James is missing you so much. That Paxlovid just isn't the great wonder drug they said it would be. Same thing the Pres. was on, with the same results. Please take care and get some fresh air and sunshine as you can...vitamin D and C are the best medicines to be taking. God bless you and give you strength and good health soon.

R's Rue said...

Praying for you.

The Feminine Energy said...

PS~ I just thought I'd stop back to say... you mentioned on my blog that brown rice is a "good carb". Actually, there is no such thing as a "good carb" or a "bad carb". To a diabetic, carbohydrates are carbohydrates and they all metabolize in the body the same. Brown rice might be more healthy for a non-diabetic as it contains more "roughage" than the stripped white rice...but the benefits are minimal. Brown rice has 28 carbs per half cup and white rice has 27 carbs per half cup...that's nearly 2/3 of the total carbs a diabetic should have in one meal....and a half cup of rice sure doesn't amount to much on a person's plate (or in a person's stomach), does it. Bleh! Just thought I'd mention. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

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