Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Just wanted to say Hi! 

I certainly haven't been around much have I? There is no Wednesday Hodgepodge this month and I've been trying hard to read posts but not accomplishing much. I finally got through packing up Christmas last week Thursday. It certainly isn't as much fun as putting it up.

We have a few things going on the next few weeks so I won't be around a lot to read blog posts. I know that's okay with all of you but I really like to keep up with everyone's life. 

Hard to believe it is 2023. These years just keep flying by too quickly. We need to make the most of them!

Mark's Mom Vivian is turning 95 this month and our Adam is turning 44. 


On New Year's day we went over to Adam and Gabby's. Adam made home made pizza's and they were delicious. Of course James had to help is dad. 

As you know we have had a lot of rain and with the rain came some beautiful rainbows. This double one was amazing. 

We have also had some beautiful snow capped mountain tops. 

Hope everyone is doing well. I have been feeling pretty good but I did have an issue with my newest anxiety pill so I am weaning off of it now. That is one of the reasons I have been so distant. You all take care and may your year be filled with blessings from God. 


Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am sorry to hear that your medication is not working out. Praying that you will be okay as you wean off of it and then hopefully there will be something else that works better for you. BTW, I will be going for an MRI soon regarding my shoulder/back/nerve issues. The xray did not show anything, as I figured it wouldn't. I am doing okay on the statin again, no major issues there, so apparently my problem is a different one. I love the pictures you posted of the double rainbow and the snowcapped mountains! I am glad you are doing okay with the weather issues. Sounds like it has been very devastating for many places along the coast. Happy 95th birthday to your MIL Vivian! My MIL's name was Vivian also! And James does look like he enjoyed helping with that pizza. I bet he enjoyed eating it too!! Please take care and stay well. It's good to hear from you, and I agree with you about the Christmas decorations...not nearly as much fun taking them down. Every year I think I'm not going to do as much next year...and then I forget it by next year and do it all over again! LOL. Have a blessed week!

Little Penpen said...

Hi Debbi! I’m glad to hear from you. I’m constantly amazed by the beautiful views from your property! The rainbows are amazing. Vivian looks great! I hope you continue to feel better!

MadSnapper said...

precious smiles from James and his dad, and the rainbows are so beautiful. i can tell the pavement in your yard is wet. happy to see and hear that you are ok with all the rain that has been attacking your state.

Cathy said...

What beautiful photos of the rainbows and snow capped mountains. You live in such a beautiful area. Sorry there have been problems with your meds. I hope all that gets worked out soon. Take care my friend.

Visits With Mary said...

What a beautiful rainbow! I feel the same way about taking down and putting up Christmas!! Sometimes I miss the pretty lights after the tree is down for the year. Sorry to hear your meds aren't working for you, sure hope you find something that works soon.

Chatty Crone said...

Beautiful rainbow girl. And you are right it is not as much fun taking down as putting up. Happy birthday to your MIL and Adam - why does he have that plastic on his head? lol I do pray you feel better.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Sure hope you can get your medication regulated sooner than later, Debby. I've missed seeing you around the blogosphere!
95? Wow! Your mil looks amazing. My mom made it to 92; she passed away in July, 2021. Still miss her . . .

photowannabe said...

Love your family photos and your Mother is so precious..happy 95!!!
Love the snow capped mountains too.
Our Sierras are under an amazing blanket too.
Hope you feel better as the days go on.

Mevely317 said...

From watching Tom, I know issues with certain medications can be super stressful. Fingers crossed and prayers said that yours will be resolved soon!
Love the grins on Adam and James' faces. Two peas in a pod!

Debby said...

What beautiful views you have. Medications are always an issue for me. Mainly it's my stomach. I hope you can get it straightened out.

Ann said...

I agree, packing up the Christmas decorations is no fun. And why does it never seem to fit back in the boxes as well as it did when you first took it all out.
Sorry to hear about your meds. Hope you find something that can help you.

Carla from The River said...

Hello Debby,
Oh I agree, I do not enjoy packing up Christmas. I always feel melancholy.

I enjoyed the photos, your view is amazing. I just love it!!
Love and hugs for your family.

Terra said...

I like the photos of the double rainbows and the mountains in the background and hope your medication is sorted out quickly.

Susan said...

Hi Deb, that rainbow picture is just beautiful! I sure hope we don't have another long, hot summer! I took Paxil for years and it was for anxiety and depression. It worked pretty well. I hope you find something that works well for you.

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