Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Thank you Joyce and Welcome Back!
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1. Thursday (Oct 13) is National Train Your Brain Day. What do you do to keep your brain in tip top shape? Is it helping?he 

I actually haven't been doing much to keep my brain in tip top shape but I did buy Mark and I two books for seniors, at Christmas, that are supposed to do that. Of course it doesn't work if you don't use them!!

2. You can sit with anyone in the world and 'pick their brain'...whom do you choose? Tell us why? 

You didn't say dead or alive but I have always wanted to have a talk with Princess Diana. I just always admired her. 

3. What's something happening in the world (or your corner of it) right now that you have trouble 'wrapping your brain around'? 

The crimes that are being committed each and everyday and no one seems to get in trouble. The ones that really bother me are those people with actual criminal records and they just keep letting them out on bail. 

4. On a scale of 1-10 where do you fall in the pumpkin fanclub? (1=blech, 10=make it all pumpkin all the time) Tell us something delicious you've tasted recently that had some pumpkin in it somewhere. 

I love pumpkin in a pie or if a whole pumpkin is sitting out for decoration. I actually haven't had anything recently with pumpkin. I'm guessing I could say I'm a 10.

5. Share a favorite song, book, or movie with an autumn title, setting, or vibe. 

I'm going to go with Autumn in New York with Richard Gere and Winona Ryder. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This is for fans of the Christmas Movies on Hallmark, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries along with the Lifetime channel.

I have nothing that I can print out for you like the ones above but her is the link for the Lifetime Christmas movies. They start on November 12 and will have 35 new movies.  


Mevely317 said...

Oh, I, too, loved Princess Diana! If you get a chance, please let me know what those books are you reference in #1? Have a wonderful sort of day!

betty said...

Looks like a lot of good movies to get into the Christmas spirit! I think word games are good for giving the mind sharp. I was thinking of getting a crossword puzzle book and hubby and me working one a day or something like that. Could be a fun activity to do together. I agree about the crime and people getting out on bail who really should be kept locked up. Strange times we live in!


Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Isn't this the most upside down world? What was right is now wrong and vice versa. And there is no absolute truth anymore, only whatever one perceives to be their own truth. Yes, it's crazy.

Carla from The River said...

I agree with you regarding #3. Right now the Christmas Parade case is going on here in Wisconsin. Another example of a BAD PERSON who got out on a ridiculous bail after trying to run over his girl friend.. then goes on to kill so many during the Christmas Parade.

Praying for our Nation.

Princess Diana, you, me and tea. :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just came from a another blog with these questions and my answer to 3 was similar to yours. no wrapping my head around the VIOLENCE in our world, not just here, but the whole of the planet is seething with violence

I think my computer diving and creating and trying to figure out devices helps my mind. I hope so since I don't do any of the things people say to do

Cathy said...

Thanks for the schedule for the Christmas movies this years. Take care my friend.

Chatty Crone said...

It would be interesting to talk to Princess Diana.
I LOVE as you know the Hallmark Movies - thank you.
I agree with you - I can't understand at all the world today. Just don't get it.
I love pumpkins.

CheerfulMonk said...

Like Sandra, my dealing with computers and devices keeps my mind active. Also posting every day on my blog, memorizing simple tunes to play on my physical xylophone and the organ app on my iPad, and learning to draw both in pencil and on the computer. They exercise different parts of my brain and make me happy. Oh, also solving puzzles.

Joyce said...

I so agree with you about crime and how we all acknowledge something should be done but it seems nothing ever is. Everything is so mixed up in the world right now it's hard to stay optimistic about the direction of our country. I haven't ever gotten in to the Hallmark movies but maybe this will be the year. We all need a little light hearted, cheerful, entertainment right about now. Have a nice week!

Ann said...

I don't know, my brain may be beyond
I can not think of a single person that I would want to pick their brain.
I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around the current candidates for the senate in Pennsylvania. I just don't understand where they get their line of thinking.

ellen b. said...

Totally with you on #3. It really is disheartening. Hope you are having a good week.

Lisa said...

I can't believe we are getting close to Christmas. We were recently talking to our cashier at our local walmart. She was telling us about the people who come in and drink the beer or wine or eat the fried chicken from the deli or who eat half a candy bar and put the other half back on the shelf. All of those are small "crimes" but I have a hard time wrapping my head around that!!

Lisa R Howeler of Boondock Ramblings said...

Oooh! What a great idea to share a schedule for the hallmark movies!

Christmas movies are what I look forward to each holiday season!

photowannabe said... brain needs lots of training (:0) but I do a lot of solitaire on the computer. Makes me think. I also sell a lot on eBay so there is lots of research, photography and editing to do..sometimes it makes my brain dizzy.
I would love to sit with Billy Graham and listen to his profound thoughts.
I agree with others about the violence and lack of conscience and compassion. It's such a sad state.
I guess I am at a the fall colors and pumpkins. Pumpkin pie is one of my favorites but I don't care for pumpkin lattes..too sweet.
Good questions for this Fall day.

Jeanette said...

If I could pick the brain of anyone it would be my mother. Since she passed away there are so many questions I would have asked her from childhood memories I have to recipes! I'm not really a Hallmark Christmas movie fan but I do watch one occasionally to get myself into the Christmas spirit!

Schotzy said...

Good morning, you bring up Princess Diana and she has been on my mind a bit since the Queen’s parting. I am very enamored with the Royals anyway, but I do have a very hard time in my mind with the new King and how he treated her even from their wedding day! So tragic!

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