Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Sum up your November in ten words or les

Watched James for several day, Thanksgiving dinner, calls with family.

2. Are you hosting any holiday parties this year? Attending any? Party pooper, party animal, or life of the party...where do you land when it comes to parties? 

We will have Adam, Gabby and James over before Christmas. We have no parties to go to except for Christmas Day at Adam and Gabby's. 

Right now I am definitely a party pooper!!!

3. Do you purchase holiday clothing of any sort (sparkly tops, Christmas jammies, Santa suit, etc). 

No, not really, but I used to. 

4. What's your go-to recipe when you're asked to bring an hors d'oeuvre to a party? 

You know what, Adam, Gabby and James are all we have here in California. So we don't go to any parties per say. We will definitely bring something for Christmas dinner.  

We often bring onion dip and chips. I use half yogurt and half sour cream with Lipton Onion Soup Mix. 

5. December 3rd is National Play Outside Day...what might you do to celebrate? 

Actually we will be babysitting James on Saturday afternoon/evening so I'm guessing we might play outside. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  


Joyce said...

So nice you are near enough to care for James when his parents need that. You are making special memories with him and I love that. Hope you're doing well!

Chatty Crone said...

I know that is true about being a grandma! You can tell from your post just how much you love your family!

MadSnapper said...

so glad you have James in your life,and most of your anwsers include him. they are blessed to have you close and you are blessed to be that close. I have never been to a party that had hors d'oeuvre other than work related and they were furnished. I gueess that answers the am I a party pooper? ha ha..

Martha Jane Orlando said...

What a precious little guy James is, Debby! Yes, there's nothing better than being a grandparent. I miss my three grand girls so much.
Blessings, and enjoy every moment with your grandson!

Cathy said...

Love your random thought and that is so true! I also love that picture of James. He looks so happy!

Carla from The River said...

I love your random Debby!!!

photowannabe said...

November has been sort of a crazy month..
I got older..Dave had cataract surgery...still doing elder care for my friend..madly selling on eBay...Thanksgiving at our house minus a lot of our family this year.
We are having our small group bible study group here for a dinner get together and going to 2 parties in the next 2 weeks.
Nope on the clothing..I do drag out my red top and my red plaid fannel shirt for occasions.
warm artichoke dip for chips and a veggie platter. Various cheese and crackers, deviled eggs.
Dec. 3 is one of the parties but I think it will be too chilly to be outside.
My random thought is that December came too fast for me. My motor is slowing down this year.

Mevely317 said...

These days I'm a party pooper, too. So glad to have left the political corporate 'mixers' in my rear-view mirror. Onion dip and chips is practically a staple in our home.

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so glad you have James in your life. Andy and I are happy party poopers! ❤️👍

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Your sweet little grandson James is a real charmer. I can tell you have a great time with him! What a blessing they are close enough to enjoy all the time! Chips and dip always sound good to me! Yeah, we don't do many parties anymore either, especially none at night. Family gatherings for the holidays usually are over before dark since people have to travel a ways. I haven't bought any new party outfits in a long time, but the few I do have last forever since they are only worn maybe once a year. Anyway, I love being back home and in my jammies by 8:00. LOL.

ellen b. said...

A day with James on Play Outside Day, that should be fun. Enjoy. Happy December to you!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

You've been on my mind lately and hoping you are doing better. Time spent with your sweet James has to bring sunshine to your soul.

Kirstin said...

I enjoyed your answers....Onion dip sounds really good. I was terrible about getting around to everyone's posts last week...uggh.

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