Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Something you've done recently that might be considered a labor of love? 

Not sure this was a labor of love but I certainly had to be calm and collect when we were in a one hour and forty five minute delay on the 10 Fwy out of Palm Springs on our way home from Arizona on Sunday. Mark was going nuts! He can't stand California traffic anymore.

As it turns out it wasn't a car accident. It was a shooting of a police officer. I don't have any other details but when we passed the area there were 10 police cars on the shoulder and another 20 police cars up on a dirt road on a hillside above. 

2. What's one thing you love about being the age you are now? 

Good question. I do like the fact that I don't have to rush off to work everyday. I can do whatever I want. However, I believe I need to get going again. Get out of the house more often since the pandemic started. It's way to easy to stay home and not good for my well being. 

3. What do you value more: careful planning or the freedom to be spontaneous? Elaborate.

I guess I would have to say careful planning. I'm not good at being spontaneous but would love to try doing that more often. I will often say "Let's go here today!" and then Mark will say he's too busy doing things around the house. 

4. A home cooked meal or a fancy restaurant? pink or red? watch the sunrise or watch the sunset? wine and cheese or champagne and chocolate? 

Oh my, I haven't been that good at doing home cook meals lately but want to get back in the groove and have the kids over more often. I like a fancy restaurant but it doesn't have to be very often.  

I will go with pink unless you are talking about wine. We get the sunset from our backyard but I do love both of them. How about wine, cheese and chocolate!!!

5. What's your definition of romance? Are you a 'romantic'? 

I like to be hugged, I like special little surprises like a small plant or a candy bar. My mind is definitely romantic but Mark has never been one to care for romance. I do try to surprise him with small little gifts. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

So the 10 day trip to Houston turned out to be a total of 20 days. We got home on Sunday. It was definitely an adventure we never planned on. I currently have a lung infection but hope to make it to bowling today. I missed 3 weeks! 

We were able to get the car on Saturday morning and it drove well on the trip home. We were able to drop the rental car off in Kerrville, TX rather than have to drive to the Enterprise in a town an hour away like we did when it was rented.  So that worked out well. 

We didn't make the originally planned stop on the way home. We were going to stay in a small town in New Mexico where they have cute little shops and a restaurant Michele and Pam like. We scratched the extra day because we wanted to get home. 

Our house was in good shape. My indoor plants didn't die. We are all safe and that's a huge blessing. 

Loved seeing the cactus on the roadside.

Are you ready for some football??
I saw the stadium in Arizona.
We will be going to Adam and Gabby's to watch.

Hope to get the "THE GOOD" 
Houston party post written soon. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am drawing a blank of labor of love, that might mean I don't do those things. I am a planner and get UPSET if plans do not go as planned. like your trip would have made me crazy. I prefer homecooked meals but only if someone one else cooks them. I can eat a bought hamburger anytime anywhere. so glad your house was ok and the plants survived. I prefer sunrise but love both

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I guess I didn't realize you had been on a long trip like that, so I will look forward to hearing more about it when you post it. I love a beautiful sunrise when we are at the beach, which hasn't been in a LONG time, but we do have gorgeous sunsets here over our own Still Waters Pond most evenings. I stand in awe of God's masterpieces in the skies that are new and different every time. I would like to be more spontaneous if hubby enjoyed doing things like that. Once in a while we do something spontaneous, but it seems like the older we get the less we do. We don't have a lot of restaurants near us, so home cooked meals have to be the norm. I just need to learn to cook for just the two of us since our son moved out. He was always good about using up the leftovers, and now they just sit there waiting for me to get creative like he was. Too often they end up in the garbage, so I need to be more careful in my meal planning. I am glad you are back home safe and sound. I will look forward to hearing more about it.

Cathy said...

I'm so glad you all made it home safely. That sunset is gorgeous! Hope you make it to bowling.

Little Penpen said...

Glad you are home safe and sound! I have had to go near our local hospital several times recently. As I was sitting in traffic, I noticed all the young people, dressed in scrubs, trying to get to work. It brought back a flood of memories and I was so thankful to be beyond that time in my life! Stressful days!

Chatty Crone said...

I AM GLAD YOU ARE HOME! What an adventure you had. I am sorry about the police officer - I have driven in CA and it is worse than here - which is bad.
You will start cooking at home again - you are just out of the groove. Rick is not romantic either.

Carla from The River said...

WOW, what an adventure for you and your family.

My prayers are with the police officer's family and the rest of the police staff. Sadly, an officer was shot and killed in Milwaukee as well. What is VERY awful regarding the situation here in Wisconsin, a Wisconsin Congress Lady invited a DE FUND the police organizer to the State of the Union, it all got very ugly and the attention went all on the Congress Lady instead of the young police officer that LOST his life.
What a mess our nation is in.

I continue to pray and try to spread sunshine and do my best.

Kym said...

I really like not having to go out to work, but like you I'm also feeling like I need to find a way to get out more just so I'm not looking at the same four walls all the time. Hope you're feeling better soon! Visiting from WH#10

Astrid said...

How sad about the police officer! It's terrible when people get killed.

I'm sorry you have an infection. Hope you get well soon.

ellen b. said...

Whoa! Glad to hear you made it home. That's a very sad reason for traffic. Hope the officer is okay. Hope your lung infection is over soon. It is nice to get surprise treats here and there when you are least expecting it. Take care!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

So glad you finally made it home safe and sound, Debby. It seems like we hear about another police shooting at least every other day, and it's so depressing. What's wrong with our country?
Like you, I'm romantic, and love to get little gifts from Danny when they're least expected.

Mevely317 said...

You and I are lots alike, Debby. I don't think I've a spontaneous bone in my body, but maybe I should try -- suprise my family, lol. About only way I enjoy a home-cooked meal anymore is if someone else is doing the cooking and clean-up. It doesn't have to be fancy-schmancy, but I truly delight in having someone come take my order and wait on me.

Ann said...

I'm totally with you on the choice of wine, cheese and chocolate.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you are home again! Our traveling days are just about over. There's no way we could drive in a crowded city, and flying right now sounds like a real mess. But we love our everyday life.

Joyce said...

So glad you made it home safely. We drove around LA in September and it was a breeze. We couldn't believe it because we'd planned our day around being stuck in traffic there. I know we were lucky : ) I don't like driving in traffic anymore either. I guess I've truly adapted to the country life! Stay well!

Kirstin said...

I'm so glad you're home but so sorry about your lung infection. I have been fighting off a cold. I think it's on it's way out the door. I enjoyed your answers this week. Hopefully in the areas you want to start working on (being spontaneous, cooking meals) you're able to do that.

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